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Isochrone OCX - Antelope Audio
N High Resolution Audio Clock Generator Www ante Isochrone OCX achieves the breakthrough clock stability by placing the quartz crystal in an isolated temperature controlled oven Constant temperature control of the crystal oscillator and a proprietary Jitter Management Module provide unprecedented sonic benefits Isocrone OCX takes the digital sound out of digital audio giving you the audio in its purest form whether connected to digital mixer Pro Tools sys |
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Antelope Zodiac+ Owner`s manual
G ntolopo Owners Manual ZODIAC HD Mastering 192kHz D A Converter f HD Mastering D A Con edia ZODIAC e ZODIAC HD Mastering 192 kHz D A Wandler Owner s Manual Contents 1 Safeiy Notes ia OR O thst nei ete NAT NOCNA 5 ZN TOUCH fosa a AW OE O La ar 6 3 Features aiw AA AA AAA AAA ip ad a ca d 7 4 IR NeDOX ss cc i a a a dna a da tt a dha da at d ati n e uta a ta na a a A 5 QUICK STAN ce sa opiu cepe iza a Oka O ae a ca al ae aia a odda d |
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Antelope Zodiac+ Owner`s manual
Antelope Owner s Manual AO BI NG Antelope ZODIAC God ZODIAC Gold 384kHz DAC Owner s Manual Contents Te Safety NOLS C ea d 5 2 INIT JUCUON ae o oana aaa azi ala a se Riga D ian ste ae alado ista 6 3 Features w 7 4 QUICK St lle ak CE 8 5 Front Panel Explained ui a Bea 9 6 Rear Panel ExXplained new acasa A a ut i CEER 11 7 Remote Control Unit nico IE |
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Antelope Eclipse 384 Owner`s manual
ntelope OWNERS MANUAL ECLIPSE 384 384kHz Stereo HD Mastering A D D A CCM Converter Clocking Monitor Controller Mastering AD DA Converter CLIPSE 64 bit Acc locking Acoustically Focused Cloc Antelope WWW ANTELOPEAUDIO COM Owner s Manual Contents T Satety v T 5 AEO O RE 6 I E EEE TE 7 RT e KG a e ec non 8 4 1 Quick Start for Analog Input Playback eee eee e 9 d 2 Ouckztoartiortuotallnputbl vback ss 9 4 5 QUICK Stal iil Al D Conversion sss |
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Antelope Isochrone OCX-V Specifications
FA Owners Manual um bidium Atomic WWW antelopeaudio com SAFETY NOTES To reduce the risk of electrical shocks fire and related hazards e Do notremove screws cover or cabinet There are no user serviceable parts inside Refer servicing to qualified service personnel e Donotexpose this device to rain moisture or spillover of liquid of any kind e Do notinsert foreign objects into the ventilation outlets of the cabinet Should any form of liqui |
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Antelope, une plate-forme de TAL permettant d`extraire les
UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT PARIS 7 Antelope une plate forme de TAL permettant d extraire les sens du texte Th orie et applications de l interface syntaxe s mantique THESE pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7 Discipline linguistique th orique descriptive et automatique pr sent e et soutenue publiquement le 25 septembre 2012 par Fran ois R gis CHAUMARTIN Membres du jury Pr sidente Laurence DANLOS Professeur d |
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Antelope 10M Owner`s manual
Antelope OWNERS MANUAL P E AFC CLOCKING TECHNOLOGY MASTERING AD DA CONVERTER CLOCK WWW ANTELOPEAUDIO COM Owner s Manual Contents Satety Notes n casal N E Malini AYALA nen A NEE 5 2 AIMMFODUCTION A NT E a 6 3 Features 7 4 Sr Front sPaneli Explained tiesto hiwils tans ladera od dees nd lie dba ill ade oh abl o dd 9 6 Rear PanelEXPIaIMed cia E R dete est ET Saeed eee eet ia 11 f Sottware Control Pael y occ rta Ada enui an aeeeeertee 12 |
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Database processing – Antelope based Version 2010.237
Database processing Antelope based Version 2010 237 Objective Generating a db visualizing the components of your db and what to do with it SUMMARY a Generate database seed2db v TA DATALESS TA DB miniseed2db TA DATA TA DB b Run dbdetect to execute STA LTA detectors on the waveforms can use the default dbdetect pf file dbdetect v arrivals pf dbdetect pf TA DB c Run ttgrid to make a grid file copy the ttgrid pf file to local directory and edit ttgrid pfttgrid |
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Antelope Zodiac+ Owner`s manual
ntalopo Owners Manual ZODIAC High Definition 192kHz D A Converter Owner s Manual Contents Te SaletyNOlES cita A i i te at d 7 A sea cacao i oases aa ea iad isa nea ea ale Da Rap iza pa E E ea meiul lata apa aia de 8 I HEALUNES orinal caerle Rod aaa pu a ea audiat ea depaete de 9 AS QUICK SIAM insesi oa ae caza ui a a ea aaa ii 10 S ErontPanelEXpIained uu e aaa en ODO Ea 11 6 RearPanel Explained ncira a tii 12 E AGVaNCed USEF TIPS cs css cos ceace ae ia a |
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10. |
Antelope Toolbox for Matlab: Version 1.1 User`s Manual and Tutorial
Antelope Toolbox for Matlab Version 1 1 User s Manual and Tutorial Kent Lindquist Lindquist Consulting Inc updated Aug 21 2009 Introduction This document describes an Antelope Software toolbox for Matlab Matlab is a product of Mathworks Inc Antelope is a product of Boulder Real Time technologies Inc Included in Antelope is the Datascope relational database system The major strengths of this Matlab toolbox include those of the Antelope package itself such a |
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