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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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S Medtronic vitatron MEDTRONIC CARELINK 2090 Programmatore Manuale di riferimento MEDTRONIC CARELINK 2090 Manuale di riferimento Guida alla configurazione e all uso del programmatore Medtronic CareLink 2090 L elenco seguente include marchi di fabbrica o marchi registrati della Medtronic negli Stati Uniti ed eventualmente in altri Paesi Tutti gli altri marchi di fabbrica sono di propriet dei rispettivi proprietari CareLink Jewel Marker Channel Medtronic |
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gt Medtronic MEDTRONIC CARELINK 2290 Analizador para dispositivos de Medtronic y Vitatron Manual de referencia del Analizador 0123 2001 Analizador 2290 Guia de referencia Gu a para la configuraci n y uso del Analizador 2290 La siguiente lista contiene marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de Medtronic en Estados Unidos y posiblemente en otros pa ses Todas las dem s marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios Jewel Mar |
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Stimulateur Cardiaque Consulta® CRT-P - Medtronic
gt Medtronic NOTIFICATION URGENTE DE SECURITE Stimulateurs Cardiaques Medtronic Consulta CRT P et Syncra CRT P Rappel 10 Juin 2013 R f rence Medtronic FA583 Cher Correspondant de mat riovigilance Medtronic a r cemment identifi un probl me sur un sous ensemble de stimulateurs cardiaques resynchronisateurs Consulta CRT P et Syncra CRT P survenu lors de la production Au 30 mai 2013 aucune d faillance ne nous avait t report e ou confirm e Cependa |
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Décembre 2006 Chère Madame, cher Monsieur, Medtronic s
Medtronic D cembre 2006 Ch re Madame cher Monsieur Medtronic s engage vous fournir ainsi qu vos patients des produits des services et un support continu de la plus haute qualit A ce titre nous ditons la note d information ci jointe afin de rappeler la pr paration du site et le placement correct de l lectrode de masse pour le syst me TUNA mod le 7900 PRECISION PLUS Cette note d information n est pas destin e aux utilisateurs du g n rateur |
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RELEASED - Medtronic Diabetes
MP6025676 2AF1 A EN Medtronic Glucos Sensor User Guide Guia del usuario del sensor de glucosa MP6025676 2AF1 A Introduction The Enlite glucose sensor sensor is part of your Continuous Glucose Monitoring System The sensor continuously converts tiny amounts of glucose from the fatty layer under your skin into an electronic signal Your system then uses these signals to provide sensor glucose values A Pedestal B Needle housing C Sensor D |
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5388 - Medtronic Manuals: Region
amp gt Medtronic 5388 Dual Chamber Temporary Pacemaker Technical Manual or on the order of a physician Caution Federal Law USA restricts this device to sale by 0123 MODEL 5388 Technical Manual Dual Chamber Temporary Pacemaker Symbols Explanation of symbols Consult instructions for use Type CF applied part e 5 Conformit Europ enne European Conformity This symbol means that the device fully complies with European Directive 93 42 EEC |
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Brief Medtronic
Medtronic Schweiz AG Route du Molliau 31 Postfach 84 CH 1131 Tolochenaz VD Medtroni ro c Tel 021 803 80 00 Fax 021 803 80 99 swisscontact medtronic com www medtronic com Maintenance Action corrective Ao t 2007 Blocage du moteur de la pompe SynchroMed EL d l usure de l arbre de transmission Mod les concern s 8626 10 8626L 10 8626 18 8626L 18 8621 10 8627L 10 8627 18 8627L 18 Vendus en Europe entre 1999 et 2005 Nous souhaitons vous communiq |
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Brochure Accesoires Medtronic 01
for use with the LIFEPAK 12 DEFIBRILLATOR MONITOR 1 0 i 7 Ml a al ann n EYNC nA nennoonr 1 fram D hunin Antrn Genuine accessories from Physio Control POWER OPTIONS for the LIFEPAK 12 DEFIBRILLATOR MONITOR Thank you for choosing Physio Control as your partner in helping you save lives and improve patient care You already know the LIFEPAK reputation for quality and reliabilit |
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Manuale Medtronic LP12
APPENDICE A SPECIFICHE TECNICHE E CARATTERISTICHE DI PRESTAZIONE Tabella A 1 Specifiche tecniche per il defibrillatore monitor LIFEPAK 12 Tabella A 2 Specifiche tecniche per adattatori di alimentazione CA e CC Tabella A 3 Specifiche tecniche per le batterie FASTPAK e LIFEPAK Tabella A 4 Caratteristiche di prestazione Defibrillatore Monitor LIFEPAK 12 Istruzioni Operative Febbraio 2001 Medtronic Physio Control Corp A 1 y 29ipuaddy Specifiche techiche e caratteristich |
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MAPS DBL: A14247-003 - Medtronic Manuals: Region
a gt Medtronic ENPULSE E2SR 01 03 06 Pacemaker monocamerale AAIR VVIR AAI VVI Guida per l impianto seguenti sono marchi della Medtronic EnPulse Medtronic Contenuto A N 10 11 12 13 Descrizione 5 Indicazioni 5 Controindicazioni 5 Avvertenze e precauzioni 6 4 1 Avvertenze 6 4 2 Precauzioni 6 Possibili effetti indesiderati 8 5 1 Possibili effetti indesiderati a carico del paziente 8 5 2 Possibili effetti indesiderati imputabili al dispos |
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Manuale tecnico - Medtronic Manuals: Region
gt Medtronic 5348 Pacemaker temporaneo monocamerale AAI VVI Manuale tecnico MEDTRONIC MODELLO 5348 Manuale tecnico Pacemaker temporaneo monocamerale ep piegazione dei simboli Consultare le istruzioni per l uso Parte applicata tipo CF Conformit Europ enne Conformit Europea Questo simbolo significa che il dispositivo conforme alla Direttiva Europea 93 42 CEE Non smaltire il prodotto insieme agli altri rifiuti solidi urbani Smaltirlo in |
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gt Medtronic vitatron MEDTRONIC CARELINKY 2090 Programador Manual de referencia CE 0123 0344 2001 2002 MEDTRONIC CARELINK9 2090 Manual de referencia Gu a para la configuraci n y uso del programador Medtronic CareLink 2090 La siguiente lista incluye marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Medtronic en los Estados Unidos y posiblemente en otros pa ses Todas las marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus propietarios respectivos CareLink Jewel Marker Cha |
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Paradigm® Veo™ - Medtronic Diabete Belgique
Paradigm Veo Manuel d utilisation 2008 Medtronic MiniMed Inc Tous droits r serv s Bolus Wizard CareLink Dual Wave Guardian MiniLink Paradigm Quick serter Quick set Silhouette Sof set et Square Wave sont des marques d pos es de Medtronic MiniMed Inc Easy Bolus Enlite et Veo sont des marques commerciales de Medtronic MiniMed Inc Energizer est une marque d pos e de Eveready Battery Company Glucagon Emergency Kit est une |
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6626-15 medtronic - revalida fecha vigencia de certificado
EY 2015 A O DEL BICENTENARIO DEL CONGRESO DE LOS PUEBLOS LIBRES e A PA A Kereta d Pili DISPOSICI N N 6 6 2 6 I F A ap toci n 0 Iustel tos ANMAT BUENOS AIRES 14 AGO 20 VISTO el Expediente NO 1 47 0000 1583 14 0 del Registro de esta Administraci n Nacional de Medicamentos Alimentos y Tecnolog a M dica ANMAT y CONSIDERANDO l Que por las presentes actuaciones la firma Medtronic Latin America Inc solicita la revalidaci n del Certifi |
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Empezando - Medtronic Diabetes
Medtronic APRENDER SOBRE EL PROGRAMA DE CARELINK PERSONAL Antes de empezar Qu es CareLink Qu necesito para empezar Porqu es CareLink til INICIO Registre su cuenta de CareLink Antes de cargar sus datos de CareLink Cargar sus datos con el medidor Bayer CONTOUR NEXT LINK Instrucciones para registrar usuarios de Windows Vista y Windows 7 8 Cargar sus datos usando el dispositivo CareLink USB Cargar sus datos del medidor con una Mac REP |
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mio - Medtronic Diabetes
Medtronic MIO INFUSION SET Infusion set Cath ter Infusionsset Eguipo de infusi n Infusieset Set di infusione Slangesett Infuusiosetti Infusionsset Infusionss t Conjunto de infus o Infuzijski set Infuzn set Inf zi s szerel k Zestaw infuzyjny nf zyon seti Inf zna sada 25 Front Avant K rpervorders |
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Empezando - Medtronic Diabetes
ADVERTENCIA La funci n Suspensi n limite har que la bomba suspenda temporalmente la administraci n de insulina durante dos horas cuando el sensor de glucosa alcance el umbral establecido Bajo ciertas condiciones de uso la bomba puede suspender la administraci n de insulina nuevamente ocasionando una administraci n de insulina limitada durante un periodo de cuatro horas La suspensi n prolongada puede aumentar el riesgo de hiperglu cemia grave cetosis y cetoacido |
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Quickset - Medtronic Diabetes
English Indications for use This product is indicated for the subcutaneous infusion of insulin from an infusion pump Contraindications Infusion sets are indicated for subcutaneous use only and not for intravenous IV infusion or the infusion of blood or blood products Warnings infusion set if the tubing connector needle has been damaged Store infusion sets in a cool dry place Do not leave infusion sets in direct sunlight or inside a vehicle U |
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Medtronic CGMS iPro User guide
Medtronic Getting Started with Continuous Glucose Monitoring Paradigm vel MINIMED Congratulations on your decision to use the MiniMed Paradigm REAL Time Revel System A solid understanding of Continuous Glucose Monitoring CGM basics is essential to your success Here s what well cover in this guide UNDERSTANDING CGM Glucose Readings Blood glucose BG meter and sensor glucose readings come from similar but different places in you |
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Medtronic Open Pivot™
sb Medtronic Medtronic Open Pivot TM Aortic Valved Graft Proth se valv e aortique Aortenklappe mit Conduit Conducto valvulado a rtico Aortaklepprothese Protesi aortica valvolata Graft med aortaklaff Aortakompositgraft Proteza aortalna z zastawka Enxerto valvulado a rtico Graft s aort ln chlopn billenty s aortaimplant tum Instructions for Use Mode d emploi Gebrauchsanweisung Instrucciones de uso |
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