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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Ladibug 3.0-UserManual-German-2015-0204
Ladibug 3 0 Software immagini Document Camera Manuale d uso Italiano Lumens Indice 1 Introduzione susino np 3 Requisiti di SISI MAr einen peo er 3 ITS ea eT Ee LIE RE T E T RA 4 d 1 Installare GOn Windows VISIA Z 8 ee 4 32 WSU RO COM MA irrigare 6 Connessione all hardware 8 Iniziare a usare LadibugM cece ccc eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeseeseeseeseeseeseees 8 5 1 Usare il cavo USB per collegare la fotocamera a |
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2. |
Ladibug 2.0 Software de Imagem para a Câmara de
Ladibug 2 0 Software de Imagem para a Camara de Documento Manual do Utilizador Te GO UN AO jairo anceps pcre tee clone mesic fecal eta ae nse ace nt memantine ee ome 2 2 IREQUISILOS GO SISTEMA aiacdetccuinvecsadunavicsannicisanunatiedveaneae nde a a 2 3 Instala o de Ladibug sese 3 4 LIGA O dO NAWA E seasea AREAN 8 9 INICAr a UtNZaACAG GO Klarisse A vraa A NTA 8 6 Descri o da Interface de Opera o cesse ee eee 9 Silt MOA O aa oiro Sado E A RRDRAS C |
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3. |
Ladibug iOS Document Camera Image Software User Manual
Ladibug iOS Document Camera Image Software User Manual English Lumens Table of Contents 1 PT OQU COU pevineiz ramen severe atacecpnnamietaeaianinraniantaieskeinddeniannaiacnernaneaaneetenn 2 2 Device REQUIFEMENNS cccccccscccsseccesseecesseecsscecesseeecessecesseecesseecsseeecsaeecetaeeesteeeesatees 2 3 Install Ladibug ooo ccc cccseccseccsseecsecesseecseeceseccssesesecessecesecessecesescssecesesenseseeeeseeenes 2 4 Start to Use Ladibug ooo cc |
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4. |
Ladibug Chrome Document Camera Image Software User Manual
Ladibug Chrome Document Camera Image Software User Manual English Lumens Table of Contents Te MARPOGUIGTIO Foe seccsecnecasacasarssarancsnsec E E E ceeasnenen aececeee 2 2 VSEM PAC OUIN CANS PNG sececcee nce cvnceeserecensacsasecuacteanccaniacageosaesi ERE R E TEE EE A i 2 S AAGU LL E E E ee ne ee eee 2 4 CONNECTION to the Hardwase ceccccecccssccceececeeeetee cece eeceueeceueeseueeseeeeseeceseeeeseceseeeseeesees 3 Ds Kobe TO WISE E oT e ara E E gesagt E |
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5. |
Ladibug Software de Imagem para o Document Camera Manual do
Ladibug Software de Imagem para o Document Camera Manual do Utilizador md ou w Y Indice LOCU O arasa E i 2 Requisito do Sistema a sesoeessensrernerrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrererrerrn 2 Instalar Ladibug usaram ns deniad Dan ADE AAA DD da 3 Iniciar a utiliza o do Ladibug 5 IPEF TO aaa E ES 6 de MENU PENCIDAL pececie iee 6 5 2 Defini es da C mara s senessneenenrrrrerrernrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrererrn T Io ODC A E RR 8 2 4 Interv |
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6. |
Ladibug User Manual
Ladibug Visual Presenter Image Software User Manual et a ae IP Contents are ni 2 System requirement o WWW mma 2 Wr Pe Pee la E An An an 3 CONNECCION na teens 5 SOUSSE bare 61 ra 5 OPa eee Cree amen ne ee ere ne eee eee ee eee eee 6 CA aa Me ese coins toate A Pameieateaetoae ant 6 6 2 ANNOIAUON IO01 See ea aa aa aka aa an 7 6 3 Camera Settings oo oooWoWoW oo WWW Wa 8 CA ON Oa na nan Banana 9 Bo ea ee el an aa N 10 DSSCHPUONS OT PUN |
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7. |
3. Instalar Ladibug
Ladibug Software de Imagem para o Apresentador Virtual Manual do Utilizador oe OY e O IN Indice IM OCU CAG ort RR O vastuecsdoouter sen seetduaccoenaen 2 REQUISHO JO SISICIN a ais nisto saia ba EE 2 Instalar Ladibug mina gesiio ias end ias si andas asa aii 3 Elfo te o DEE NDT eee DR AR US RD DE 6 Iniciar a utiliza o do Ladibug M erre 7 Bo tz O Sete ree ee NA mere tet Renee ern ener ene nN teeny RR nee 8 OS MeENUPRACIDAl sissen EE 8 62 Ferramenta |
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8. |
Ladibug 3.0 Logiciel d`image de Camera document
Ladibug 3 0 Logiciel d image de Camera document Manuel de l utilisateur Fran ais Lumens Table des Matieres 1 OCTO EEEE EEAO EE EEEE EEEE EE 3 Exigences du syst me 1 0 cccceccceececeeeceeeeceeeeeeeeceeeeseeeseueeseeeseueeaaeeseuetseesaeees 3 IS ES LIST LAC 0 LE Rs 4 3 1 Installer AVEC WINDOWS VISTA 7 8 ends ssen E E E 4 9 2 POUF INSANIe VCC MAG eat ee de do dead dou cou 6 Connexion au mat riel iii 8 Commencer utiliser Ladibug M 8 5 1 Ut |
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9. |
Ladibug 2.0 Document Camera Image Software User Manual
2 0 Document Camera Image Software User Manual Table of contents CONN 2 2 CHRIS IAM In 2 WS Tem LAGU 3 ware eee ep ire et EEN 3 4 CONNECtion to the |
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10. |
3. Install Ladibug
Ladibug Document Camera Image Software User Manual Or ef 2 WN MEOQUCUON Boa 2 System requirement aaa 2 STAN See elle AAA 3 Start to use Ladibug Nar 5 Opera na 6 S1 asia anna rbu nana an 6 5 2 Camera SettingS oWoooo oo oom 7 OOS me naa Ka Ane 8 5 4 EEEREN ENA ENE 9 Descriptions Of FUNnCHHONS assa 10 6 1 Start the Document Camera rss 10 6 2 would like to display a live image oo 10 6 3 would like to optimize the image ss 10 6 4 would like t |
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11. |
Ladibug 2.0 Logiciel de présentation visuel d`image
Ladibug 2 0 Logiciel de pr sentation visuel d image Manuel de l utilisateur Fran ais DORE a MON SS 8 Table des Matieres IR POOLIC DONS ee remem e er ret ee tart cer a une 2 SDSCMCALONS GU SY SCI G Se nee ae nee eee 2 Hstaler LadiDUg M somia wetaser ai 3 CONNEXION AU malere hess a baee esate le 5 Commencer utiliser Ladibug M 5 Description d interface d op ration sisi 6 6 1 InFOQUCtIOn d Cran Oe IOGICICN isusu EET 6 6 2 Onglet Fen tre d imag |
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12. |
Ladibug Document Camera Manuel de l`Utilisateur de
Ladibug Document Camera Manuel de l Utilisateur de Logiciel d image at m PUR Table des mati res MOO CUON a E aa Exigences du Syst me Installer Ladibug Commencer utiliser Ladibug M ODA ORS a JL Menu DTINCIDALE Eine si eee unes posant Eea 5 2 Configurations de Cam ra Io ODU PE EE PER RE TT 0 4 LAPS de LEMPDS Sn enina essence sastcers secte Descriptions des Fonctions sesosesseenersrrrrrrrrennrrren 10 6 |
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13. |
Ladibug 3.0 Software de Imagem para a Câmara de
Ladibug 3 0 Software de Imagem para a C mara de Documento Manual do Utilizador Portugu s Europeu Lumens s WAU OCU CAG rapes iara esc a sad Ud ii 3 Requisitos do Sistema ee 3 Instalar Ladibug erre rear rear arara 4 Oo JSP COM WVIMNG OWS VISIO 70 cdc ccersctracececesececoctractacceranserntcoannss trace sunceendcesereateacesece 4 do INSANO Oe ne eee 6 Liga o ao Hardware eee eee ee ee ee 8 Iniciar a utiliza o do Lad |
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14. |
Ladibug 3.0 Document Camera Image Software User Manual
Ladibug 3 0 Document Camera Image Software User Manual English Lumens Table of Contents 1 WC POCIIG HOU ers cera e EE eE EERE EEIE e EE TE I EE 3 System Requirements ccccccecceeccecceeeceeeceeceecueceeecueceeecuesaueceeeeeeseeeeeesanes 3 HS CADU A eren EE EEE E EEEE EE EEE ENEE ENE 4 3 1 Install with Windows Vista 7 8 10 cccccceccceeeeseeeceeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeeeaeeeseeeseeeeseeeseeeeaeeens 4 Se cecile igh Cs tet E 6 Connection to the Hardwar |
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15. |
Ladibug iOS Document Camera Image Software User Manual
Ladibug iOS Document Camera Image Software User Manual English Lumens Table of Contents M MMPOG CUO MER 2 2 WEVICS COMIC ICING assets epu iar ea MIR UR ee rainier eaii 2 I STN aac 2 4 Slan TO Se ee e 3 5 Operation Interface Description ccccccccccsececeeeeceeeeeeeeseeeeseeseeesaeeeseeeeaees 5 5 1 Software screen introduction Camera esseeessssseseeeee nennen 5 5 2 Software screen i |
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16. |
Ladibug™ Logiciel de presentation visuel d`image Manuel
Ladibug Logiciel de presentation visuel d image Manuel de l Utilisateur oe OY eee IN Table des matieres OO OR A EE E 2 EXIG NESS CUS VSIO MARS ea AAN 2 installer Ladibug M PEER E A EEE AEA 3 CONGO aan i 6 Commencer utiliser Ladibug 0 0 eeccceeceeeeeeeceeeeceeeeeeeeeseeeeneaes 7 DPOF OS E 8 OT Menu PNNCIDA RER 8 62 OUTS danno aO Nse E 9 6 3 Configurations de CAM RA rate esmreorccn 10 0E ODIO e E E ous 12 CS IAS Cle ENO eE E A 13 Descriptions de |
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17. |
Ladibug 2.0 Logiciel d`image de Camera document
Ladibug 2 0 Logiciel d image de Camera document Manuel de l Utilisateur Se aS SY Table des matieres OC OA eaters eee te ate oes SV SLCIMES SHC CITICAION S vateudscncsan canted ans de na db aies dima ne eee teens anis stalan OU AQIDU M an semestre ere Connexion AU Mat riel ccc ccc cece ccc cc eccccccccccceuccuececucucuuuccuevecueusuuuccueueuueuuuuneauenennes Commencer a Utiliser Ladibug M sensation nee ramener ions Description d interface d |
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