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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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CT-NM Field Safety Notification (FSN)
Notification de s curit produit D H i LI PS Philips Healthcare Tomodensitom trie 1 2 FSN 72800547 Octobre 2011 URGENT Notice corrective de mat riel m dical Ingenuity CT Protub rance tranchante sur le rail de la table d examen susceptible de blesser le patient ou d endommager les tubulures du patient Madame Monsieur Un probl me a t d tect sur le syst me Philips Ingenuity CT Ce probl me s il devait se reproduire pourrait pr senter un risque |
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Viking Mass Notification user manual
2007 Campus Security Products Mass Notification Alarm Dialers Emergency Phones Access Control Manufactured in the USA American Technical Support Iff H TflP A Call TABLE OF CONTENTS Viking Electronics Inc MASS NOTIFICATION ALARM DIALERS 3 EMERGENCY ELEVATOR PHONES 4 5 EMERGENCY PHONE ENHANCEMENTS 6 ACCESS CONTROL DOOR ENTRY 7 10 OUTDOOR ENCLOSURES 11 How to Contact Us Information 715 |
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2012 Annual Customer Notification
2012 Annual Customer Notification Charter Communications Charter is required by applicable cable television law to provide you with an annual notice of our TV products and services and associated conditions for service If you have any questions about this notice or about Charter s cable and non cable services or policies please contact Charter Customer Service or go to our website at charter com How to Reach Us Charter Communications 888 GET CHARTER Toll Free Phon |
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Notification de sécurité produit
PHILIPS Notification de s curit produit D H LI PS Philips Healthcare Soins respiratoires en milieu hospitalier 1 4 GSSI FSN86600003B Juin 2013 URGENT Notification de s curit produit Ventilateur Respironics V60 Circuit imprim PCBA de gestion de l alimentation PM Mise jour du logiciel PIC Madame Monsieur Respironics California Inc division de Philips Healthcare a pris l initiative de lancer un programme d action sur site obligatoire pour |
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Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) User Manual
Cosmetic Products Notification Portal CPNP User Manual for the Notification of Cosmetic Products Containing Nanomaterials Table of Contents A nts sued erica eaeeenacee tector yueansenas 1 1 CREATE A NOTIFICATION OF A PRODUCT CONTAINING NANOMATERIAL Saro 5 AA EG 6 12 IDENTPIGATION iosscoperss roporasdnioonop pornp e T TT TO TNES 6 aro EIA TON eee nee ee E oi io ttabias 9 2 Puimay Darlici IZ isis 10 22 SeECOMOaly Parce SIZE a is a a e 10 MM das 11 2 A Slnmace CNAFA |
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Notification Urgente de Sécurité Générateurs d`Ablation RF Multi
Medtronic Suisse SA Talstrasse 9 Case postale 449 CH 3053 M nchenbuchsee Medtronic Sead Tel 41 31 868 01 00 Fax 41 31 868 01 99 swisscontact medtronic com www medtronic ch Notification Urgente de S curit G n rateurs d Ablation RF Multi Canaux Medtronic mod le 990018 Version logicielle 12 2 14 0 14 4 Medtronic r f FA512 Mai 2011 Cher Docteur Par la pr sente nous souhaitons vous informer que Medtronic modifie le manuel op rateur des g n |
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Electronic message sorting and notification system
a United States Patent Helfman et al US006396513B1 US 6 396 513 B1 May 28 2002 10 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SORTING AND NOTIFICATION SYSTEM 75 Inventors Jonathan Isaac Helfman Gillette NJ US Charles Lee Isbell Cambridge MA US 73 Assignee AT amp T Corp New York NY US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U S C 154 b by 0 days 21 Appl No |
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8. |
Product Safety Notification 5309527-1FR Rev 1
GE Healthcare S curit produit GE Healthcare 3000 N Grandview Blvd Waukesha WI 53188 USA Avril 2008 Administrateurs d h pitaux Chefs de service de Radiologie Cardiologie Radiologues Cardiologues Objet Dispositif sensible la pression PSD GE Healthcare s est r cemment aper u qu une pression excessive exerc e par le dispositif sensible la pression du collimateur de l Infinia pourrait faire courir un risque aux patients Veuillez vous assurer q |
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I - La notification : - Délégation Normandie
il Les notifications et les r partitions de cr dits sur XLAB sont les modules permettant d alimenter respectivement les origines de cr dits et les entit s d pensi res de la base en cr dits L La notification Cette fonction permet d enregistrer les notifications ou attributions de cr dits des organismes de tutelles re ues au laboratoire sur les origines de cr dits d XLAB La notification de cr dit n est possible que sur une origine de cr dit de niveau |
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Guidance on Classification and Labelling Notification
RECHA European Chemicals Agency Practical guide 7 How to notify substances in the Classification and Labelling Inventory LEGAL NOTICE The information contained in this practical guide does not constitute legal advice and does not necessarily represent in legal terms the official position of the European Chemicals Agency The European Chemicals Agency does not accept any liability with regard to the contents of this document Practical guide 7 How to Notify Substance |
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Flynet Viewer Taskbar Notification Icon Setup
User s How To Guide Flynet Viewer Taskbar Notification Icon Setup 2009 2013 WildTower Solutions Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 oN N OO oa PF NN DY a Introduction Overview Steps to Configure Startup for the Taskbar Tray Icons Open Windows Task Scheduler Create Task General Tab for New Task Triggers Tab for the New Task Actions tab for the new Task Save the new Task On next restart Vista Only Prevent Logon Run as installed Introduction 1 |
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URGENT – Notification de sécurité produit Valeur
Philips Medical Systems DXR Syst me de gestion de la qualit DXR Notification de s curit produit DXR 1 2 FSN MA FCO 70900026 F vrier 2015 URGENT Notification de s curit produit Juno DRF Valeur d pass e de 10 r ntgens sans signal sonore Madame Monsieur Pour r pondre au souci permanent de Philips en mati re de fiabilit et de s curit nous valuons de fa on continue les performances de nos produits Au cours des derni res valuations du syst |
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ICDC zOS Notifications
InfoSphere CDC for z OS Version 6 5 Notifications Many mainframe clients use automation software to detect and respond to console messages or to notify the appropriate person when events occur that require attention InfoSphere CDC for z OS provides two methods to configure messages issued by the product to also be issued to the console 1 2 Notifications in Management Console This method provides for all messages in a category to be sent to the system console Fata |
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Notification to NGOs and IGOs - SB 36
V C V United Nations Nations Unies LA Climate Change Secretariat Secr tariat sur les changements climatiques ee Executive Secretary Secr taire ex cutive Date 21 February 2012 Reference CAS SBs OBS FEB 12 Page 1 of 6 NOTIFICATION United Nations Climate Change Conference Bonn 8 14 to 25 May 2012 I wish to notify all intergovernmental organizations IGOs and non governmental organizations NGOs admitted as observers by the Conference of the Parties at its previous sess |
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Event notification system and method
a2 United States Patent Taylor et al US008037212B2 US 8 037 212 B2 Oct 11 2011 10 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 75 73 p Q1 Q2 65 60 51 52 58 56 EVENT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD Inventors Paulo Taylor Amsterdam NL Jan Joost Rueb Amsterdam NL Onno Bakker Amsterdam NL Assignee Notice Appl No Filed eBuddy Holding B V Amsterdam NL Subject to any disclaimer the |
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Notification de sécurité produit URGENT – Notice
Notification de s curit produit D ps Tomodensitom trie 1 2 FSN 88100008 F vrier 2013 Philips Healthcare URGENT Notice corrective de mat riel m dical IntelliSpace Portal version 4 0 2 Un probl me logiciel peut entra ner une erreur de diagnostic lors de l utilisation de la configuration PACS integration par URL Madame Monsieur Un probl me susceptible de pr senter un risque pour le patient a t identifi sur le syst me IntelliSpace Portal qu |
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18.156_En_Safety Notification_No.5_2011
Safety Notification No 05 2011 NRGUS GODAN Consignee Hospitals clinics medical practices end users and technical services Product Syringe pump A600S Subject Configuration settings address 43 Syringe clamp diameter outside control Date October 2011 Sender CODAN ARGUS AG Enclosure CH 6340 Baar App to 18 156 Safety instructions Dear valued customer Please forward the following information to all responsible staff within your organisation Description o |
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Medical Device Notification
Medical Device Notification Subject TotalCare Bariatric Bed Potential Bed Instability When Applying Lateral Forces During Patient Turning FSCA identifier Mod 478 Type of action Device Modification Date To Chief Executive Facility Administrator Facility Engineer Vigilance Manager Biomedical Engineering Medical Device Liaison Officer Affected Devices Models TotalCare Bariatric Bed P1830 TotalCare Bariatric Plus Therapy System P1840 Range of seri |
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Notification de sécurité produit
Notification de s curit produit PHILIPS 1 4 FSN 05 2015 A URGENT Notification de s curit produit Utilisation d appareils de ventilation auto asservie ASV sur des patients pr sentant une insuffisance cardiaque chronique symptomatique NYHA 2 4 et une FEVG r duite lt 45 AINSI qu une apn e centrale du sommeil mod r e s v re BiPAP autoSV Advanced System One s rie 60 30 cm BiPAP autoSV Advanced System One s rie 60 BiPAP autoSV A |
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URGENT – Notification de sécurité produit
Philips Healthcare PH f LI PS Connected Care Solutions 1 4 FSN86201621A Janvier 2015 URGENT Notification de s curit produit Centre d information Philips IntelliVue PIIC iX La fonction d alarme Sp02 et ou de Pression non invasive PNI peut se d sactiver sans que l utilisateur en soit averti visuellement Madame Monsieur Un probl me susceptible de pr senter un risque pour les patients a t d tect sur le syst me PIIC iX r visions A 00 A 01 et A |
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