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Soil &Turf Insect Control
7099070 insecticide s oz 473 mo HORTALIZAS Mezcle la cantidad de producto que se especifica en la siguiente tabla en 1 gal n de agua para cubrir 1 000 pies cuadrados de huerto Aplique seg n sea necesario para lograr una cobertura uniforme INSECTOS NOCIVOS Esp rragos antes de la cosecha despu s de la esp rrago escarabajos japon cosecha escarabajos del esparrago gusanos cortadores etapa larval de los escarabajos del hinches ligos insectos de |
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Hudson Industries Insect Control Equipment 62691 User Guide
hudsin SPRAYERS and DUSTERS FOG PROPANE INSECT FOGGER Instruction Manual IMPORTANT Read this manual all the way through before trying to use fogger for the first time If you do not understand something please call the number below Hudson Model 62691 H D HUDSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Hastings MN 55033 1142 1 800 9 SPRAYER 1 800 977 7293 Consumer Care Line 24 hours a day 7 days a week www hdhudson com LETS GET STARTED Get familiar wit |
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Y COPLA Professional Pest Management L MINAS ATRAPAINSECTOS Atrae y elimina las plagas de invernadero inclusive el pulg n la mosca blanca y las moscas enanas entre otras Las trampas reflejan la luz en una longitud de onda que los insectos de invernadero encuentran Irresistible Las trampas no son venenosas y traba jan continuamente reduciendo la necesidad de fumi o EN gaciones y proporcionando un monitor visible del Sun aumento de poblaci n de plagas MO |
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Match 50 EC Concentrado Emulsionable Insecticidas de
Match 50 EC Concentrado Emulsionable Insecticidas de Uso Agr cola Registro de Venta 2285 NO INFLAMABLE p PRINCIPALES CARACTER STICAS Y BENEFICIOS CARACTER STICAS BENEFICIOS Acci n prolongada debida a la estructura de la mol cula Mayor tiempo de control Match 50 EC es el m s r pido de los inhibidores de la R pida acci n sobre los insectos plagas evitando s ntesis de quitina mayores da os al cultivo Respeta la fauna ben fica por su escasa acci n de |
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InsectSelect BSD System with pIB/V5-His
invitrogen InsectSelect BSD System For Stable Expression of Heterologous Proteins in Lepidopteran Insect Cell Lines using pIB V5 His Catalog nos K820 01 K825 01 V8020 01 Version I 07 October 2008 25 0330 Table of Contents Kit Contents nd Storage un ekegren iv Accessory Products ii AAA AS A NR vi L Balana a Lie aTa a A E EE AET E E A E E 1 OVERVIEW Je aS 1 Methods remesererersrsrsrnrnenenensrsrsenenenenensssrsenenenensnnensssssenenenenenesessenenenen |
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French Nous vous conseillons de lire ces indications attentivement et de les conserver pour une ventuelle future consultation EXOCUTOR Parmi la marque Insect O Cutor pour le contr le des insectes volants Exocutor est un destructeur d insectes volants professionnel et polyvalent qui utilise des tubes UV de haute efficacit Exocutor est disponible en 16w 30w 40w et 80w en finition inox ou blanc laqu pour une installation murale suspendue ou pos e KIT DE |
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Spirit Insect Control Equipment XR425 User Guide
OWNER S MANUAL PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE OPERA TING YOUR NEW BIKE Table of Contents Product Registration 2 Important Safety Instructions 3 Important Electrical Information 4 Important Operation Instructions 4 Assembly Instructions 5 Features 12 Operation of Your New Bike 13 Manufacturer s Limited Warranty 25 ATTENTION THIS bike is intended for residential use only and IS WARRANTED FOR THAT APPLICATION ANY OTHER A |
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Características PROTEGINAL® es un insecticida
Proteginal Caracter sticas PROTEGINALO es un insecticida piretroide que posee una toxicidad moderada en mam feros A su r pida acci n se suma su alto poder de desalojo y una excelente residualidad dependiente de la dosis y de la superficie tratada PROTEGINALO es un insecticida de amplio espectro de control act a sobre insectos voladores mosquitos moscas t banos avispas polillas etc y rastreros cucarachas vinchucas chinches hormigas pulgas piojos |
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Blue Rhino Insect Control Equipment CPSV003589 User Guide
Owner s Manual Model CPSV003589 SV 2000A DO NOT RETURN TO STORE THIS PRODUCT IS UNDER MANUFACTURER S WARRANTY CALL 1 888 753 7137 FOR ASSISTANCE SV2000A QM 102 EF While information in this manual is based on the latest information available at the time of publication we reserve the right to change it at any time without notice Save these instructions for future reference If you are assembling this unit for someone else give this manual to him or her to rea |
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Ultratec Insect Control Equipment PFI-9D user manual
Power Fogger Industrial Line and PFI w LSG Operator s Manual ultrcfcec special effects inc www ultratecfx com VER 30 10 10 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Microprocessor Control 3 Water Base Fog Technology 3 Warning 3 Important Safety Instructions 3 Safety Precautions 3 PFI Technical Specifications 4 PFI Technical Drawings 4 Power Fogger Industrial 4 Power Fogger Industrial 9D 5 LSG w PFI Technical Drawings 6 LSG PFI System on a Cart 6 L |
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FDS Reach453_2010_InsectcdcontraCucarachas y hormigas
150 22776 Se ANS LA FABRICA DE X AmA AmA AmA PERFUMER A Y COSM TICOS Q rom S Q UD umy LL INSECTICIDAS Y AMBIENTADORES odo o Oy SS NYZ TM FeO mm Cano PRODUCTOS DE LIMPIEZA SS C I F A 30014047 Intertek Intertek Intertek FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD Seg n Reglamento UE 453 2010 que modifica el Reglamento CE n 1907 2006 REACH Fecha de Emisi n Noviembre 2012 Rev 03 Fecha de Revisi n Junio 2015 CUCARACHICIDA ARRIXACA SEC |
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9 MONTHS German Roach Control on non porous surfaces Mata 47 insectos indicados FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE Para usar en espacios interiores y exteriores 7 Centipedes 17 14352 a amp d Fleas Ticks Mosquitoes INING Sin olor No mancha ACTIVE INGREDIENT KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN D Ke IT 0 02 Deltamethrin OUER NEREDIENIS S 99 98 See back booklet for additional CAUTIO precautionary statements 1 |
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Flower & Vegetable Insect Spray
72778 0 5 105 0 02 55 |
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Flowtron Outdoor Products Insect Control Equipment MT-350 User Guide
WARRANTY Flowtron warrants your Mosquito PowerTrap to be free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and service for one year from date of original purchase All parts which are defective will be replaced free of charge Any implied warranties including the implied warranty of merchantability are also limited in duration to the one year period from the original purchase date The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to any product which as been subject to m |
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Mata Insectos Voladores y Rastreros
51 00 185 5 7 1 58 |
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INSECTICIDA R-V. F.T. 01-10-14
150 9001 ssiberquim INSECTICIDA R V USO INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA EXCLUSIVAMENTE PERSONAL ESPECIALIZADO Insecticida de Amplio espectro contra rastreros Industrias Alimentarias M TODO Y DOSIS DE APLICACI N gt Pulverizar el producto tal cual sobre las zonas a tratar exentas de alimentos N MERO Y RITMO DE APLICACIONES gt Como mantenimiento preventivo se aconseja llevar a cabo las operaciones cada 2 semanas Las fumigaciones se llevar n a cabo en ausencia |
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Antari Lighting and Effects Insect Control Equipment B-100(X) User Guide
User Manual for the B 100 X Bubble Machine CONFOPIHS TO ANSI UL CEfiTIFlEO TO CAN CSA STO 022 2 Not 04 fa AUS CAN CH EUR JPN USa gt t larific l Save and read these instructions Bitte lesen Sie und sichern Sie diese Anweisungen Lisez et Gardez ces instructions 2007 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd 1 Antari Bubble Machine Thank you for choosing the Antari Bubble Machine You now own a rugged and powerful state of the art machine |
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titan antiinsectos
TITAN ANTIINSECTOS Pintura Pl stica Interiores Mate 0x0 DERIK D DESCRIPCION Pintura pl stica blanca monocapa para interiores de alta calidad que proporciona una eficaz protecci n contra cucarachas moscas mosquitos y caros seg n los ensayos biol gicos realizados por laboratorios homologados El leve olor del insecticida desaparece al secar la pintura pudiendo ser utilizada en ambientes como residencias particulares colegios hospitales hoteles bares |
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For Outdoor Residential Use Only 3 1N 1 INSECT DISEASE CONTROL Me OY 801 Control de insectosy m enfermedades con fertilizante Kills Insects on Contact Triple Action Formula e Protects Plants Provides Nutrients Perfect for roses flowers houseplants amp ornamental shrubs For terms of guarantee see back panel 0 2 0 2 0 2 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN y 2 Active Ingredients TIO See back booklet for additional TOUSE Myclobutanil |
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INSECTICIDA NATURAL NEEM FICHA T CNICA 70515 oo INTRODUCCI N INSECTICIDA NATURAL NEEM se trata de un formulado insecticida natural de origen vegetal a base de azadirectina La azadirectina se extrae de las semillas de la planta Azadirachta indica rbol del Neem y posee acci n contra insectos y caros afectando a los estadios larvarios y pupales Act a por contacto e ingesti n interfiriendo en los procesos de muda de los insectos y caros provocando |
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