PLICER - Expoquimica, SL Productos Químicos para Hostelería


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1. PLICER - Expoquimica, SL Productos Químicos para Hostelería

EXPO QUIM P L l C E R Fecha 14 07 2009 Revisi n 0 PULIDOR DE ACERO INOXIDABLE Y ALUMINIO DESCRIPCION DEL PRODUCTO Mezcla de cidos inorg nicos tensioactivos humectantes e inhibidores de corrosi n Pule y limpia el acero inoxidable los cromados y el aluminio sin necesidad de rascar ni frotar PROPIEDADES e Elimina manchas de humo xidos blancos y otras suciedades con gran rapidez y eficacia e Act a adem s como tensioactivo sobre manchas de grasa polvo etc

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5. FITEL-Fusion-Splicer-Catalog

A Furukawa Company IBddins FITEL Fusion Splicers amp Tools Catalog www ofsoptics com Volume 1 Ke FUSION SPLICERS FUSION SPLICERS FOR OPTICAL FIBER Optical fiber plays a critical role in today s communication networks from telecommunications to CATV to data Furukawa is a major manufacturer and provider of high quality optical fiber and fiber optic products This includes a complete line of fusion splicers that produce highly accurate reliable splices

User Manual MW5200 M FIBER FUSION SPLIC MW5200 M User Manual MW5200 M Contents 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 Jl J2 Ja 5 4 6 La Routine maintenance User Manual MW5200 M IVA ES ANOS essare E E 33 LEi E T IA E E S A A E 38 EE OUE eree E T 40 DL AUIS e E E E E 43 Information E eE Replacing electrode Electrode aging 0000008 Software upgrade Co
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USERS MANUAL EasySplicer Table of contents WMNEO GUC HO Mist seca debut oh esac dette sania sail od Sacra ek deta bel ok eco dail aes del a eral ddl tn 3 Da E Sameer ee A ec N ee eee ee E eer 3 HAN 0 0 iCaNO Naon OR RnR SRA ERE een nemo Si Sen OER SORE een ne OTS geen ene ee mre ren eee 3 FaSy SO peer COMIPOMC NIG aira aE A yuna aes een an ae eee eens ee eee 3 Pao nee ae ne ERE ene ee eo Eee EERE Cn Lee Penn en ee OEM eT E Rene EEN at er NIETO Uo an AteMea reer 4 1B Ve

Users Manual FUSION SPLICER l ERICSSON 63TB011 Table of Contents A IMOrmalO N e e a E E 3 A E S E E E rar 4 BASIC OPERATION A E 5 So E E en enn eau eae ar eer eaters 6 PLOMO 7 A a a a 8 solela o Enea ere tne Penne enn a See ee ee 10 SDC CAP VOlE CON seen 13 ADVANCED FUNCTIONS 4 15 SPICI NOGA NSiessn a 15 Editing Splicing Programs pp 17 WSCHO o 18 Seting WISE OpIONS aee arte encase 19 A A A 20 Accessories and Orde
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72 an SOUDEUSE OPTIQUE AV6471 ABSYS S A Tel 01 69 63 26 36 Fax 01 69 63 26 37 91460 Marcoussis ventes absysfrance com www absysfrance com L AV6471 est une soudeuse optique avec une toute nouvelle architecture Elle poss de des fonctions utiles et des pertes de fusion tres faibles elle est tres efficace pour les soudures de r seaux longue distance et FTTx L gere et compacte elle est facile a utiliser m me dans des espaces confin s Le nouveau systeme d imag

Hille 2006 VOLUME 4 FURUKAWA www FurukawaAmerica com TEL 1 770 487 1234 IL _ ERS FOR OPTICAL FIBER FUSION SPLI Optical fiber plays a critical role in today s communication networks from telecommunications to CATV to data Furukawa is a major manufacturer and provider of high quality optical fiber and fiber optic products This includes a complete line of fusion splicers that produce highly accurate reliable splices with minimal loss Furukawa
11. PLICER - Expoquimica, SL Productos Químicos para Hostelería

EXPO QUIM P L l C E R Fecha 14 07 2009 Revisi n 0 PULIDOR DE ACERO INOXIDABLE Y ALUMINIO DESCRIPCION DEL PRODUCTO Mezcla de cidos inorg nicos tensioactivos humectantes e inhibidores de corrosi n Pule y limpia el acero inoxidable los cromados y el aluminio sin necesidad de rascar ni frotar PROPIEDADES e Elimina manchas de humo xidos blancos y otras suciedades con gran rapidez y eficacia e Act a adem s como tensioactivo sobre manchas de grasa polvo etc
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SUPER COUGAR CORE ALIGNMENT FUSION SPLICER INSTRUCTION MANUAL Please read through this manual completely before its first use 1 800 5000 FIS 347 fiberinstrumentsales com TABLE OF CONTENTS I For Your Safety Il Specifications and Components 1 Specifications 2 Components 3 Requirments for splicing III Product Description 1 External appearance of SUPER COUGAR 2 Arc fusion splicing assembly IV Operation 1 Supplying power V Menu Descrip
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2 Fiberer L Fiberer Global Tech Ltd NO 1 Service NO 1 Quality Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer User Manual Tel 86 755 21910661 Fax 86 755 33229601 www fiberer com sales fiberer com ag Fiberer T 6 1 6 2 6 2 1 6 2 2 6 2 3 6 2 4 6 3 6 3 1 6 3 2 6 3 3 6 3 4 6 3 5 6 3 6 6 4 6 5 6 5 1 6 5 2 6 5 3 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 4 1 Fiberer Global Tech Ltd NO 1 Service NO 1 Quality Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer User Manual General information
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YOUXIN www youfibercable com FSP 100 Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer User Manual Ningbo Youxin Optic Electronic Technology Co LTD YOUXIN www youfibercable com Warning ignore the warning non proper use of fusion splicer could lead to fatal and serious injury l The input voltage of this model of Fusion Splicer is definite please do not use the voltage outside the scope Please use the correct AC and DC power supply When the fusion splicer comes across
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Economical Solution for Integrated Fiber Preparation Tool Demand Core Alignment Fusion Splicer Single Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer US Patent 11 912 109 Swift s3 GANG AN A E A E BATUN nean naen aana ee ee ee Core Alignment by IPAS Technology Smallest Lightest amp Fastest Resistant Shock Dust andRain 4 3 Color LCD Monitor with Touch Panel Powerful Battery with Large Capacity Bidirectional Operation System Dual Sleeve Heater Attached S
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A Furukawa Company Elala ihi FITEL Fusion Splicers amp Tools Catalog Ki P 2 z r a i 4 7 or D P hi www ofsoptics com Volume 4 September 2010 USR FUSION SPLICERS FOR OPTICAL FIBER Optical fiber plays a critical role in today s communication networks from telecommunications to CATV to data Furukawa is a major manufacturer and provider of high quality optical fiber and fiber optic products This includes a complete lin
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emitor USER S MANUAL EFS 150 User s manual EFS 150 TE ad Table of contents S A NEEOGUCCION mee D M M 4 2 DISCIAINN r p 4 3 ADDreviations dnd ACTON VINS sexus busaa ROGER CER TRTE 5 APD slllo Vale TERT TTD IIT NC UII M 5 5 TOCHMICal Gata M
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Bound t VAY Innovate The S178A Hand Held Core Alignment Fusion Splicer has been enhanced and updated to version 2 The battery is automatically charged internally when connected to AC mains power even during operation The new illumination lamp lights up a wide area around the V grooves and helps operation in low light environ ment The redesigned and strengthened heater simplifies the protection sleeve loading process lt gt Ce The S178A is fast and durable it contin
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Series Core Aligning Fusion Splicers Three different body types to meet your specific ergonomic preferences 11 second splice time Enhanced software that provides greater ease of use and convenience Enhanced ergonomics for more comfortable and efficient operation Refined splice chamber design that makes fiber placement easier and protects cameras from dirt and dust e ae r as S176 LP Het M odel S176CF Cubic shaped Front

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