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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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SERVICE BULLETIN Replacement of fuel pumps for ROTAX
d05681 fm SB 912 063UL R1 ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES A gt ee SERVICE BULLETIN Replacement of fuel pumps for ROTAX Engine Type 912 Series This SB revises the initial issue dated 24 June 2013 ATA System 73 00 00 Fuel system RECOMMENDED Symbols used Please pay attention to the following symbols throughout this document emphasizing particular information i AWARNING Identifies an instruction which if not followed may cause serious in jury |
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Information Education Support Rotax Owner ASSISTANCE NETWORK www rotax owner com ROTAX 9 series CARB TROUBLESHOOTING Ensure throttles and chokes operate synchronously and hit both stops Pneumatically synchronize carbs often See Carb Sync article for more information Mechanical synchronization by itself does not verify the correct function of the system If variations at different RPM occurs the cables are sticking and need to be replaced Cleanlines |
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Baixe aqui o Manual do Motor Rotax 912 UL/ULS
ROTAX MOTORES AERON UTICOS Manual do Operador para todas as vers es do ROTAX 912 N mero de S rie do Motor Tipo de Aeronave N mero do Registro da Aeronave A ADVERT NCIA Antes de dar a partida no motor leia o Manual do Operador A n o leitura deste manual pode resultar em ferimentos pessoais inclusive a morte Consulte o guia do fabricante do equipamento original para instru es adicionais O manual deve permanecer junto com o motor equipamento or |
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Rotax 4-stroke Aircraft Engine Troubleshooting
Starting Can the starter turn the engine NO Loose or oxidized battery terminals Inadequate discharged or faulty battery Wiring resistance too high short circuit or bad contact Faulty starter solenoid or switch Starter turns without cranking engine faulty starter sprag clutch The engine turns but does it start NO Faulty fuel intake1 Water or ice contamination in fuel4 Faulty ignition system Fuel air mixture too rich Fuel air mixture too |
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Rotax handling
03830 ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES SERVICE INSTRUCTION SELECTION OF SUITABLE OPERATING FLUIDS FOR ROTAX ENGINE TYPE 912 AND 914 SERIES SI 912 016 SI 914 019 Repeating symbols Please pay attention to the following symbols throughout this document emphasizing particular information AWARNING Identifies an instruction which if not followed may cause serious injury or even death MCAUTION Denotes an instruction which if not followed may severely damage t |
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125 MAX DD2 evo - ROTAX Kart France
N lt INSTRUCTIONS D INSTALLATION amp MANUEL OPERATEUR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS amp OPERATORS MANUAL 125 MAX DD2 evo EN S 3 ROTAX France www clubrotaxfrance com ROTAX KARTING Information g n rale Pour des informations concernant la r paration du moteur 125 MAX 002 evo contacter un centre agr En cas de changement de propri taire nous demandons de remettre ce manuel le carnet d enregistrement du moteur et le document d enre |
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Reglamento ROTAX
EA GRAND PRIX INTERNATIONAL WING S ARMY ROTAX MOJO MAX CHALLENGE REGLAMENTOS T CNICOS 2013 ROTAX MOJO MAX Challenge Reglamentos T cnicos 2013 Los Reglamentos T cnicos 2013 reemplazan los Reglamentos T cnicos 2012 Bolet n 1 2013 Versi n 04 03 2013 Nota Las reglas escritas en 10 puntos son solamente v lidas para RMC nacional Nota Las reglas escritas en 12 puntos son v lidas para RMC IRMCE y RMCGF 1 Categor as Los Karts usados en los eventos |
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Motor test bench designing for the Rotax 912 ULS motor
University of Applied Sciences Tampere Mechanical and production engineering Aeronautical engineering Tomi M kel Diom de Senou Final thesis Motor test bench designing for the Rotax 912 ULS motor Project supervisor Head of Aeronautical Studies Heikki Aalto TAMK Tampere 8 2009 University of Applied Sciences Tampere Mechanical and production engineering Aeronautical engineering Tomi M kel Diom de Senou Motor test bench designing for the Rotax 912 ULS mot |
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PROTAX User Manual
PROTAX User Manual August 2015 Panu Somervuo Department of Biosciences University of Helsinki Finland Contents CONTENUS teats e a A AE at ence en a escent e E eaten saa 2 TRUE MR Niman a G ene iedie eeaneeelane 2 How to get the 01 1228 boa ene ener ee orn nO Pree ee eR er oR cnn nen Sere sreeee On errr cumrnrL rer ny Sener eeen aaan nna 4 BO A TT Nts sisine ce easy east pe cesar gusty eaea ence e a aeli 4 W hatelseisneededisrosiassaninnnn arie a a S D PT eee 4 Quick s |
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TE Eng Se ROTAX 582 UL DCDI mod le 99 ROTAX Manuel de Maintenance pour moteurs types AIRCRAFT ENGINES ROTAX 582 UL DCDI mod le 90 A Les donn es techniques et les informations contenues dans ce document sont la propri t exclusive de ROTAX GmbH Leurs reproductions et leurs diffusions partielles ou totales sont interdites sans l accord crit pr alable de ROTAX GmbH Ce texte doit figurer sur toute reproduction partielle ou totale |
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SERVICE BULLETIN Replacement of fuel - Rotax
d05489 fm os BRP SB 912 063 ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES SERVICE BULLETIN Replacement of fuel pumps for ROTAX Engine Type 912 Series ATA System 73 00 00 Fuel system RECOMMENDED Symbols used Please pay attention to the following symbols throughout this document emphasizing particular information General note Identifies an instruction which if not followed may cause serious in jury or even fatal injury moderate injury AXCAUTION Identifie |
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Atec Wheelchair ATEC 212 SOLO ROTAX 912 UL user manual
Sole Manufacturer and Distributor in the Czech Republic ATEC v o s Location of factory ATEC v o s Opolanska 350 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou Czech Republic ATEC 212 SOLO ROTAX 912 UL Flight and Operations Manual Libice nad Cidlinou January 2007 1 2 Contents Chapter General 1 Operational Limits 2 Emergency Instructions 3 Standard Procedures 4 Specifications 5 Assembly Disassembly 6 Description of Air |
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Atec Wheelchair ATEC 212 SOLO ROTAX 912 UL User Guide
Sole Manufacturer and Distributor in the Czech Republic ATEC V O S Location of factory ATEC v o s Opolanska 350 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou Czech Republic ATEC 212 SOLO ROTAX 912 UL Flight and Operations Manual Libice nad Cidlinou January 2007 1 2 Contents Chapter General 1 Operational Limits 2 Emergency Instructions 3 Standard Procedures 4 Specifications 5 Assembly Disassembly 6 Description of Air |
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ROTAX Plus POLE SCAFFOLDING ASSEMBLY MANUAL 1 Technical overview general rules of scaffolding assembly and use 1 1 Scaffolding OvervieW ie ie ee ee ee ee ee Re Re AR eee ea AR eens ee ee ee de ee 1 2 Norms and regulations regarding scaffolding eise see se de se se ee 1 3 General rules of scaffolding assembly ee ee ee Ee Re ee ek ee 2 Scaffolding 2 1 Basic elements assembly partial examples iii ee ER ER ke ee 2 1 1 ROTAX Plus NOG sasie as Ese |
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Manual ROTAX 1300DD - Triton Máquinas Agrícolas
Manual ROTAX 1300DD E M QUINAS AGR COLAS Prezado cliente voc acaba de adquirir mais um pro duto de qualidade TRITON que h mais de 52 anos disponibiliza no mercado equipamentos vers teis robustos e que acompanham a evolu o tecnol gica O distribuidor centrifugo de monodisco modelo ROTAX 1300 DD TR 904 foi desenvolvido para distri buir a lan o adubos granulados e sementes em geral com uniformidade e precis o A distribui o feita atrav s de um n |
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MAX CHALLENGE ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE BRASIL 2014 REGULAMENTO T CNICO CATEGORIAS ROTAX MICRO MAX MINI MAX JUNIOR MAX MAX MAX MASTERS DD2 DD2 MASTERS RT PRODUCTS 1 19 mAacH KARTING ROTAX e ROTAX BRP CHALLENGE BRASIL O presente Regulamento T cnico rege se por e Regulamento Nacional de Kart RNK e ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE Technical Regulations 2014 publicado em www maxchallenge rotax com 1 EQUIPAMENTO 1 1 MOTORES 1 1 1 Categor |
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Manual de MantenimentoII Motores ROTAX® Tipo 912
AIRCRAFT ENGINES Manual de Mantenimentoll Mantenimiento Avanzado para Motores Tipo 912 series al 1 1 |
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Mantenimiento Motores ROTAX 2 Tiempos
Mantenimiento Motores ROTAX 2 Tiempos http www aviasport com ROTA X Documentacion_2T Manuales_2 AVIASPORT s A ene Limit a shyil TH AIRCRAFT ENGINES Mantenimiento Motores ROTAX 2 Tiempos e El siguiente calendario de mantenimiento esta dise ado para los motores ROTAX 447 503 y 582 Horas 2 10 125 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Comprobaci n en tierra Comprobaci n nivel de l quidos Reapretar tuercas x culata 1 |
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Regulamento Técnico Rotax
CHALLENGE PORTUGAL ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE 2010 REGULAMENTO T CNICO CATEGORIAS INICIA O ROTAX MICRO MAX ROTAX MINI MAX ROTAX JUNIOR ROTAX MAX E ROTAX DD2 Z4 DRRIDAS ad ROTAX ROTAX CHALLENGE O presente Regulamento T cnico rege se por e Prescri es Especificas de Karting PRK e Prescri es Gerais aplic veis s provas de Automobilismo e Karting 2010 e ROTAX MOJO MAX CHALLENGE Technical Regulations 2010 publicado em www maxcha |
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CHALLENGE BRASIL ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE BRASIL 2013 REGULAMENTO TECNICO CATEGORIAS ROTAX MICRO MAX MINI MAX J NIOR MAX MAX MAX MASTERS DD2 DD2 MASTERS 1 24 Mach 5 Karting ROTAX e ROTAX ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE 2013 mAx REGULAMENTO T CNICO CHALCGCGENCGE 4 O di metro m ximo do eixo traseiro de b mm e a espessura m nima de 1 9mm O presente Regulamento T cnico rege se por e Regulamento Nacional de Kart RNK 2013 1 2 4 Categ |
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