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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Towards Dependable Number Entry for Medical Devices
chi med making medical devices safer EPSRC Programme Grant EP G059063 1 Public Paper no 19 Towards Dependable Number Entry for Medical Devices Abigail Cauchi Paul Curzon Parisa Eslambolchilar Andy Gimblett Huayi Huang Paul Lee Yungiu Li Paolo Masci Patrick Oladimeji Rimvydas Ruksenas amp Harold Thimbleby Proceedings of EICS4Med First International Workshop on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems for Medicine and Health Care PP release date |
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Towards Dependable Number Entry for Medical Devices : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Vita-Mix Blender Dependable Blender User Guide
FI MI YEAR IIMIItll WARRANTY MOTOR BASE PARTS ONLY m YEAR PARTS J AND LAROR M ON TOTAL UNIT 11H il y lM h UJ o LA LICUADORA AVANZADA ABLE The Drink Machine Advance is optimized for quiet operation and outstanding performance Pre set programs eliminate guesswork and a pulse switch easily refreshes any drink From fruit smoothies to thick shakes the Drink Machine Advance blends them perfectly La Drink Machine Advance esta optiniizada para una operac |
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Structural Usability Techniques for Dependable HCI
Structural Usability Techniques for Dependable HCI Andy Gimblett Submitted to the University of Wales in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 2014 Swansea University Prifysgol Abertawe Department of Computer Science Swansea University Summary Since their invention in the middle of the twentieth century interactive computerised systems have be come more and more common to the point of ubiquity While formal techniques |
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Dependable Technologies for Critical Systems Manual - SIS-MA
Rep blica de Mo ambique MINIST RIO DA SA DE Direc o de Planifica o e Coopera o Departamento de Informa o para a Sa de jembi health systems MOZAMBICAN OPEN ARCHITECTURES Physical Address Unit D11 Westlake STANDARDS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Square Bell Crescent Westlake Cape Town Avenida Julius Nyerere n 3326 Postal Postnet Suite 280 Private Bag X26 Condom nio Diplomatic Village Casa n 1 Tokai 7966 South Africa Tels 2190242 |
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Vita-Mix Dependable Blender user manual
FI MI YEAR IIMIItll WARRANTY MOTOR BASE PARTS ONLY m YEAR PARTS J AND LAROR M ON TOTAL UNIT 11H il y lM h UJ o LA LICUADORA AVANZADA ABLE The Drink Machine Advance is optimized for quiet operation and outstanding performance Pre set programs eliminate guesswork and a pulse switch easily refreshes any drink From fruit smoothies to thick shakes the Drink Machine Advance blends them perfectly La Drink Machine Advance esta optiniizada para una operac |
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