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Powerheart AED G3 Operating Manual
CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDS G3 third generation Operation and Service Manual POWERHEARTAED automated external defibrillator 9300E POWERHEARTAED G33 automated external defibrillator 9300A AUTOMATIC a M CARDIAC SCIENCE Limited Warranty Cardiac Science Corp Cardiac Science warrants to the original purchaser that its AEDs and stated battery operating life will be free of any defect in material and workmanship according to the terms and condition |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUAL DE FUNCIONAMENTO E ASSIST NCIA POWERHEART AED G3 PLUS 9390A E 9390E 70 00914 04 B CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING science LIVES A informa o contida neste documento est sujeita a altera es sem aviso Os nomes e os dados usados nos exemplos s o fict cios salvo indica o em contr rio Informa o de marca comercial Cardiac Science o log tipo Shielded Heart Powerheart FirstSave Mastertrak MbDLink STAR Intellisense Rescue Ready Re |
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Powerheart AED G3 Instructions for Use
CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDS GB third generation Instructions for Use POWER JHEARTAED G33 automated external defibrillator POWER HEART AED G3 automated external defibrillator AUTQMATIC FIRSTSAVEAEDG3 automated external defibrillator JT WARNING Electric Shock and Fire Hazard Do not connect any telephones or unauthorized connectors to the socket on this equipment CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDs INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AED OVERVIEW Become familiar with the controls |
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DEA Powerheart® G5 Guía del usuario del
DEA Powerheart G5 Gu a del usuario del dispositivo de formaci n 70 01124 05 B Copyright O 2014 Cardiac Science Corporation Reservados todos los derechos Utilice el dispositivo de formaci n del desfibrilador externo autom tico DEA para ense ar conocimientos b sicos de reanimaci n con DEA y corregir los procedimientos de desfibrilaci n Contenido Contenido del paquete Seguridad Modelos compatibles 2 2 3 Uso al que se destina 3 Objetivos de aprendizaj |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUALE D USO E MANUTENZIONE POWERHEART AED G3 PLUS 9390A E 9390E 70 00914 10 A CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING 9 science LIVES Le informazioni contenute nel presente documento sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso I nomi e le informazioni utilizzate negli esempi sono fittizi se non diversamente indicato Dichiarazione del marchio di conformit CE Il marchio di conformit CE indica che il dispositivo su cui esso apposto conforme ai requisiti richie |
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QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE POWERHEART AED G3 PLus 9390A AND 9390E 70 00915 01 D CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING 9 SCIENCE LIVES Information in this document is subject to change without notice Names and data used in the examples are fictitious unless otherwise noted CE Mark Declaration The CE marking of conformity indicates that the device having this symbol on its immediate label meets the applicable requirements of the European Medical Device Directive Tradem |
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Cardiac Science Powerheart AED G3 Pro
CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDS G3 third generation Operation and Service Manual automated external defibrillator POWEWHEARTAED Dno CARDIAC SCIENCE XW Limited Warranty for Powerheart AED G3 Pro Limited Warranty Cardiac Science Corp Cardiac Science warrants to the original purchaser that its AEDs and stated battery will be free of any defect in material and workmanship according to the terms and conditions of this Limited Warranty Limited Warranty F |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUEL D UTILISATION ET DE MAINTENANCE 5 Tw zm eo T om a Y 3 lu y to usd E POWERHEART AED G3 PRO 9300P 70 00968 11 A CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING SCIENCE LIVES Les informations dans ce document sont sujettes modification sans pr avis Les noms et les donn es utilis s dans les exemples sont fictifs sauf indication contraire D claration de marque CE La marque de conformit CE indique que l appareil portant ce symbole est |
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9. |
Powerheart AED G3 Plus Instructions for Use
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE J ie aes F POWERDHEARTAEDG3Ph POWERHEART AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR G3 PLUs 9390A AND 9390E 112 0038 201 A CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING science EES Notice of Rights 2010 Cardiac Science Corporation All rights reserved No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express written permission of Cardiac Science Corporation Information in this documentation is |
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manuale dell`utente powerheart® g5 defibrillatore
Manuale dell utente CARDIAC J science MANUALE DELL UTENTE POWERHEART G5 DEFIBRILLATORE AUTOMATICO ESTERNO 70 00569 10 F CAR DI AC AT THE HEART OF SAVING science LIVES Le informazioni fornite nel presente documento sono soggette a modifica senza preavviso Nomi e dati usati negli esempi sono immaginari salvo laddove altrimenti indicato Informazioni sui marchi Cardiac Science il logo Shielded Heart logo Powerheart STAR Intellisense Rescue |
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11. |
i_1_Manuale Powerheart AED 9200RD e 9210RD
POWER HEARTAED automated external defibrillator Manuale d uso e di servizio 300282 010 Rev C AN CARDIAC SCIENCE I gt Manuale d uso e di assistenza del PowerHeart AED ATTENZIONE Il PowerHeart AED deve essere usato solo su ordine di un Medico o di una persona autorizzata dalle leggi statali IMPORTANTE Leggere questo manuale operativo attentamente Contiene informazioni sulla sicurezza vostra e degli altri Prendete familiarit con 1 comandi ed il loro |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUALE D USO E ASSISTENZA 4729 j geme A 3 Li ser Ng ib r f SF i POWERHEART AED G3 9300A E 9300E 70 00966 10 B CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING science LIVES Le informazioni fornite nel presente documento sono soggette a modifica senza preavviso Nomi e dati usati negli esempi sono immaginari salvo laddove altrimenti indicato Informazioni sui marchi Cardiac Science il logo Shielded Heart Powerheart FirstSave Mastertrak MDLink STA |
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manual do utilizador powerheart® g5 desfibrilador externo automático
Manual do Utilizador CARDIAC J science MANUAL DO UTILIZADOR POWERHEART G5 DESFIBRILADOR EXTERNO AUTOM TICO 70 00569 04 G CARDIAC AT THE HEART LIVES J science A informa o contida neste documento est sujeita a altera es sem aviso Os nomes e dados utilizados nos exemplos s o fict cios excepto se indicado em contr rio Informa es sobre Marcas Comerciais Cardiac Science o log tipo Shielded Heart Powerheart STAR Intellisense Rescue R |
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manuale d`uso e assistenza powerheart® aed
MANUALE D USO E ASSISTENZA TG y 2 DI DES om a j IT y _ o T A POWERHEART AED G3 PRO 9300P 70 00968 10 A CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING 9 science LIVES Le informazioni fornite nel presente documento sono soggette a modifica senza preavviso Nomi e dati usati negli esempi sono immaginari salvo laddove altrimenti indicato Marchio CE Dichiarazione Il marchio di conformit CE indica che i dispositivi che lo recano sulle etichette soddisf |
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Powerheart AED G3 Pro Instructions for Use
CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDS G33 third generation POWERHEARTAED G3 0 automated external defibrillator Instructions for Use CARDIAC SCIENCE AEDs INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AED OVERVIEW Become familiar with the controls and how to use the AED properly before operating the product CONTENTS AED Overview page 1 Symbol Descriptions page 9 Safety Performance Standards page 13 How to Perform a Rescue page 17 Using Manual Override page 20 ECG Display for Ongoing Monitoring pag |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUAL DE SERVI O E DO OPERADOR POWERHEART AED G3 PRo 9300P 70 00968 04 B CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING science LIVES As informa es contidas neste documento est o sujeitas a altera es sem aviso pr vio Os nomes e dados utilizados nos exemplos s o fict cios excepto se indicado em contr rio Informa es sobre Marcas Comerciais Cardiac Science o log tipo Shielded Heart Powerheart FirstSave Mastertrak MDLink STAR Intellisense Rescue Re |
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Powerheart G5 AED Operator/Service Manual
Cardiac Science Powerheart Automated External Def bri CARDIAC SCIENCE USER S GUIDE POWERHEART G5 AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR 70 01704 01 B CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING SCIENCE LIVES Information in this document is subject to change without notice Names and data used in the examples are fictitious unless otherwise noted Trademark Information Cardiac Science the Shielded Heart logo Powerheart STAR Intellisense Rescue Ready Rescu |
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POWERHEART® AED - Cardiac Science
MANUEL D UTILISATION ET DE MAINTENANCE POWERHEART AED G3 PLUS 9390A ET 9390E 70 00914 11 B CARDIAC AT THE HEART OF SAVING SCIENCE LIVES Les informations figurant dans ce document peuvent faire l objet de modifications sans pr avis Sauf indication contraire les noms et donn es utilis s dans les exemples sont fictifs D claration de marquage CE Le marquage CE de conformit signifie que l appareil sur lequel le symbole CE est appos r pond aux exigen |
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