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LOUISVILLE APL DIAGNOSTICS INC APhL IgG HRP ELISA Kit REF LAPL K HRP 001G Para medir os niveis de anticorpo IgG antifosfolipido Para uso no diagn stico In Vitro Produzido por Louisville APL Diagnostics Inc 2622 NASA Pkwy Ste G2 Seabrook TX 77586 USA Telefone 770 455 7129 Fax 770 455 6499 Apoio a clientes 800 624 3192 s para EUA e Canad Email support Olouisvilleapl com Coment rios feedback O louisvilleapl com P gina web www louisvillea |
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English - Leagend: Easier OBD II Diagnostics, Smarter Gauge
OWNER S MANUAL FASTER amp DIGITALAUTO SCANNER EASIER FOR1996 CAREI oe AND 2 Sensor pire suit Low NEWER olts OBD II VEHICLES ank 1 Sensor DIGITAL OBD2 CAN CAR SCANNER OOWNERSMANUAL 00s Table of Contents 1 4 11 WHAT IS OBD 4 1 2 Safety Precautions and Warnings |
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English - Leagend: Easier OBD II Diagnostics, Smarter Gauge
mE OWNER S MAN UAL For Electronic Parking Brake System Select Function 177 pee m codes EZA Electronic Parking Brake EPB Service Tool Table of Contents 1 Safety Precautions and Warnings 3 2 Location of Data Link Connector DLC 77 3 3 Using the EPB Service Tool entices 4 3 1 Tool Description d a ia ain anini sninssnsansansniansnvsnvnva pall aanansansaasaanaanaa 4 SS MEI IT |
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English - Leagend: Easier OBD II Diagnostics, Smarter Gauge
DIGITAL AUTO SCANNER FASTER amp DIGITAL AUTO SCANNER EASIER FOR 1996 AND NEWER OBD Il VEHICLES DIGITAL OBD2 CAN Car Scanner Table of Contents 1 Safety Precautions and WarningS sse eemeeennnzznnzzznnza 3 2 General Information 222 en sserenennnzznnnnennanznnnenenanzzmnnnnn zz 3 2 1 On Board Diagnostics OBBJIL LL 3 2 2 Diagnostic Trouble Codes DIC eeel 4 2 3 Location of the Data Link Connector DLC Le 5 2 4 OBD Il Readiness Mo |
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Turbo Gauge Manual - Leagend: Easier OBD II Diagnostics, Smarter
Turhefloaune MANUAL htto www leagend com 1 Safety Precautions and Warnings To prevent personal injury or damage to vehicles and or the auto computer read this instruction manual first and observe the following safety precautions at a minimum whenever working on a vehicle Always keep attentive while driving DO NOT try to make any adjustments while driving DO NOT mount the auto computer in a position which can obstruct the view of the driver DO NO |
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Diagnostics, Pages 201-264 - Suncoast Surgical & Medical Supply
F li ai T amp HER Mae EH WIT Fi Lae pe eee i han ile E ABCO DIGITAL THERMOMETER KIT Digital readout in about 60 seconds More accurate than glass thermometers Beeps when measurement is complete Automatic shut off Replaceable battery Moisture resistant Dual scale F C Includes 5 thermometer sheaths 078000 Digital Thermometer Kit 12 cs ADC ADTEMP HYPOTHERMIA THERMOMETER The first digital extended range thermometer Auto off function c |
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