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REACH-IT Manual de Utilização para a Indústria - ECHA
ECHA EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY 2 REACH IT Manual de Utiliza o para a Ind stria Versao 2 0 Vers o Alterac es Julho de 2012 Documento com nova configura o Figuras e hiperliga es atualizadas Novembro de 2009 Documento com novo estilo e configura o pequenas alterac es da redaccao Outubro de 2008 Primeira versao Parte 10 Pedido de um numero de registo para uma substancia notificada Refer ncia ECHA 12 G 26 PT Data de publicacao J |
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Craftsman Garage Door Opener 139.18595 User Guide
Owner s Manual CRAFTSMAN 1 2 HP GARAGE DOOR OPENER For Residential Use Only Models 139 18595 Read and follow all safety rules and operating instructions before first use of this product Fasten the manual near the garage door after installation Periodic checks of the opener are required to ensure safe operation c W us Safety Precautions Assembly Installation Adjustment Maintenance Operation Troubleshooting Part |
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Basic characteristics data • Instruction manual
COSEL Basic Characteristics Data Basic characteristics data Series Redundancy Model Cireuitimethod o Input Rated aural ROBIREUS im operation availabilty KHz current input fuse Pra Material ided Riia operation operation CES Forward converter 420 1 glass fabric base epoxy resin Multilayer Yes x2 CES type P Forward converter 400 1 glass fabric base epoxy resin Multilayer Yes x2 cas Forward converter 420 1 |
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Guía para el diseño de andamios tubulares
UNIVERSITAT POLIT CNICA DE VALENCIA Gu a para el dise o de andamios tubulares Apellidos nombre Monfort i Signes J aume jaumemonfort c sa upv es Fuentes Giner Bego a bfuentestac sa upv es Oliver Faubel Inmaculada inolfau csa upv es Vidal Lucas Mar a J os mavilutc sa upv es Departa mento Departa mento de Construcciones Arquitect nicas Centro ETSIE Universitat Politecnica de Valencia UNIVERSITAT POLIT CNICA DE VALENCIA 1 |
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Marantz Computer Monitor PD6150D User Guide
mai antz Model PD61 SOD User Guide Plasma Monitor IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read before operating equipment 1 Read these instructions 2 Keep these instructions 3 Heed all warnings 4 Follow all instructions 5 Do not use this apparatus near water 6 Clean only with a dry cloth 7 Do not block any of the ventilation openings Install in accordance with the manufacturers instructions 8 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators heat r |
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Marantz DVD Player BD8002 User Guide
mai antz Model BD8002 User Guide Blu ray DVD Player VIDEO R W DIGITAL AUDIO DIGITAL AUDIO I Rewritable IReWritablel DIGITAL AUDIO Recordable COMPACT Recordable B u rayOisc Itodak tureCD COM PATI B LE Windows Media Hsmi ENGLISH FRAN AIS ESPANOL Introduction Introduction Safety Precautions A CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN A CAUTION TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO N |
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Instruções para Carrinho de Bebê Multifuncional TIMES
Da LEE para Carrinho de Beb Multifuncional m TIMES D e Carrmho TIMES as ilustra es s o apenas representa es o design e o estilo podem variar Manual Carrinho Times Dardara 2 ntes de usar o carrinho leia cuidadosamente as instru es e guarde as para consultas futuras Se voc n o seguir as instru es de uso a seguran a do seu beb estar em risco Se voc transferir este carrinho para outra pessoa o |
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8. |
EM REGISTRO E ARARAQUARA - Tribunal de Contas do Estado de
A AED ER ER E b b 20 4 hem 9 D Revista do N b TRIBUNAL DE m Va CONTAS ESTADO N 120 Nov 07 a Jan 08 Registro o Encerrados os 36 Encontros do y Ciclo de Debates com Agentes Pol ticos e Dirigentes Municipais 4 NOTICIARIO 9 DOUTRINA 37 VOTOS 55 ESTUDO 137 u gt ww SY Sr S wu ww TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DO ESTADO DE S O PAULO COMPOSI O DO TRIBUNAL PLENO Re ne se as 4as feiras s 11h CONSELH |
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CIN-U02005OR1962SGC000446 Regd. Off: Plot No. A/84 Kharavel
Odisha Forest Development Corporation Limited Formerly Orissa Forest Development Corporation Limited A Government of Odisha Undertaking CIN U020050R1962SGC000446 Regd Off Plot No A 84 Kharavel Nagar Unit IIl Bhubaneswar Odisha PIN 751001 Telephone 0674 2534086 2534269 Fax 0674 2535934 website www odishafdc com E mail ID general odishafdc com No 20835 Date 29 11 14 SHORT TENDER NOTICE FOR SUPPLY INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF 2 x 6KVA ONLINE UPS AT CO |
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Plugin CT/LP para Photoshop Guía del usuario
E S KO D Plugin CT LP para Photoshop Contents 11 AVISO Tegal eniinn aa 3 2 IMTOUCCI N acia ri E E added 5 3 Instalaci n ii id Ai a GNA 6 3 1 Instalaci n del Plugin en MacC caroocosoinion dolida rollito bitrate ltd da 6 3 2 Instalaci n del plugin EN WindOWS ciciiciicninininivinniciiciincccncrir EEEE 6 A Acerca del plugin CT LP unan ica 7 5 Guardar archivos CT o LP en PhotoShOP ciciiniiciicininiininiinnocn inci 8 6 Abrir Archivos CT o LP en PhoOtOSHO |
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Ficha de Segurança - Andaimes - Autoridade para as Condições do
ACT AUTORIDADE PARA AS CONDI ES DO TRABALHO ANDAIMES Legenda Nivelador da base de apoio Prumos verticais Prumo de liga o Barras horizontais Barras diagonais Plataforma prancha elemento concebido para suportar cargas pessoas e objetos ou ambos em simult neo 7 Guarda corpos 8 Protetor lateral contra queda em altura 9 Rodap guarda cabe as OU BUWUNH Fonte Cat logo ULMA FUN O O andaime destina se a |
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Lightolier Paralyte 2424 PLA2G120SO user manual
Paralyte 2424 PLA 2 G 16 LS 26 U Page 1 of 2 2 x 2 Recessed Fluorescent 3 1 8 Deep 16 Cell Parabolic Louver Static and Air Return 2 Lamp T8 or T12 Features 23 X 23 louver Efficiency 59 3 One fixture fits 50 different G type and T type ceiling systems Only 5 1 2 deep housing Automatic engaging adjustable seismic clips Pre anodized aluminum vertical grain parabolic louver 3 1 8 deep louver Low iridescence semi specular alu |
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_ PARAMETRE DU COMPTE ere Etape Cr er un compte principal Cr er un compte principal Uniquement Compte FTP Cr er un compte secondaire Cr er un compte secondaire Uniquement Compte FTP S Ouvrir un compte principal Vous identifier sur un compte principal Uniquement Compte FTP Ouvrir un compte secondaire Vous identifier sur un compte secondaire Uniquement Compte FTP E s Ouvrir une session locale Cr er |
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Wayne-Dalton Corp. Garage Door Opener 8100 user manual
Wayne Dalton 8000 8100 8200 Carga de viento TorqueMaster Plus Resorte sencillo o doble Instrucciones de instalacion y Manual del propietario iAVISO IMPORTANTE Leer estas instrucciones cuidadosamente antes de intentar la instalacion Si hubiera dudas sobre al guno de los procedimientos no efectuar el trabajo En su lugar contratar a un tecnico especializado en sistemas de puertas para que efectue la instalacion o reparaciones Copyright 2010 Wayne Dalton a Di |
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Craftsman Garage Door Opener 139.53939D User Guide
Owner s Manual Manual Del Propietario CRAFTSMAN 315mhz GARAGE DOOR OPENER ABRIDOR DE PUERTA DE COCHERA 315mh z For Residential Use Only Solo para uso residencial Model M odelo 139 53939D Read and follow all safety rules and operating instructions before first use of this product Fasten the manual near the garage door after installation Periodic checks of the opener are required to ensure safe operation Leer y seguir todas las reglas de seguridad y las instruc |
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Mitsubishi Electronics Mitsubishi Digital Electronics Garage Door Opener fx3u user manual
A MITSUBISHI PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLERS Changes for the Better USER S MANUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read these precautions before use Before installation operation maintenance or inspection of this product thoroughly read through and understand this manual and all of the associated manuals Also take care to handle the module properly and safely This manual classifies the safety precautions into two categories DANGER and CAUTION Indicates |
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Paradyne 6800 user manual
AREA CODE CHANGE Please note that the area code for Paradyne Corporation in Largo Florida has changed from 813 to 727 For any Paradyne telephone number that appears in this manual with an 813 area code dial 727 instead PARADYNE COMSPHERE 6800 SERIES NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDE Document No 6800 A2 GN22 30 January 1997 NOTE This document supports Release 4 2 or greater of 6800 Series NMS PARADYNE COMSPHERE 6800 Ser |
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Harbor Freight Tools Garage Door Opener 47821 User Guide
CHICAGO Electric jEViVj A gH id DUAL SIDE GATE OPENER Model 47821 ASSEMBLY AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3491 MISSION OAKS BLVD CAMARILLO CA 93011 VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT http WWW HARBORFREIGHT COM Copyright 2005 by Harbor Freight Tools All rights reserved No portion of this manual or any artwork contained herein may be reproduced in any shape or form without the express written consent of Harbor Freight Tools For technical questions and replacement p |
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Informe de Progreso Técnico y Financiero Donaciones para la
Informe de Progreso T cnico y Financiero Donaciones para la Digitalizaci n de Datos Red Tem tica de Especies y Espec menes od htnmoioun e soe Booveradad abin S lapi Informatizaci n de las colecciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales con nfasis en registros de Parques Nacionales de Argentina Preparado por Mart n J Ram rez 12 Jun 2009 Resumen Ejecutivo Este reporte cubre el periodo 1 de Febrero 30 Abril 2009 Se convirtieron reg |
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ParaBody 476 user manual
476 FLAT INCLINE BENCH ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS i m H W PP a W m in m o H H U U P P o o H har PM 5 tt s w 5 3 CZ2 psj o fe amp O 5 4 o o H U 55 O 02 d V 3 o s X A m d u d T3 3 gt d gt Tf o PQ 12 u d P gt gt gt fa t Os i 00 lt s r i |
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