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1. |
9711-8032A Eclipse3600 Wireless
ADAPT Wireless Transceiver Upgrade Instructions p V for AlphaEclipse 3600 Signs Connecting people places and ideas For the most recent update go to http www adaptivedisplays com support eclipse Locus 052400 232 Alpha RF900 MaxStream XTend PKG 2 4GHz wireless transceiver 900MHz wireless transceiver 900MHz wireless transceiver Contents IMMCOUCNON s ERES EE IER BP ROI OU AEETI EREN ENE EREREERS 2 Inno |
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Eclipse3™ - L3 Médical
os eclipse UtoSAT Ecl i pse 3 with autoSAT Personal Ambulatory Oxygen System PAOS USERS MANUAL English Spanish French Portuguese E ee SEQQUAIL www sequal com eclipses autoSAT AMBULATE LIBERATE CELEBRATE SEQUAL www sequal com CONTENTS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2 3 Symbols used in Users Manual and on the Eclipse Personal Ambulatory Oxygen System PAOS 2 3 INDICATIONS FOR USE 4 CONTRAINDI |
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Eclipse3, concentrateur d`oxygène transportable
gt Convention d oxyg noth rapie de longue dur e domicile Eclipse 3 avec autoSAT technologie BAR Concentrateur d oxyg ne transportable THE LINDE GROUP Concentrateur transportable L Eclipse 3 est un concentrateur d oxyg ne transportable qui garantit le maintien de l oxyg noth rapie domicile lors du d placement du patient ou encore lors de voyages en voiture ou en avion Avantages gt D bit d oxyg ne continu ou puls gt Possibilit de s |
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Eclipse3™ with autoSAT®
yn eclipses autosAI Eclipse 3 with autoSAT Personal Ambulatory Oxygen System PAOS Model 1000B PROVIDER TECHNICAL MANUAL LF CAIRE SEQUAL General Information sissscisscrsscsvcasesesssesecssnssensssssecassaass 4 Warning and Caution Statements 4 Introduction to the Eclipse 3 Oxygen System 5 Eclipse Oxygen System Specifications 6 Pulse Dose Mode Specifications sssri 7 Power Accessory Specifica |
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5. |
ADAPTIVE AlphaEclipse 3500 Series B Sign Installation Manual http www adaptivedisplays com support eclipse Read Safety section before starting see page 4 Mechanical installation see page 6 How many signs are installed ONE SIGN TWO OR MORE SIGNS Goto STEP 4 STEP 3a Must all signs display the same message at the same time YES NO e lftwo signs are mounted back to back follow All signs must be the same size directions on page 12 Then go t |
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