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HeartStart XL+ - Philips Healthcare
About This Edition Publication number 453564091541 Edition 2 Printed in the USA To determine the product level version to which this Instructor Guide is applicable refer to the version level appearing below in the Edition History table or on the label of the User Documentation CD ROM that accompanied the HeartStart XL This information is subject to change without notice The information in this document applies to the HeartStart XL defibrillator monitor Philips sh |
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HeartStart MRx EMS Monitor / Defibrillator Manual
English HeartStart MRx M3535A IM3536A PHILIPS About This Edition Publication number 989803160421 Edition 1 Printed in the USA To determine the product level version to which these Instructions for Use are applicable refer to the version level appearing on the back cover of this book or on the label of the User Documentation CD ROM that accompanied this device This information is subject to change without notice Edition 1 April 2009 Print Date |
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HEARTSTART MRx - Laerdal Medical
PHILIPS HEARTSTART MRx D FIBRILLATEUR MONITEUR HEARTSTART MRx MANUEL D UTILISATION M3535A M3536A Table des mati res 1 Introduction 3 Pr sentation 3 Utilisation 5 Proc dure de d fibrillation 5 Cardioversion synchronis e 6 Stimulation externe en option 7 Surveillance de la SpO en option 7 Surveillance de la pression non invasive en option 8 Surveillance du CO en option 8 Analyse de l ECG 12 d rivations en option 9 S curit u |
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Defibrillateurs externes HeartStart MRx - PHILIPS
PHILIPS Philips Healthcare 33 rue de Verdun 92156 Suresnes Cedex A l attention du Directeur de l Etablissement Suresnes 28 juin 2013 Recommand avec accus r ception Objet Notification de s curit produit Philips D fibrillateur moniteur Philips HeartStart MRx Dossier suivi par Nadjat Sekhri e mail nadjat sekhri philips com T l 01 47 28 66 02 Ou P le d Assistance Clients au 0810 835 624 ou votre prestataire habituel si votre tablissement es |
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HeartStart MRx Instructor Guide
M3535A IM3536A About This Edition Publication number 453564045041 Edition 7 Printed in the USA To determine the product level version to which this guide applies to refer to the version level on the label of the User Documentation CD ROM that accompanied the device This information is subject to change without notice Philips shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing performance or |
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5 1 5 51 1 5 lt |
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HEARTSTART MRx - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
PHILIPS HEARTSTART MRx MONITOR DEFIBRILLATOR Di n UST 40 91 gy HEARTSTART MRx Service Manual NEES Si Ss M3536A About This Edition Edition 4 Printed in the USA Publication number M3535 90900 The information in this document applies to the HeartStart MRx product version indicated below This information is subject to change without notice Philips shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in con |
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HEARTSTART XLT - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
PHILIPS HEARTSTART HEARTSTART XLT Service Manual M3500B M5500B Service Manual M3500B HeartStart XLT M5500B Heartstart 4000 Defibrillator Monitor PHILIPS Gite helping save lives Notice About This Edition Edition 2 Printed in the USA Publication number M3500 90900 The information in this manual applies to the M3500B HeartStart XLT Release Main 34 and earlier and to the Heartstart 4000 Release Main 34 and earlier This informatio |
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HeartStart MRx or in a Philips
PHILIPS M3535A M3536A Instructions for Use HeartStart MRx HEARTSTART DEFIBRILLATORS Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 Overview 3 Intended Use 4 Indications for Use 5 AED Therapy 5 Manual Defibrillation 5 Noninvasive External Pacing Therapy 5 Pulse Oximetry 5 Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitoring 5 End tidal CO 5 12 Lead ECG 5 Q CPR 6 Invasive Pressures 6 Temperature 6 Safety Considerations 7 Documentation and Training 7 2 Getting Acquainted 9 |
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Defibrillatore HeartStart - Tecno-Gaz
Defibrillatore HeartStart MANUALE PER L UTENTE Guida per l utente a impostazione funzionamento manutenzione ed accessori M5066A Edizione 7 55 lbs 25 kg X ee DATE 12 2006 E PHILIPS PHILIPS Pagina lasciata intenzionalmente vuota SWILSAS SdH 5 MEDICAL SYSTEMS P vista anteriore parte superiore vista posteriore parte superiore Defibrillatore M5066A HeartStart impugn |
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Philips HeartStart MRx user manual
HEARTSTART MRx EDUCATION AND TRAINING SOLUTIONS PHILIPS HEARTSTART MRx Learning to use the HeartStart MRx Monitor Defibrillator is an integral part of device implementation So Philips has created a variety of education and training material including interactive web based training an instructional video and instructor based training tools to meet your needs All were developed using sound instructional design principles leading to competent operation and improving your exp |
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HeartStart Event Review Pro User Guide
PUM JEA ALANLI EIE EM opgapAgAgQ0QAAN OOO QOOOODODGDO00000 AOLA m s a a a a a aja ala a am aTa raa Bena RAQ HeartStart Event Review Pro User Guide PHILIPS About this edition HeartStart Event Review Pro version 4 2 Publication date November 2011 Document part number 453564274562 The information in this document applies to the product version indicated above This information is subject to change without notice Philips Healthcare shall not be liable fo |
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HeartStart XL+ Defibrillator/Monitor Manual
English HeartStart XL Model No 861290 About This Edition Publication number 453564090581 Edition 2 Printed in the USA To determine the product level version to which these Instructions for Use are applicable refer to the version level appearing on the back cover of this book or on the label of the User Documentation CD ROM that accompanied this device This information is subject to change without notice The information in this document applies to the HeartStar |
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HEARTSTART MRx ALS MONITOR PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The first thing you ll notice about the HeartStart MRx is its large color display Look further and you ll see that it has much more This combination multi parameter monitor defibrillator AED and 12 Lead unites Philips industry leading monitoring and display technologies with superior diagnostic measurements and our patented resuscitation therapies Monitoring starts once a patient cable is connected to the devi |
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Caractéristiques techniques du défibrillateur HeartStart H51 Grand
Caract ristiques techniques du d fibrillateur HeartStart HS1 Grand Public D fibrillateur Gamme de d fibrillateur l ments livr s en configuration standard l ments livr s en configuration Ready Pack Onde Th rapie Intervalle entre les chocs D livrance rapide du choc Quick Shock Instructions sonores Aide la RCP D livrance du choc Commandes Indicateurs Caract Dimensions Masse Carac tanch it Temp rature |
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Defibrillatore FR2+ HeartStart - InCenter
PHILIPS Defibrillatore FR2 HeartStart ISTRUZIONI PER L USO M3860A M3861 A Edizione 13 HEARTSTART DEFIBRILLATORS Batteria Gruppo batteria standard o ricaricabile per l alimentazione dell FR2 Pulsante On Off Accensione Spegnimento Accende l FR2 ed avvia i messaggi vocali e su schermo Premendolo una seconda volta l FR2 si spegne Indicatore di stato Segnala quando l FR2 pronto per l uso Display Mostra i messaggi di te |
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Philips Heartstart XL Specifications View Document
PHILIPS HEARTSTART XL DEFIBRILLATOR MONITOR Model M4735A PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SMART PHILIPS r Philips Medical Systems M4735A HeartStart XL offers advanced and basic life support clinicians a compact lightweight easy to use defibrillator monitor with both Manual and AED capabilities HeartStart XL features Philips patented SMART Biphasic waveform ECG monitoring synchronized cardioversion and optional non invasive pacing and SpO gt A biph |
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PHILIPS HEARTSTART XL HEARTSTART XL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE a n es M4735A HeartStart XL Defibrillator Monitor PHILIPS Notice About This Edition Edition 7 Printed in the USA Publication number M4735 91900 The information in this guide applies to the M4735A HeartStart XL release Main 20 and earlier This information is subject to change without notice Philips shall not be liable for errors con tained herein or for incidental or conse qu |
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HEARTSTART MRx MONITOR DEFIBRILLATOR PRODUCT DESCRIPTION No compromises That s how we created the HeartStart MRx a combination transport monitor cardiograph manual defibrillator and AED HeartStart MRx unites our industry leading patient monitoring capabilities with our patented biphasic defibrillation therapy in one comprehensive easy to use rugged and lightweight device optimized to meet a variety of user needs With carefully arranged controls conn |
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Ersatzmaterial Defibrillator HEARTSTART FR2
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Eidgen ssisches Departement f r Verteidigung Conf d ration suisse Bev lkerungsschutz und Sport VBS Se Schweizer Armee Confederaziun svizra Logistikbasis der Armee LBA MANAGEMENTSYSTEM ARMEEAPOTHEKE FORMULAR Bestellung Ersatzmaterial Defibrillator HEARTSTART FR2 Commande de d fibrillateur HERATSTART FR2 Besteller Client Departement OE UO Adresse PLZ Ort CP Lieu Name Vorname Nom Pr nom Tel e mail |
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