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1. |
InfoPrint 6700 Model M40 midrange thermal label printer extends
IBM Asia Pacific Announcement AG07 0246 dated April 24 2007 qu si InfoPrint 6700 Model M40 midrange thermal label printer extends thermal printer line Key PrerequiSites siisii 2 AP TU NANG A seroiiomainni noranai 2 DESONPUOM iriiri 2 Product NUMDET scicivicscncimuidacatonnicdarceacddied 13 Ui NSW serons nidiir 14 SONICS aoea aniti aai 15 Technical information cccccseeeeees 15 Terms and conditions cccceeceeeeeeeees 18 Piei nn S 18 IBM |
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InfoPrint Solutions Company extends its continuous- forms
InfoPrint Solutions Company Asia Pacific Hardware Announcement AG08 0360 dated June 10 2008 InfoPrint Solutions Company extends its continuous forms portfolio with InfoPrint 100 and InfoPrint 75 Table of contents 2 Planned availability dates 7 Technical information 2 Description 9 Terms and conditions 6 Statement of general direction 10 Pricing 7 Product number 10 AP distribution 7 Publications 11 Corrections At a glance InfoPrint 75 and InfoPrint 100 continuous forms pr |
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extends their deepest apologies. Bill has been transfered to a new
No 2 March KRKUHARRKARARAL HA MAI The National Imagination Club AEE AERE FEAE EAEE E AEREE JEE RERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Those of you who have tried to reach Bill Badger and have met with either no answer or just an answering machine Protecto extends their deepest apologies Bill has been transfered to a new position within Protecto Those of you wishing to talk to someone about programming problems or needing technical assistance can contact Ken Whitmire at 312 695 7446 Do n |
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IBM extends data federation to Red Brick users by including DB2
Software Announcement March 30 2004 all yy IBM extends data federation to Red Brick users by including DB2 Information Integrator in the Red Brick Gold Analytic offering and delivers Informix Dynamic Server Workgroup Edition Unlimited license Overview The following IBM Data Management Gold programs are updated e IBM Data Management Gold Transaction Processing Bundle for Enterprise e IBM Data Management Gold Transaction Processing Bundle for SMB e IB |
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