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Alaris® GS Syringe Pump
Alaris GS Syringe Pump Directions For Use en Page adr e NEE 2 About Ihis Manual ivan ai AAA A RU di E E RE EM 2 Quick Start Guide casse eere a gereest NM elses 2 Features of the Alaris GS Syringe Pump 6 cece cece cece cence eene ehem meer ean 3 Coritrols and Indicators erre Ee eain ea ecce re teca n si i a ee re e 4 Symbol Definitions it DEI ve EE DER EE AE Ee AE Eee 5 Main Display Features e e d REEL EE dE oses rere ee peu E dE ENEE PCR CO IEEE RE EES EE d |
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Salaris et Revenus
Manuel UNIFINANZ Salaires et revenus Version U 05 00 04 08 Date 01 01 2013 Cette documentation contient des informations prot g es par les droits d auteur Toute responsabilit pour des dommages en relation avec cette documentation est exclue Les modifications sont possibles n importe quand sans avis pr alable Tous droits r serv s en particulier le droit de reproduction et de diffusion ainsi que le droit de traduction Aucune partie de la documentation ne peu |
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Technical Service Manual Alaris SpO Modules 8210 Series Nellcor Technology 8220 Series Masimo Technology Supports Guardrails Suite v7 Guardrails Suite MX v8 April 2006 CardinalHealth Alaris Products General Contact Information Cardinal Health Alaris Products 10221 Wateridge Circle San Diego California 92121 http www cardinal com alaris Customer Advocacy North America Cli |
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Alaris Medley PCA Module 8120
Directions for Use Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA Module 8120 Series ALARIS Medical Systems Inc Medley Medication Safety System 0218 1SGON J INGOIW vod THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE SYSTEM tne een eee Cee te eee eee een ul ee ee eee eae eee ene Sen ey e ee de loo oia 1 gt FEATURES ANDIDEFINITIONS 00 A A Sa eec Lo LE tM ales 3 IB OS c 6 3 GETTING STARTED E WARNING |
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Alaris® Gateway Workstation
Ala ris Gateway Workstation Istruzioni per l uso IT Sommario Pagina Ntrod zioN En eenen EE EE ie ART E 2 Comandi e indicator nette feet gege d d dr e a E T a a a rei 3 Definizione gdetetmbelt Age NEEN iii re 3 Caratteristiche della Workstationi NEEN d dE ERNEIEREN ii 4 Precauzioni di esercizio laine deg RRE EE EEA 10 Interfacce di comunicazione E EE 11 Le ET E EE 12 Servizio Web israel RR O EE EEEE T 12 Funzionamento della Worketratien ieii KEEN KEE RENE |
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Alaris ® Enteral Syringe Pump - Directions for Use
Alaris Enteral Syringe Directions For Use Alaris Enteral Syringe Pump Contents Page INMOGUCTION EE 2 About This Manual a 8 98 dd denier an E ebe dd E Ed RE REESEN 2 Features of the Alaris Enteral Syringe PUMP 2 2 cece cece cere eee e eet e nett ene n tenet bene eeaes 3 Contro andindicators e teg die ada lee dE hee EE hee oe sale ie Ee oe die Hele hea oe ie e 4 Symbol Detinitions veiniscssvvcvandecsy RER Gees a Pe Rg NOREEN R ee baa EE 5 Main Display Featu |
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Alaris IVAC PCAM - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
IVACPCAM Syringe Pump Directions For Use English CardinalHealth Page o Introduction 2 AboutThisManual suini 2 o Features OF CHE edt a e REID 3 o Controls amp INdicators rssruisiinirinionziva 4 e Symbol PIDE OD TEASE TTE TD LI m 5 e Main Display Features 6 e Operating Precautions |
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Alaris ® PK Syringe Pump - Directions for Use
Alaris PK Syringe Pump Directions For Use Alaris PK Syringe Pump Contents Page ad dee AE EA EA EE EE EE OE RE TE 2 AbotitThisManual i s stet ae ee RE E EE DE SE oe yea ne eyed Seed nd od EE Ee tendre er ER ed eww ad 3 die EE EE OE RE EE des 3 Creating a Data Set zer verster tsaren DE BR DE dE Ee of De Ee d d De Eg ed BE bored weer den 6 Features of the PUMPE eee 7 Controls and Indicators isi EERS ASE ERROR ed inte int Raede eetl aa 8 SymboeliDEfinitiONSs mess EER E |
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Alaris System cleaning best practices
Administration set loading IUI inspection and Alaris System cleaning instructions Administration set loading instructions When loading the administration set 1 Hold upper fitment above fitment recess and lower into recess 2 Press safety clamp fitment into recess in the Alarise Pump module 3 Firmly press tubing into the air in line sensor 4 Verify that the administration set is free from kinks twists and correctly installed Alaris System cleaning in |
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Pompa a siringa Alaris® PK
Pompa a siringa Alaris PK DRS IT Pagina Jude E a a 2 Informazioni sl Mail ergeet ge s rek ged NN AE ERENNERT i 2 Descrizione del modello TC 3 Creazione diun Dat Set iii 6 Caratteristiche della pompa a siringa Alaris PK 7 Comandi eindicatori ia ca aan 8 Definizione dei simboli engste Zeie Sr ani S 9 Funzioni principali del display 000000 crrrrr rece re cre ceri c eee resero rece rererene 10 Prec |
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Alaris® System Maintenance v9.5.X Software
Alaris System Maintenance v9 5 X Software User Manual Model 8975 v9 5 X Guardrails Suite MX Compatible with v9 X Alaris PC units Y CareFusion i forty Alaris System Maintenance v9 5 X Software User Manual Part Number 11614346 Alaris and Guardrails are registered trademarks of CareFusion Corporation or one of its subsidiaries Masimo is a registered trademark of Masimo Corporation Nellcor is a registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc Micr |
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Alaris® DS Docking Station
Alaris DS Docking Station Technical Service Manual 0086 Ce E CareFusion Alaris DS Docking Station Contents General information E E E E E E E EREEREER 23 INTRODUCTION precoce EET 3 Generalipr cautlons sos tete e daniy dan wada y ded eda en edi eh line uos E e eyane yee a n 4 Technical Feature Description 5 555555 252522 kk xek eee eee eee eee ee eee ee B Test Procedures An O Electrical Safety Checks as 4s de ae BEE |
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Alaris ® GP Guardrails ® Volumetric Pump - Directions
Alaris GP Guardrails Directions For Use Volumetric Pump EN Page e Introduction coo Res eo ERU ve eR RU Ree e RUM d ew Te B REDE ais UE MOLAR LR geg 2 e Abouttbis Manual oe boves vere tour p n les es We eee WR ER v ere eer VINE RIS aie VIR ULIS 2 e Creating a Data Set ee 3 e Features of the Alaris GP Guardrails Volumetric Pump ccc cece ccc r cree cece ccc nnn 4 e lt COntrols anid Indicators o ovo Serge REES 5 Symbol Definitions |
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Alaris Asena GW Volumetric pump
October 2004 Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency MHRA 04103 Alaris Asena GW Volumetric pump DH Department of Health best choice best practice www mhra gov uk nww medical devices nhs uk About MHRA evaluation reports What you can expect The Device Evaluation Service DES aims to provide independent and objective evaluations of medical devices available on the UK market Specialist centres mainly in NHS Trusts do the evaluations under long |
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Alaris® Pump module pressure measurement system
C Ca re Fusion Alaris Pump module pressure measurement system FAQs October 7 2011 Alaris Pump module pressure measurement system FAQs Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide general information and answers for clinicians to the most frequently asked questions regarding the operation of the Alaris Pump module Pressure Measurement System 1 Exactly what pressure is being measured by the pump The Alaris Pump module Pressure Measurement System senses f |
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Alaris ® Gateway Workstation - Directions for Use
Ala ris Gateway Workstation Directions For Use EN Page Introd Te Oe EE ra kate ad deferens 2 Controls and Indicators cas SE eege RE REX cies ERSAT dree RUPEE TELA eee ohare eas 3 SYMBOI ege EE 3 Features of the Workstation 2 sre cereo Er EIERE RAN EEN EENS dE Seet te A Operating Ge CEET 10 Data Communication Interfaces Ee uereg dree e ebe geeiert 11 REN 12 WebService EE 12 Op eration of Workstation ist tr ora ar ERE UOTE AE EE ae ieee Ee E 13 Data Communicati |
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Alaris ® Auto-ID module/supports Guardrails ® Suite MX (v8)
Bi o QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE A e To ensure proper operation of the Alaris System you must be familiar with related features disposables administration sets set up and programming e This guide is not intended to be comprehensive instructions for the setup and operation of the Alaris System For complete instructions along with Warnings and Cautions refer to Alaris System User Manual v9 Associate Alaris PC point ofcare unit PC Unit with a |
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Pompa a siringa Alaris® TIVA
Pompa a siringa Alaris TIVA Pp frezenteertuso IT mmm d a Pagina INTFOGUZIONE EE 2 Informazioni 2 vded teg de ia hi ila a NENNEN NEE NS 2 Guidairapida allusO ai RIA A Ra 2 Caratteristiche della pompa a siringa Alaris TIVA rro rn rr rara rr 3 Comandi UU is i 4 Definizione deisimboli saran ade 5 Funzioni principali del display geesde ia a aaa 6 Precauzioni di esercidi iia saco 7 PreparazionealliMpiedo 29998 SEA dada 9 Funzion dias ii ii A 15 Allarmie I |
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Alaris-Signature-Ver.. - Integrated Medical Systems, Inc.
Signature Edition VOLUMETRIC INFUSION PUMPS Model 7100 and 7200 Adjustable Pressure capability Models 7130 and 7230 Models 7132 and 7232 MIB capability ofoflo n T DIRECTIONS FOR USE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ABOBT THE INSTRUMENTS is insetti rte EEE 1 FEATURES suus 4 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS eR ns 8 e DISPLAYS e a a bene tte 10 a AROUND THE I |
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20. |
T CareFusion Alaris System Maintenance Ricky Thomas Specialist TSC Technical Support July 24 2009 DIR 100000102142 00 CO 1065866 Page 1 of 64 2009 CareFusion Corporation or one of its subsidiaries All rights reserved Alaris System Maintenance Introduction Title Webinar on Alaris System Maintenance Software Fundamentals Length Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes Target Audience The experienced biomedical professional who will be involved in t |
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