Segment - Technical Manual v1.8 R1172


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1. Segment - Technical Manual v1.8 R1172

Segment Technical Manual v1 8 R1172 July 16 2010 MEDVISO AB http www medviso com Kollegiev gen 39 SE 224 73 Lund Sweden Tel 46 76 183 6442 Contents Regulatory status 1 1 Commercial usage of Segment 22 2 222 1 1 1 Indications for ise 2 zo BR Aw dado Investigational purposes 2 2 2 222mm nenn 1 2 N w A 4 1 4 3 al License terms Acknowledgements Conventions and Abbreviations Typographic conventions

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Segment Technical Manual v1 8 R1172 July 16 2010 MEDVISO AB http www medviso com Kollegiev gen 39 SE 224 73 Lund Sweden Tel 46 76 183 6442 Contents Regulatory status 1 1 Commercial usage of Segment 22 2 222 1 1 1 Indications for ise 2 zo BR Aw dado Investigational purposes 2 2 2 222mm nenn 1 2 N w A 4 1 4 3 al License terms Acknowledgements Conventions and Abbreviations Typographic conventions
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SENSE Sensores e Instrumentos Rua Tuiuti 1237 CEP 03081 000 S o Paulo Tel 11 2145 0444 Fax 11 2145 0404 vendas dsense com br www sense com br MANUAL DE INSTRU ES Protetor de Segmento ASI ASI MD 4P Ex Fig 1 Os protetores de segmento s o na realidade derivadores de rede com prote o contra curto circuito individual para cada deriva o Construido em caixa pl stica possui quatro deriva es protegidas podendo ser instalado em atmosfera
19. QI was wondering how to copy and paste a segment of

QI was wondering how to copy and paste a segment of my project from one place to another in the Time Line I ve tried to do this but can t seem to figure out how A The simplest way is to select the frames you want to copy click and drag cursor under the frames to select them when they are selected they will be highlighted Now use the standard keyboard shortcut CTRL C to COPY advance to the point on the Timeline where you want to paste the frames and CTRL V to PASTE
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