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SpermMar IgA Test
SpermMar SpermMarTest_IgA_IgG_07 11 14 indd 1 SpermMar IgA Test A qualitative beads test for detection of Sperm Antibodies of the IgA class Preservative Sodium azide 0 09 Store at 2 to 8 C Do Not Freeze Reagent for Professional Use Only The SpermMar IgA test is a diagnostic kit for detecting antisperm antibodies of the IgA class in human semen The presence of antisperm antibodies can interfere with sperm function and zona binding and the acrosome reacti |
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T 194A CO10 766 Cc Bull Semen Doses NucleoCounter SP 100 system AN 103 Application Note No 103 Version 1 2 Determination of Sperm Density in Bull Semen Doses for Al Application This Application Note describes how sperm cell density in bull semen doses for Artificial Insemination can be determined by the NucleoCounter SP 100 system The system is intended to be used for quality control of semen doses at bull stations and semen collection centers The Nucl |
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Embryogenèse somatique chez les gymnospermes, à partir
22 22 u 7 Te 2 272 2 o x E N S S I B UNIVERSITE ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE CLAUDE BERNARD DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION LYONI ET DES BIBLIOTHEQUES DESS en INFORMATIQUE DOCUMENTAIRE Zoas 34 enbeujoiqtg i eege oi NOTE de SYNTHESE L embryogen se somatique chez les gymnospermes a partir de 1988 REZZOUQI CATHENOD Marie Line Sous la direction de M ROHR Enseignant Chercheur Laboratoi |
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ELISA Kit for Anti-Sperm Antibody (AsAb)
AEA465Hu 96 Tests Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay Kit For Anti Sperm Antibody AsAb Organism Species Homo sapiens Human Instruction manual FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES 11th Edition Revised in July 2013 INTENDED USE The kit is an enzyme immunoassay for in vitro quantitative measurement of ASAb in human serum and seminal plasma REAGENTS AND MATERIALS PROVIDED Pre coated ready to use 96 well strip |
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MATERIAL FOR SPERM ANALYSIS - Automatic Diagnostic Systems
Automatic Diagnostic Systems MATERIAL FOR SPERM ANALYSIS Laboratory equipment Plastic Gloves Recommended without Talcum Slides Recommended Leja 10 human leja 20 animal Or Makler chamber ATTE CURLER th Temperature control keep the chamber to the 37 C using a heating stage or inside the incubator Use a micropipette with a particular volume of sample different for each analysis chamber see instructions of use With the Makler chamber you h |
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Impact de la morphologie des spermatozoïdes, analysée par une
CENTRE HOSPITALIER UNIVERSITAIRE DE LIMOGES FACULTE DE MEDECINE ANNEE 2013 THESE Impact de la morphologie des spermatozoides analys e par une m thode semi automatis e sur les r sultats de f condation in vitro classique et d ins mination intra ut rine Etude prospective au laboratoire d AMP de l h pital m re enfant de Limoges en 2012 THESE POUR LE DIPLOME D ETAT DE DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE Obtenu apr s soutenance du MEMOIRE du Dipl me d Etudes S |
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VIDEOTEST-SPERM 2.1 - Digital Imaging Systems
VIDEOTEST SPERM 2 1 System for sperm concentration motility and morphology analysis according to WHO requirements with the software for Windows 98 2000 XP developed by VideoTesT SPECIFICATION Saint Petersburg 2004 VideoTesT Sperm 2 1 specification VideoTesT Itd info videotest ru a O V A V VideoTesT Itd 190000 Russia St Petersburg P O Box 356 Phone 7 812 314 8100 314 8445 Fax 7 812 325 6494 e mail info videotest ru http www vid |
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Sperm OK: Instructions for Use
Artron Sperm OK Male Fertility Soerm Test For Home Use Instructions for Use Cassette Please read the instructions completely and carefully before Starting the test Artron Sperm OK Male Fertility Soerm Test For Home Use Instructions for Use Please read the instructions completely and carefully before starting the test INDICATIONS FOR USE Artron s Sperm OK Male Fertility Soerm Test is a rapid and convenient home use immunochromatographic assay |
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RECISPERME - Cryo Bio System
Ref 015859 Cryoe Bio System Groupe I M V Technologies Instructions for use RECISPERME Sterile disposable sperm collection vessel GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTENDED USE RECISPERME is a medical device designed for collection of sperm for spermogram sperm culture spermocytogram insemination in vitro fertilization The innovative design of the Cryo Bio System RECISPERME allows sperm to be collected directly into a tube eliminating the need for sample transfe |
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