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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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HDL Ultra Cholesterol Reagent
HDL Ultra Cholesterol Reagent CATALOGUE NUMBER 6121 SIZE R11x60mL R2 1x20 mL 6122 R1 1x 250 mL R2 1 x 80 mL INTENDED USE For the quantitative measurement of high density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL C concentration in human serum or plasma TEST SUMMARY Plasma lipoproteins are spherical particles containing varying amounts of cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids and proteins The phospholipid free cholesterol and protein constitute the outer surface of the lip |
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Total Cholesterol Assay Kit (Fluorometric)
Product Manual Total Cholesterol Assay Kit Fluorometric Catalog Number STA 390 192 assays FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY Not for use in diagnostic procedures CELL BIOLABS INC Creating Solutions for Life Science Research Introduction Cholesterol is a lipid sterol that is produced in and transported throughout the bloodstream in eukaryotes Cholesterol is a critical compound used in the structure of cell membranes hormones and cell signaling It is an essential comp |
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LDL Direct Liquid Select Cholesterol Reagent
CEKURE CHEMISTRY LDL Direct Liquid Select Cholesterol Reagent CATALOGUE NUMBER 7120 SIZE R11x30mL R2 1x 10mL INTENDED USE For the direct quantitative measurement of low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL C concentration in human serum or plasma TEST SUMMARY Plasma lipoproteins are spherical particles containing varying amounts of cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids and proteins The phospholipid free cholesterol and protein constitute the outer surfa |
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3ini CHOLESTEROL Reagent strips for the determination of Total Cholesterol concentration To be used only with the 3in1 Instructions for use Introduction With the 3in1 Cholesterol strips it is possible to quickly check cholesterol levels in the blood and inform the family physician to find a suitable therapy or to check up on an existing therapy The level of cholesterol in the blood is influenced by the diet but also by medicines diabetes mellitus pregnancy and sever |
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Reflotron® HDL Cholesterol
Reflotron HDI Cholesterol Versi n internacional En los Estados Unidos s lo se debe usar el prospecto espec fico de los Estados Unidos Finalidad de uso ES Test para la determinaci n cuantitativa de colesterol HDL en plasma con EDTA con equipos de medici n Reflotron Presentaci n Envase de 30 portarreactivos REF 11208756 Aspectos cl nicos HDL High Density Lipoproteins son lipoproteinas de alta densidad Las HDL son responsables del transporte inverso d |
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S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol (CHO (
HitachiChemical vo S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol CHO 96310 10 10S TEST Cartridges 96310 100 10x 10 S TEST Boxes 100 Tests Kit for the determination of total Cholesterol on HITACHI Clinical Analyzer E40 2012 11 Rev 1 Intended Use The S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol CHO is intended for the quantitative determination of total cholesterol concentration in serum or heparin plasma using the HITACHI Clinical Analyzer E40 The S TEST Reagent Cartridge Chole |
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USER MANUAL - PREVU Non-Invasive Cholesterol Test
PREVU NON INVASIVE SKIN CHOLESTEROL TEST PreVu Handheld Spectrophotometer USER MANUAL English North America ATTENTION READ SECTION 7 FIRST Pg 32 ALL NEW PREVU TEST OPERATORS MUST TRAIN AND QUALIFY For use with the PreVu Non Invasive Skin Cholesterol Point of Care POC Test PreVu Customer Service and Support 1 888 928 7205 North America www prevu com PreVu Handheld Spectrophotometer PVU SPECT 101 UNI P101 MA 025 02 |
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Total Cholesterol Assay Kit (Colorimetric)
Product Manual Total Cholesterol Assay Kit Colorimetric Catalog Number STA 384 192 assays FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY Not for use in diagnostic procedures CELL BIOLABS INC Creating Solutions for Life Science Research Introduction Cholesterol is a lipid sterol that is produced in and transported throughout the bloodstream in eukaryotes Cholesterol is a critical compound used in the structure of cell membranes hormones and cell signaling It is an essential comp |
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Cholesterol Test Devices : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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10. |
wellness cholesterol on cholestech ldx
7 Frankford Hospitals WELLNESS J Jefferson Health System PROC 945 8026 Philadelphia Langhorne PA PROCEDURE 945 8026 CHOLESTEROL ON CHOLESTECH L D X PREPARED BY DATE ADOPTED SUPERSEDES PROCEDURE Susan Ramsey 4 1998 N A Review DATE REVISION DATE SIGNATURE DISTRIBUTED TO COPIES DISTRIBUTED TO COPIES Torresdale Campus Lab 1 Wellness Torresdale Campus Dept of Pathology amp Laboratory Medicine Page 1 |
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ELITech e Clinical Systems Fran ais FR Code technique ST R actif de diagnostic in vitro usage professionnel uniquement SIGNIFICATION CLINIQUE Le cholest rol mol cule insoluble circule associ des lipopro t ines HDL LDL et VLDL Les LDL Low Density Lipoprotein r sultent de l hydrolyse des VLDL Very Low Density Lipoprotein par diverses enzymes lipolytiques Les LDL qui transportent pr s de 60 du cholest rol plasmatique total sont principa |
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12. |
N geneous LDL ST CHOLESTEROL REAGENT CATALOGUE NUMBER 80 5727 02 SIZE R1 30 mL 80 5729 02 R2 10 mL 80 5665 01 R1 250 mL 80 5714 00 R2 80 mL INTENDED USE For the direct quantitative measurement of low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL C concentration in human serum or plasma TEST SUMMARY Plasma lipoproteins are spherical particles containing varying amounts of cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids and proteins The phospholipid free cholesterol and pro |
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Blood Glucose / Cholesterol 2 in 1 Monitoring System
GLUC 4 mg dL a ty 2 deem Model TBG 460GC Blood Glucose Cholesterol 2 in 1 Monitoring System User s Manual 2012 03 12 Rev 00 Table of Contents Chapter 1 TBG 460GC Monitoring System VA INTPOGUCHION lt lt 0 02 c0scenereeeacdaccacsacanencnasacenseasetedeccnnaesees cesccaesanens 2 UZ Precautions nssr a aera aenta 2 11 3 Intended USC vo cics ce traysceen nadie hess areciegenene 3 1 4 Labelling and Informations c ccccceceeeee |
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Cholestech LDX® Cholesterol Analyzer Test
Cholestech LDX eg TES Cholesterol Analyzer Test CLA waived inc The Cholestech LDX Cholesterol Analyzer Test combines enzymatic methodology and solid phase technology to measure total cholesterol HDL cholesterol triglycerides and glucose Samples used for testing can be whole blood from a finger stick collected in a lithium heparin coated capillary tube or venipuncture The sample is applied to a Cholestech LDX cassette For professional in vitro diagnostic use |
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Cholesterol Test Devices : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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S TEST Reagent Cartridge Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL)
HitachiChemical vo S TEST Reagent Cartridge Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol LDL 96313 10 10 S TEST Cartridges 96313 100 10 x 10 S TEST Boxes 100 Tests Kit for the determination of Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol on HITACHI Clinical Analyzer 2011 11 Rev 0 Intended Use The S TEST LDL is intended for the quantitative determination of low density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration in serum or heparin plasma using the HITACHI Clinical Analyzer The S TEST |
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Cholesterol Monitor User Manual
Lloydspharmacy Choleste Monitor User Manual Model No LCM 1 O 7 mess IS Elorg KZ Vv Net y a Do not re use CS Keep dry J 40 C Operation temperature limitation ar 10 C In vitro diagnostic medical device lt O Lot number O CE certification O al oo N Manufacturer Do not dispose in Household waste xE gt E 30 C 10 C DJ Eb Read instructions Caution consult acco |
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N geneous LDL CHOLESTEROL REAGENT CATALOGUE NUMBER 80 4592 00 SIZE R130 mL 80 4598 00 R1 250 mL 80 4595 00 R2 10 mL 80 460 1 00 R2 80 mL INTENDED USE For the direct quantitative measurement of low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL C concentration in human serum or plasma TEST SUMMARY Plasma lipoproteins are spherical particles containing varying amounts of cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids and proteins The phospholipid free cholesterol and protein co |
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user manual - PREVU Non-Invasive Cholesterol Test
PREVU NON INVASIVE SKIN CHOLESTEROL TEST PreVu Handheld Spectrophotometer USER MANUAL English Canada For use with the PreVu Non Invasive Skin Cholesterol Point of Care POC Test This User Manual is strictly intended for use by PreVu Test Operators in Canada PreVu Customer Service and Support 1 888 928 7205 WWW prevu com PreVu Handheld Spectrophotometer PVU SPECT 101 UNI P101 MA 025 01 This User Manual is strictly intended for use |
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