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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Symbolic Execution Tool User Manual
Symbolic Execution Tool User Manual This symbolic execution tool was developed under Microsoft windows XP and Maple 9 5 You can use examples mpl to try our Symbolic Execution Tool There are two ways to use our examples file One way is to test the examples and modules in batch input and the other way is to test the examples and the modules Interactively Method 1 Test the Examples and the Modules In Batch Input To run test please type the following command restart read |
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Symbolic Mathematics System Evaluators
Symbolic Mathematics System Evaluators Richard J Fateman Computer Sciences Division Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department University of California Berkeley Abstract Evaluation of expressions and programs in a computer al gebra system is central to every system but inevitably fails to provide complete satisfaction Here we explain the con flicting requirements describe some solutions from current systems and propose alternatives that might be pr |
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From symbolic computer to universal math machine
AA A PUBLICATION OF inf uy August 2006 Software Review Maple 10 From symbolic computer to universal math machine By Jason Schattman I knew it in my heart my theorem just had to be true This beautiful result that a particularly ugly objective function was convex was to be a jewel in the crown of my Ph D thesis But the rascal repulsed every angle of attack I mounted to prove it in the end killing 50 sheets of scratch paper and two weeks of my |
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Symbolic Semantics for CSP
Symbolic Semantics for CSP Liyi Li Elsa Gunter and William Mansky Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign liyili egunter mansky1 illinois edu Communicating Sequential Processes CSP is a well known formal language for describing concur rent systems Brookes Hoare and Roscoe 2 have given a transition semantics for CSP that underlies common approaches to model checking properties of CSP programs In this paper we present a gen er |
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Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package (SNAP) User`s Manual
Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package SNAP User s Manual Fuel Temperature Axial Node 9 ar PO O OE of ff A Pf ff of ff ff ff TAE JF IF UF IF IF FF Fu FFD 12345 6 7 8 9301192131415 1 April 2007 Applied Programming Technology Inc 240 Market St Suite 208 Bloomsburg PA 17815 1951 Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package SNAP User s Manual Applied Programming Technology Inc Copyright O 2006 2007 KEK Disclaimer of Liability Notice The Nuclear Reg |
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xfunc symbolic circuit analysis software version 2.1
XFUNC SYMBOLIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS SOFTWARE VERSION 2 1 Copyright 1993 YY Software XFUNC 2 1 i TABLE OF CONTENT I INTRODUCTION seid e beer SS deers Seda ieee CREE eS Page 1 Lo PURPOSE cua a EE SEN Page 1 2 WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT XFUNC Page 1 3 FEATURES 2 e bees Siete re te ev Page 2 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Page 3 5 TRADEMARKS eer see Ee Ee Bye Sad eme eme or Page 4 II INSTALLATION tura ne dre |
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Symbolic Polynomial Lab
Due Date Language Lab Value Purpose Documentation Problem CoSc 20803 Fall 2015 Lab 1 GUI code Thursday Sept 24 2015 all files including a runnable JAR file related to your Lab1 project zipped together and submitted with TURNIN Finished Project Thursday Oct 8 2015 all files including a runnable JAR file related to your Lab1 project zipped together and submitted with TURNIN hardcopy printout of User s Manua |
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FORM Matters: Fast Symbolic Computation under - LaCIM
FORM Matters Fast Symbolic Computation under UNIX Michael M Tung Instituto de Matematica Multidisciplinar Universidad Polit cnica de Valencia P O Box 22 012 Valencia Spain Abstract We give a brief introduction to FORM a symbolic programming language for massive batch operations designed by J A M Vermaseren In particular we stress various methods to efficiently use FORM under the UNIX operating system Several scripts and examples are given and suggestions on how t |
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Problem Solving Environments and Symbolic Computation
Chapter 1 PROBLEM SOLVING ENVIRONMENTS AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTING Richard J Fateman University of California Berkeley Abstract What role should be played by symbolic mathematical computation facilities in scientific and engineering problem solving environments Drawing upon stan dard facilities such as numerical and graphical libraries symbolic computation should be useful for The creation and manipulation of mathematical models The production of custom optimized nume |
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III TUTORIAL B SICO DE SYMBOLIC El toolbox symbolic de MATLAB contiene un amplio conjunto de funciones muy tiles para realizar c lculos simb licos Un listado completo de las mismas puede obtenerse ejecutando sobre la l nea de comandos del workspace la sentencia help toolbox1symbolic Este apunte presenta sobre un ejemplo de aplicaci n la utilizaci n de las funciones b sicas del toolbox symbolic Para una descripci n m s detallada de las mismas remitimos al He |
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User Manual Connection to 3S symbolic
User Manual Connection to 3S symbolic Part Number 80 860 632 Version 2 Date 25 11 2005 Valid for TSwin net 4 0x TSwin net 4 1x S sutron ELECTRONIC GMBH Version Date Modifications 1 04 07 2005 First edition 2 25 11 2005 Validation extended chapter Important Notes added This manual including all illustrations contained herein is copyright protected Use of this manual by any third party in departure from the copyright provision is forbidden No |
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SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION AND PARALLEL SOFTWARE Paul S Wang Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kent State University Kent Ohio 44242 0001 Abstract Two aspects of parallelism as related to symbolic computing are presented 1 the implementation of parallel programs for the factorization of polynomials and 2 the au tomatic derivation and generation of parallel codes for finite element analysis The former illustrates the use of parallel programming to speed up s |
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