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The CLiP user manual - Literate Programming
Table of Contents CLiP C ode from Li terate P rograms Provisional User Manual o 1 1 TntrOduetrony icts ci seed eee hei gae iiare ea tien EEEE RER a EKSER E Sia Eia 1 2 Syntax programming style svacstccsssiavszeciushavedeesedeadsedsaceeeasecuadeanvecndestnteneondwavancenevenes 2 2 1 Stub blocks and documentation blocks esssssessssesseessesesseessseesseessessseresseesssees 3 22 SE STMCIUS nres satan aie E R AA EE D AE Ea 3 DD UD UNOS Saige esters ra tee ent dis Re acc |
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Nuweb A Simple Literate Programming Tool
Nuweb A Simple Literate Programming Tool Version 0 87 Preston Briggs preston cs rice edu This work has been supported by ARPA through ONR grant N00014 91 J 1989 Contents 1 Introduction Ti INU A REAL cC Aes e d v d y eas oe Ee Br Lot du Se dy Y O Rd 1 27 Writing Nuweb 000 ket a dak w dou Sie Ge a Coe apn ae Ba Reena i aa aad a a 42 1 The Major Commands didnt Ge Uc a be EYE Biwi es GW Y ee OO 1 2 2 The Minor Commands ee 1 3 Running N uwebs swear |
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The CWEBx user manual - Literate Programming
Literate Programming in C The CWEB System of Structured Software Documentation Manual for CWEBx3 0 Marc A A van Leeuwen 1 Overview This document describes CWEBx3 0 a particular implementation of CWEB a system that supports the concept of literate programming for programs written in the language C more particularly for this version in ANSI ISO C As this manual aims to supply all information possibly relevant to a wide variety of users it is necessarily rather e |
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WEB a - Literate Programming
WEB USER MANUAL 1 The WEB System of Structured Documentation This memo describes how to write programs in the WEB language and it also includes the full WEB docu mentation for WEAVE and TANGLE the programs that read WEB input and produce TFX and Pascal output respectively The philosophy behind WEB is that an experienced system programmer who wants to provide the best possible documentation of software products needs two things simultaneously a language like TEX for formatt |
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The PretzelBook - Literate Programming
The PretzelBook second edition Felix G rtner June 11 1998 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Do Prettyprinting the Pretzel Way 2 2 nun Hlist ry epean amp Sea ai a N a an a Be Acknowledgements 2 2222 2 CC onen Changes to second Edition 2 2 2 Connor 2 Using Pretzel 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 Getting Started sa sa a e aoa a a a al RA ee ew os EL SA frst Example oir u aa a aaa 2132 Running Pr |
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Mini-Indexes for Literate Programs
Mini Indexes for Literate Programs Donald E Knuth Computer Science Department Stanford University Stanford CA 94305 2140 USA Abstract This paper describes how to implement a documenta tion technique that helps readers to understand large programs or collections of programs by providing local indexes to all iden tifiers that are visible on every two page spread A detailed example is given for a program that finds all Hamiltonian circuits in an undirected graph Key |
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Literate Programming FAQ
Bijlage J Literate Programming FAQ 159 Literate Programming FAQ version 1 0 1 David B Thomas 15 october 93 Welcome to the Literate Programming Fre quently Asked Questions List This version was created Fri 10 15 1993 and should con sidered stale after 90 days Information contained in this document is the best available at preparation Disclaimer This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any pa |
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Autoduck Tags - Literate Programming
Autoduck User s Guide To display a list of topics by category click any of the contents entries below To display an alphabetical list of topics choose the Index button Basics These topics describe the basic approach of Autoduck About Autoduck Features of Autoduck Autoduck Tags Autoduck Comment Blocks Source Parsing Nesting Topics Inside Topics Output Types Tag Reference The following topics describe the tagset defined in AUTODUCK FMT doc Topic Tags Parag |
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The Literate Programming FAQ
The Literate Programming FAQ Next Previous Contents The Literate Programming FAQ David B Thompson lt thompson shelob ce ttu edu gt Version 1 3 1 Mar 15 2000 The purpose of this document is two fold First there is a need to present a basic description of literate programming and how application of literate programming principles can improve the resulting code Second there is a need to present a list of tools available to iterate programmers Hopefully this documen |
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The mCWEB user manual - Literate Programming
mCWEB an Extension of CWEB for Teams Markus Ollinger October 4 1998 Abstract This book describes mCWEB a descendant of the CWEB system of structured docu mentation by Donald E Knuth and Silvio Levy that adds some features that are indispensable when working in a team mCWEB regards a project as a book consisting of several chapter files By means of import and export commands it automatically manages all relationships between the chapters of a book and to other b |
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