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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Learning to Sweave in APA Style
The PracT X Journal 2008 No 1 Article revision 2008 4 4 Learning to Sweave in APA Style Ista Zahn Email izahn psych rochester edu Address University of Rochester Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology Meliora Hall Rochester NY 14627 Abstract Until recently I used Micorsoft Word and clones such as OpenOffice to write academic manuscripts as do most in my field The standard software toolkit for many psychology professors and graduate students also includes |
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Sweave User Manual
Sweave User Manual Friedrich Leisch Draft January 4 2002 1 Introduction Sweave provides a flexible framework for mixing text and S code for automatic document gener ation A single source file contains both documentation text and S code which are then weaved into a final document containing e the documentation text together with e the S code and or e the output of the code text graphs by running the S code through an S engind like R R Development Core Team 20 |
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Sweave User Manual
Sweave User Manual Friedrich Leisch R Version 1 6 0 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Noweb files 3 Sweave files 3 1 A simple example 0200 ee ee 3 2 Sweave options ee 3 0 Using scalars in text cs seee Ew a ORO a ER ee Ee Oe a 3 4 Code chunk reuse 2 2 2 ee 3 5 Syntax definition oc sa ses saa e 4 Tangling and weaving AAA Al The RueavelatexX driver soria aa daa aaa Rweaveliate ua bei a AA A e a a G 4 1 1 Writing to seperate files |
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SASweave User`s Manual
SASweave User s Manual Russell V Lenth The University of lowa Seren H jsgaard Aarhus University Version 1 2 9 June 14 2007 Ab stract SASweave is a collection of scripts that allow one to embed SAS code into a IATEX document and automatically incorporate the results as well SASweave is patterned after Sweave which does the same thing for code written in R In fact a document may contain both SAS and R code Besides the convenience of being able to easily in |
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Sweave User Manual
Sweave User Manual Friedrich Leisch and R core July 10 2014 1 Introduction Sweave provides a flexible framework for mixing text and R code for automatic document generation A single source file contains both documentation text and R code which are then woven into a final document containing e the documentation text together with e the R code and or e the output of the code text graphs This allows the re generation of a report if the input data change and documents |
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Sweave User Manual - Department of Statistics
Sweave User Manual Friedrich Leisch R Version 1 5 0 Contents 3 1 A simple example s s ee iira a aa a eee ae es 3 2 Sweave options 3 3 Using scalars in text 3 4 Code chunk reusel ee 3 0 Syntax definition s a es nesa a e u aa a a a aE E e a a 4 Tangling and weaving 4 1 The RweaveLatex driver Sr tt aed Uk tae arr hth Gs A A a A Ge Ge cas dt 4 A 4 2 The Rtangle driver A Frequently Asked Questions |
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