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Présentation UGAP - Union des Groupements d`Achats Publics
Descriptif PHILIPS Cr er les produits et services les plus innovants pour des solutions plus efficaces dans les domaines du diagnostic du monitoring ef des traitements Salle d di e l activit cardiologique Arceau au plafond Allura Xper FD10 C SOMMAIRE DE L OFFRE Caractr nstiques TECHNIC UES secnsonccsceseoracsroocesdsaneoanconivewsdeacetendsboeonsdeaneotdoowedsdasieonsQoomeaescusivonstenweassduasenssaens 2 Formation UniS ateus a OR a Re an 15 |
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PART 1—GENERAL - Delano Joint Union High School District
DELANO HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT NAME DHS YR15 VIDEO SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1 01 SCOPE OF WORK A This is a Request for Proposal for Delano High School This is an e rate year 15 project All bids should be broken out into e rate eligible and non e rate eligible parts and pricing A lump sum bid will not be accepted Vendor shall provide a complete detailed bid as per FCC and e rate bidding procedures The Contractor shall furnish all labor project management materials t |
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Compte-rendu de la réunion du 15.12.11
Compte rendu de la r union du 15 12 11 BRUYNAERT C harly AY Aelig artin orent Projet ALHAMBRA Re D O NN po ofi E pean na a Da D re ee gt PE se gt Le lt 5 gt DS D 4 x Fees Compte Rendu de r union n 1 Jeudi 15 D cembre 2011 Cin ma Alhambra Premi re rencontre avec le cin ma Alhambra Version 1 0 termin e Personnes pr sentes 6 FERNANDEZ Marguerite BEAUFILS Am lie BRU UYNAERT Charly GAY Aelig |
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NComputing PC Expanion L100 user manual
bajgd Fast Ethernet Version one PC PC EXPANION solution 30 happy users PC EXPANION User s Guide uvuomputmg Hardware specification regarding PC Expanion LI 00 LI 20 and L200 LI 00 LI 20 L200 Dimension 8 46inch W x 6 30inch D x 1 57inch H 9 57inch W x 5 31 inch D x 1 57inch H 9 57inch W x 5 31 inch D x 1 57inch H Weight 0 83 lb 0 81 lb 0 82 lb Protocol WolP Windows over IP LolP Linux over IP WolP |
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DeVillbiss Air Power Company Companion 919.19007 user manual
General Manual Model No 919 19007 Air Tool Set IMPORTANT Read the Safety Guidelines and All Instructions Carefully Before Operating SAFETY GUIDELINES OPERATION Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A D21543 Rev 0 7 14 00 SAFETY GUIDELINES DEFINITIONS This manual contains information that is important for you to know A DANGER ACAUTION and understand This information relates to protecting YOUR SAFETY and PREVENTIN |
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HRG4 Companion - Health & Social Care Information Centre
Casemix Service HRG4 HRG4 Companion The NHS Information Centre is England s central authoritative source of health and social care information The Casemix Service designs and refines classifications that are used by the NHS in England to describe healthcare activity The NHS Information Centre www ic nhs uk 0845 300 6016 enquiries ic nhs uk The Casemix Service www ic nhs uk casemix Glossary of Terms www ic nhs uk jargon buster Department of Health |
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Valor Auto Companion Inc. DV-180 user manual
VALOR I HALF DIN SIZE DVD PLAYER USER MANUA MODEL DV 180 English Technical Specifications Supply Voltage 12VDC 10 8V 16V test voltage 13 2V negative ground Environment temperature 0 C 45 C Chassis Dimensions 183 4x178x50 mm Current Consumption Less than 2A Quiescent lt 5mA Video system NTSC PAL AUTO Discs Played 1 DVD VIDEO Disc 5 12cm single sided single layer 5 12cm single sided |
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Telecamera DayNight Dinion
Telecamera DayNight Dinion LTC0465 BOSCH it Manuale di installazione e operativo Telecamera Day Night Dinion Sommario it 3 Sommario 1 Sicurezza 5 1 1 Norme di sicurezza 5 1 2 Istruzioni importanti per la sicurezza 6 1 3 Informazioni importanti 7 LA Conformit a FCC ed ICES 8 1 5 Certificazione UL 9 1 6 Informazioni Bosch 10 2 Introduzione 11 2 1 Funzioni 11 2 2 Disimballaggio 11 3 Collegamenti 13 3 1 Collegamento all alimentazione 13 3 1 |
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Raritan Dominion KX II User guide
Raritan 1M TIT URN Copyright O 2014 Raritan Inc DKX2 v2 6 0 0R E March 2014 255 62 4023 00 This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright All rights reserved No part of this document may be photocopied reproduced or translated into another language without express prior written consent of Raritan Inc Copyright 2014 Raritan Inc All third party software and hardware mentioned in this document are registered trad |
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10. |
NBC-455 Câmaras IP Dinion
V deo NBC 455 C maras IP Dinion NBC 455 C maras IP Dinion Www boschsecurity com pt As c maras Dinion IP s o c maras CCD policrom ticas com leitura progressiva Podem transmitir quatro fluxos de v deo simultaneamente em dois fluxos H 264 um fluxo de grava o fotograma e um fluxo M JPEG S o totalmente suportadas funcionalidades como multicast transmiss o em sequ ncia de Internet e grava o iSCSI As c maras Dinion IP disp em de detec o de m |
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La mise sur le marché de produits cosmétiques dans l`Union
La mise sur le march de produits cosm tiques dans l Union Europ enne R glement 1223 2009 Le r glement europ en 1223 2009 sur les produits cosm tiques est applicable depuis le 11 juillet 2013 et remplace la directive 76 768 CE Il est d applicabilit directe dans les droits nationaux ce qui devrait viter les diff rences d interpr tation entre les Etats membres Outre une refonte des nombreuses modifications apport es l ancienne directive il clarifie la r |
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Companion Mics™
ETYMOTIC RESEARCH INC Companion Mics Multi Talker Noise Reduction System User Guide ABOUT THE COMPANION MICS The Companion Mics project began in 1992 and has gone through five development phases 1 ultra low power digital transmission 2 low cost FM systems 3 high cost FM systems 4 low power digital security alarm systems and 5 the present system a 2 4 GHz spread spectrum digital frequency hopping system None of the first four systems provided |
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Alto-Shaam Inc. Oven Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion user manual
Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion SHOWN WITH PASS THROUGH OPTION Models AR 7H MANUAL CONTROL AR 7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL INSTALLATION OPERATION MAINTENANCE V Your SorvicB Hotlino 1 800 SS8 8744 W164 N9221 Water Street P O Box 450 Menomonee Falls Wisconsin 53052 0450 USA PHONE 262 251 3800 800 558 8744 USA Canada FAX 262 251 7067 800 329 8744 u s a only www alto shaam com PRINTED IN U S A MN 28953 03 09 A |
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Traits d`union n°12
BULLETIN DE LIAISON DE L UNION NATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE FAMILLES DE TRAUMATISES CRANIENS ET DES ETABLISSEMENTS EF SERVICES ADHERENTS DE L UNAFTC Chers Amis L lection d un nouveau pr sident offre naturellement l opportunit de renforcer l uvre de ceux qui lont pr c d Cette t che ne peut s accomplir sans le soutien de tous et c est bien s r l que se trouve la force de PUNAFTC F d ration au service des Familles et de leurs bless s C est c |
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15. |
Raritan Dominion KX User guide
Raritan m TIT URN Copyright O 2012 Raritan Inc KX2101V2 v3 5 0 D E September 2012 255 62 3059 00 This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright All rights reserved No part of this document may be photocopied reproduced or translated into another language without express prior written consent of Raritan Inc Copyright 2012 Raritan Inc All third party software and hardware mentioned in this document are registered tradem |
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16. |
COMPANION THERAPY LASER LiteCure LLC COMPANION THERAPY LASER USER MANUAL CTS 15 250 Corporate Blvd Suite B Newark DE 19702 USA Tel 302 709 0408 Fax 302 709 0409 w companionthera LBLOOOO36A USER MANUAL CTS 15 DCN O COMPANIO Liteioure LLC Table of Contents 1 INTRODUGTION nnn nnn enter teen one ree ren ee eee eee ee eee 2 1 1 R le DSS let Le 2 1 2 Heade Te EE 2 1 3 B n HV CY CWC E 2 1 4 PUP SOON E IGN EE 2 2 ARETY aticeteasanes |
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Raritan DOMINION KX II DKX2-0E-E Setup guide
Dominion KX Il Quick Setup Guide Thank you for your purchase of the KX II the industry s most full featured enterprise class secure digital KVM Keyboard Video Mouse switch This Quick Setup Guide explains how to install and configure the KX II For additional information on any aspect of the KX II see the accompanying online help accessed from the KX II or from the KX II User Guide which can be downloaded from the Firmware and Documentation section of Raritan s web |
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Golden Technologies Companion II user manual
Golden Tehcnologies 401 Bridge Street Old Forge PA 18518 Tel 800 624 6374 Fax 800 628 5165 www goldentech com Thank you for purchasing your Companion Scooter We are honored you have chosen Golden Technologies for your mobility needs Please note unless otherwise speci fied the term Companion is to refer to each of the models listed below Companion 1 3 wheel scooters GC222 300 lb load capacity GC223 300 lb load capacity Companion II 3 whe |
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Diaphragm Valves Type 14 True Union Diaphragm Valves Type14
ASAHI AV VALVES Diaphragm Valves Type 14 Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual True Union Diaphragm Valves Typel4 User s Manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contents General operating instructions seess l General instructions for transportation unpacking and storage seeme JI Name of eteinen 2 Comparison between working temperature and pressure mme 4 Installation procedure wm 5 Operating pro |
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AfinionTM ACR • Quick Guide
Afinion ACR e Quick Guide TESTING PROCEDURE ar 1 A Pull the sampling device straight Fill the capillary touch the up from the Test Cartridge surface of the patient sample a or control b Fill it completely c Do not wipe off the capillary Touch for patient Insert the Test Cartridge with samples or touch i the barcode facing left for controls The lid opens automatically 7 Touch amp Jand enter Record the result when it |
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