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THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA INVITATION FOR BID ATTENTION This is not an order Read all instructions and terms and conditions carefully INVITATION NO T053085 RETURN ALL COPIES OF BIDS TO 05 06 2013 THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA 2 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Furnish and Install Training Room Equipment in Street Address 1101 Jackson Ave Suite 3000 Mal Moore Athletic Facility Tuscaloosa Alabama 35401 OR Mailing Address Box 870130 205 348 5026 Tuscaloosa Alabama 3548 |
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Channel Plus Stereo Receiver 5115BID User Guide
WARRANTY Multiplex Technology Inc warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase or MTI will repair or at its option replace the defective product To obtain warranty service call MTI for a return material authorization RMA number and return the product paid Attention Customer Service Please put the RMA number on the outside of the car ton Any implied warranty arising from the sal |
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BID - Port of Los Angeles
A THE PORT OF LOS ANGELES Eric Garceni Board of Harbor Commissioners Geraldine Knotz Ph D TRANSMITTAL 1 425 5 Palos Verdes Sheet Post Oflice Box 151 San Peoro CA 90733 0151 TEL TDD 310 SEA PORT www porloflosangeles org Mayor City of Los Angeles Cindy Miscikowsk David Anan Douglas P Krause Sung Won Sohn Ph D President Vice President Executive Director DATE September 17 2013 BID F 842 ADDENDUM 2 DESCRIPTION SAFE FULL CABIN BOATS |
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815 North Jackson Street P O Box 849 Athens Tennessee 37371 0849 www cityofathenstn com Matthew Marshall Director of Purchasing 423 744 2780 Fax 423 744 8866 mmarshall cityofathenstn com CITY OF ATHENS REQUEST FOR BID NO 1614 The City of Athens will receive sealed bids at the Athens Municipal Building Purchasing Division located at 815 N Jackson Street Athens TN 37303 until 2 30 p m ET Monday March g h 2015 at which time and place bids will be publicly |
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John Lewis JLBIDO911 user manual
JLBID0911 Built in oven Instruction manual John Lewis h Important safety information It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future reference Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner or should you move house and leave the appliance always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the new owner can get to know the functioning of the appliance and the rel |
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SECTION 4200 CITY OF FARGO SPECIFICATIONS TRAFFIC SIGNALS GENERAL This work shall consist of furnishing and installing traffic signals pedestrian and school flashing beacons communication cable traffic surveillance cameras and battery back up systems All work and material shall meet the National Electric Code the North Dakota State Electrical Board the local utility company and the ordinances established by the City of Fargo All materials shall be new unless specified |
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Request for Bid Runway Sweeper
TUCSON AIRPORT AUTHORITY TUCSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RYAN AIRFIELD Request for Bid Runway Sweeper Project Number 20108899 Bid Opening Date Monday August 19 2013 Bid Opening Time 1 30 p m Tucson Airport Authority 7005 S Plumer Ave Tucson AZ 85756 www flytucson com TABLE OF CONTENTS Invitation to Bid Instructions to Bidders General Terms and Conditions Supplementary Provisions Technical Specifications Contract Agreement Required F |
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LaMotte 2020WE Turbidity Meter User Manual
LaMotte 2020 2020 1979 20201 Code 1979 50 Version 1 5 Code 1979 MN 12 07 WARNING This set contains chemicals that may be harmful if misused Read cautions on individual containers carefully Not to be used by children except under adult supervision 5 2 52 4 ROSE LOC amp 6 men 6 What is Turbidity gt 6 How |
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TRUE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT INC 2001 East Terra Lane O Fallon Missouri 63366 4434 O 636 240 2400 e FAX 636 272 2408 INT L FAX 636 272 7546 800 325 6152 Parts Department 800 424 TRUE e Parts Department FAX 636 272 9471 MANUAL DE INSTALACI N PARA MODELOS TCM EXHIBIDORES DE CONVENIENCIA CONTENIDO Informaci n de Seguridad Precauciones de Seguridad Apropiado Desecho Conectando la Electricidad Adaptadores 0U0N l i ll Instalaci |
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American Standard Traditional Bidet 5065.010 user manual
Atmricm Standard Style That Works Better TRADITIONAL BIDET VITREOUS CHINA TRADITIONAL BIDET 5065 040 For deck mounted fitting illustrated Vitreous china Flushing rim and vertical cleansing spray Design matched to Reminiscence and Enfield toilets Two bolt caps Integral overflow Shown with 8391 000 Amarilis bidet fitting with 0000 452 Jasmine metal cross handles not included 5065 010 For over the rim fitting Vitreous china |
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Gradateurs bidirectionnels (unipolaires ou à
with Intellisense Technology Gradateurs bidirectionnels unipolaires ou emplacements multiples Valeurs nominales 120 V c a 60 Hz N de cat HXM96 1T Charges incandescence 600 W max 60 W min Charges magn tiques basse tension 600 VA max 60 VA min N de cat HXM19 1T Charges incandescence 1 000 W max 60 W min Charges magn tiques basse tension 1 000 VA max 60 VA min Compatibilit avec les contr leurs d ambiances et les tr |
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IONEX Aditivo inhibidor de la corrosión.
IONEX Aditivo inhibidor de la corrosi n Wes TECNOCONCRET IDEAS Y SOLUCIONES EN CONCRETO RIF J 00036067 7 DESCRIPCI N IONEX es un aditivo a base de Nitrito de Calcio que inhibe la corrosi n del acero de refuerzo en el concreto Este producto contiene un 30 de Nitrito de Calcio en soluci n Un concreto de buena calidad posee una matriz que proporciona al acero de refuerzo un ambiente con un pH alto Esto permite la formaci n de capas naturales de oxido de |
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INVITATION FOR BID - Center for Digital Government
THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA INVITATION FOR BID ATTENTION This is not an order Read all instructions and terms and conditions carefully INVITATION NO 1052996 RETURN ALL COPIES OF BIDS TO 01 08 2013 THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Agilent Network Analyzer Street Address 1101 Jackson Ave Suite 3000 Tuscaloosa Alabama 35401 OR Sharon O Neal Mailing Address Box 870130 205 348 5037 Tuscaloosa Alabama 35487 PHONE 205 348 5230 FAX 205 348 87 |
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N y REGLAMENTO DE INSTALACI N _ DE PLANTAS ELECTRICAS DE EMERGENCIA 025 oE SRS Secretaria de Estado de Obras P blicas y Comunicaciones REPUBLICA DOMINICANA DGRS Reglamento de Instalaci n de Plantas El ctricas de Emergencia Secretar a de Estado de Obras P blicas y Comunicaciones SEOPC Santo Domingo Rep blica Dominicana 2006 TABLA DE CONTENIDO Art 1 Consideraciones Genera |
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CUSTOM PUMPER BID PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT November 8 2011 KME KOVA AAA CUSTOM PUMPER PROPOSAL KME Fire Apparatus is pleased to offer the proposed vehicle to meet the intent of the fire department specifications KME Fire Apparatus is a leading manufacturer in custom and commercial fire fighting vehicles Questions or concerns pertaining to this proposal can be answered by contacting the following KME personnel KME Fire Appar |
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Turbidity•Xchange - User Manual
Turbidity Xchange User Manual Version 1 3 06 March 2013 User Manual for AML Oceanographic s TurbiditysXchange Revision Date Description Author Version 1 3 06 March 2013 Updated Sensor Specifications Dustin Olender User Manual for AML Oceanographic s TurbiditysXchange Table of Contents General Description of the SONS OF i o cene rere tr been enue ana Bre ee rv agde oett 3 Which Manual do lS tart WII etit t |
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Manual de instalación de mantas calefactoras para bidones IBC de
Elementos um Elementos as e Manta calefactora BFVIBC Calefactores Manual de Instalaci n Leer y entender este manual antes de instalar la manta calefactora El hecho de no entender este manual correctamente puede acarrear graves ac cidentes o lesiones La manta calefactora BFVIBC debe ser instalada por personal cualificado Modelo BFVIBC Elementos Calefactores AS Utilidad del producto La manta calefactora BFVIBC est |
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Government Liquidation SEALED BID SALE PACKAGE SB1776 Aerospace March 3rd 2006 See Individual lot for POC Information Main Site s BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED VIA THE GL WEB SITE FAX AND MAIL A 10 BUYER S PREMIUM IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS SALE MPORTANT DATES FOR THIS SALE Inspection Date and Time March 1 amp 2 By Appointment Only Call site listed for preview times Date and Time Bids Due March 3 7 00PM ET Award Date March 04 Pay In Full By M |
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Lista de sustancias prohibidas AMA 2014
LISTA DE SUSTANCIAS DOPANTES 2014 Dra Pilar Mart n Escudero Escuela Profesional de Medicina de la Educaci n F sica y el Deporte Facultad de Medicina Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM NI ASS SS ZA El verdadero deporte es aquel que se practica con el alma y el cuerpo limpios Qu hay de malo en doparse TODO El dopaje es reflejo de lo que pasa en nuestra sociedad vale todo Dopaje se refiere a toda medida que pretendemodificar de un mo |
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TTR300 -
AVTMTTR300 Rev B Sept 2008 Instruction Manual for Three Phase TTR Transformer Turn Ratio Test Set TTR300 series Catalog Numbers TTR300 TTR300 47 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Read this entire manual before operating equipment Megger Valley Forge Corporate Center 2621 Van Buren Avenue Notristown PA 19403 2329 U S A 610 676 8500 WWW IMEGET COM Copyright O 2008 Megger rights reserved The information presented in this manual is believed to be ade |
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