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A Modular ROS package for Linear Temporal Logic based Motion
A Modular ROS package for Linear Temporal Logic based Motion Planning by Parth Pandya A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science Approved February 2013 by the Graduate Supervisory Committee Georgios Fainekos Chair Yann Hang Lee Partha Dasgupta ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY May 2013 ABSTRACT Objective of this thesis project is to build a prototype using Linear Temporal Logic specifications for generating a 2D m |
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Spatiotemporal annotation of data packets in wireless networks
az United States Patent Agrawal et al US008913552B2 US 8 913 552 B2 Dec 16 2014 0 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 SPATIOTEMPORAL ANNOTATION OF DATA PACKETS IN WIRELESS NETWORKS 75 Inventors Dakshi Agrawal Monsey NY US Chatschik Bisdikian Chappaqua NY US 73 Assignee International Business Machines Corporation Armonk NY US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted u |
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Deposito de retención temporal Gama BSTP
ABEL QUALIT e SYSTEME O 9001 V2008 09 01 Seguridad de uso de Ingenier a y concepci n manutenci n y de ac a medida ceso sistema entregado listo para montaje tenci n temporal BSTP Traslado almacenamiento manutenci n de transformadores Entregado con el manual de instalaci n Para una energ a limpia AL AKHELEC SPAIN distribuidor exclusivo de los productos WA segura g f 12 34 93 272 39 00 |
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d06019 fm TR IM 912 001R1 ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES gt Revisi n Temporal REVISI N TEMPORAL Sistema de refrigeraci n Introducci n En los motores refrigerados por l quido la temperatura del l quido refrigerante y no la temperatura del aluminio de la culata es el factor esencial en la operaci n del motor Como las antiguas culatas no permit an este tipo de medici n hab a que asegurarse en la instalaci n de acuerdo con el Manual de Instalaci n corr |
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d06029 fm TR IM 914 001R1 ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES gt Revisi n Temporal REVISI N TEMPORAL Sistema de refrigeraci n Introducci n En los motores refrigerados por l quido la temperatura del l quido refrigerante y no la temperatura del aluminio de la culata es el factor esencial en la operaci n del motor Como las antiguas culatas no permit an este tipo de medici n hab a que asegurarse en la instalaci n de acuerdo con el Manual de Instalaci n corr |
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Representing RCC relations in temporal logic
Representing RCC relations in temporal logic Author Supervisor Tim Harteveld Dr ir Jan Broersen January 30 2015 15 ECTS Abstract In this article we attempt to represent a spatial logic with a temporal logic in such a way that the spatial relations and the temporal relations can be used like a spatio temporal logic The spatial logic we try to represent is the Region Connection Calculus RCC The temporal logics we will discuss are Linear time Temporal Logic LTL C |
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Temporal Discovery Workbench (TDWB)
Single Honours Computing Project 2011 2012 Temporal Discovery Workbench TDWB Dissertation and manuals Daniel Blasco Calzada d blascocalzada 11 aberdeen ac uk Department of Computing Science University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB24 3UE UK TDWB I Acknowledgements would like to thank my project supervisors Professor Derek Sleeman and Dr Wamberto Vasconcelos for all their advice and assistance during the development of this project and also for providing |
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System Sensor TEMPORAL TONE SOUNDER BASE B501BHT user manual
INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS B501BHT Temporal Tone Sounder Base System Sensor 3825 Ohio Avenue St Charles Illinois 60174 1 800 SENSOR2 FAX 630 377 6495 www systemsensor com Specifications Base Diameter Base Height less sensor Weight Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Electrical Ratings External Supply Voltage Standby Current Alarm Current Maximum Ripple Voltage Start up Capacitance Communication Initiati |
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A Method of Bounded Model Checking for a Temporal Epistemic
MENG INpI1vipuaL Project REPORT A Method of Bounded Model Checking for a Temporal Epistemic Logic Based on Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams Andrew JoNES avjos doc ic ac uk Department of Computing Imperial College London Supervisor Dr Alessio R Lomuscto alessio doc ic ac uk Second Marker Prof Marek Sercot mjs doc ic ac uk Project ARCHIVE http www doc ic ac uk avjos memas tgz June 16 2009 Abstract Symbolic model checking is a powerful |
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Marcapaso bicameral temporal Manual técnico
gt Medtronic 5388 Marcapaso bicameral temporal Manual t cnico Precauci n Seg n las leyes federales de los Estados Unidos este CE dispositivo nicamente puede venderse por prescripci n m dica a TO MODELO 5388 Manual t cnico Marcapaso temporal bicameral S mbolos Explicaci n de los s mbolos Consulte las instrucciones de uso Equipo tipo CF Conformit Europ enne Conformidad Europea Este s mbolo indica que el dispositivo |
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Exergen TEMPORALSCANNER TAT-5000 user manual
EXEREEN Temporal Scanner Reference Manual Important Safety Instructions READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING When using the product especially when children are present basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following If you have any additional questions regarding use or care of the thermometer please see www exergen com or call customer service at 617 923 9900 Use this product only for its intended use as described in this |
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Filtros temporales TP1 y TP2
1698051 1 spira MS Parco Filtros temporales C nicos y Troncoc nicos TP1 y TP2 Instrucciones de Instalaci n y Mantenimiento 1 Informaci n de seguridad 2 Informaci n general del producto 3 Instalaci n y Puesta en marcha 4 Funcionamiento y localizaci n de aver as ir sp Parco Copyright 2011 1 Informaci n de seguridad El funcionamiento seguro de estos productos s lo puede garantizarse si la instalaci n puesta en ma |
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Spatiotemporal Annotation of Data Packets in Wireless Networks
19 US 20120188940A1 a2 Patent Application Publication o Pub No US 2012 0188940 A1 United States Agrawal et al 43 Pub Date Jul 26 2012 54 SPATIOTEMPORAL ANNOTATION OF DATA 82 US CL serdar tan 370 328 PACKETS IN WIRELESS NETWORKS 57 ABSTRACT 75 Inventors Dakshi Agrawal Monsey NY Techniques for annotating data packets with time and or loca US Chatschik Bisdikian tion information in wireless networks are provided In one Chappaqua NY US |
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Exergen Temporal Scanner 2000C user manual
TemporalScanner 2000C Temporal Artery Thermometer Instructions For Use Quick Check List Read instructions completely before using See www temporalscanner com for Educational Video Remove protective cap before using Reads arterial temperature which is a core temperature very close to rectal temperature See pg 9 Sensor should be clean See pg 12 If perspiration is present see pg 7 Important Safety Instructions READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFO |
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administración temporal sylabus área carrera seminario único
ADMINISTRACI N TEMPORAL SYLABUS REA CARRERA SEMINARIO NICO DE FIN DE CARRERA 1 DATOS INFORMATIVOS 1 1 Nombre de la Asignatura AFINAMIENTO DE MOTORES DE INYECCION ELECTRONICA A GASOLINA 1 2 N mero de cr ditos 4 1 3 Horario de Clases presenciales 64 1 4 Horario de Tutor as 07h00 11h00 1 5 Modalidad de Estudios PRESENCIAL 1 6 Nombre del Docente LUIS TIPANLUISA SARCHI 1 7 Correo electr nico del Docente luis tipanlu |
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