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M16C/26 APPLICATION NOTE Firmware Requirements for In
CENESAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C Firmware Requirements for In Circuit Debugger 1 0 Abstract The USB Monitor is a low cost compact interface that has two functions for Renesas M16C Flash microcontrollers 1 an in circuit debugger tool with KD30 Debugger and 2 an in system programmer with FoUSB Flash over USB Flash Programmer The following article introduces the target MCU resources used when the USB Monitor is used for in circuit debugging 2 0 Introduct |
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M16C/26 APPLICATION NOTE Writing Interrupt Handlers in C
ENESAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C 26 Writing Interrupt Handlers in C 1 0 Abstract This application note describes how to write hardware and software interrupt handlers using NC30 C version 4 XX and earlier compiler for M16C microcontrollers Interrupt mechanisms are processor hardware specific the ANSI C specification for writing interrupt functions is at best vague 2 0 Introduction The Renesas M30262 is a 16 bit MCU based on the M16C 60 series CPU core The MCU fea |
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Renesas Starter Kit for M16C/26A User`s Manual
REG10J0040 0200 Everywhere you imagine yy 2 ENESAS Renesas Starter Kit RSKM16C26A User s Manual RENESAS SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER M16C FAMILY M16C Tiny SERIES Rev 2 00 Renesas Technology Europe Ltd Revision date 05 09 2006 www renesas com Table of Contents Chapter I Preface ees leede E ee e e deer 1 Chapter 2 PUTOS E sa A E A II SAE NTO INA NN DR A 2 Ghapter3 PowerSUDply a A A ELO ALA AIL LAA RO 3 3 el e EE 3 3 2 Power Up BehaVlOU caia Na rn ael dedi arra po |
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M16C/26 Using Key Input Interrupts
24 NE SAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C 26 Using Key Input Interrupts 1 0 Abstract The following article introduces and shows how to setup key input interrupt on the M16C 26 M30262 Flash microcontroller MCU A sample program was written for the MSV Mini26 SKP for evaluation purposes 2 0 Introduction The Renesas M16C 26 is a 16 bit MCU with multiple peripheral functions including handling interrupts generated by several sources One of the interrupt sources is the key i |
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M16C/26 Using Timer B for Pulse Period/Width Measurements
RENESAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C 26 Using Timer B for Pulse Period Width Measurements 1 0 Abstract The following article introduces and shows how to use Timer B of the M16C 26 M30262 Flash microcontroller MCU for pulse period width measurements A sample program written for the MSV30262 SKP with an accelerometer shows how to use this Timer B function 2 0 Introduction The Renesas M16C 26 is a 16 bit MCU based on the M16C 60 CPU core and has multiple peripheral funct |
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M16C/26 Using the DMAC with a Forward Source
RENESAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C 26 Using the DMAC with a Forward Source 1 0 Abstract The following article introduces and shows an example of how to use the DMAC function of the M16C 26 with a forward counting source address and fixed destination address 2 0 Introduction The Renesas M30262 is a 16 bit MCU based on the M16C 60 series CPU core The MCU features include up to 64K bytes of Flash ROM 2K bytes of RAM and 4K bytes of virtual EEPROM The peripheral set inclu |
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Renesas M16C/26A user manual
REG10J0040 0300 Everywhere you imagine Renesas Starter Kit for M 16 C 26 A User s Manual RENESAS 16 BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER M16C FAMILY M16C Tlny SERIES Rev 3 00 Renesas Technology Europe Ltd Revision date Aug 31 2007 www renesas com Table of Contents Chapter 1 Preface 1 Chapter 2 Purpose 2 Chapters Power Supply 3 3 1 Requirements 3 3 2 Power Up Behaviour 3 Chapter 4 Board Layout 4 4 1 Component Layout 4 4 2 Boa |
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M16C/26 Using the A-D Converter in Repeat Sweep Mode 0
24 NESAS APPLICATION NOTE M16C 26 Using the A D Converter In Repeat Sweep Mode 0 1 0 Abstract The following document outlines the steps necessary to setup and perform analog to digital conversions of the M16C 26 using repeat sweep mode 0 The ADC is useful in measuring output voltages of sensors such as accelerometers or other analog instrumentation and converting them to digital values 2 0 Introduction The Renesas M30262 is a 16 bit MCU based on the M16C 60 serie |
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