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Texto Diário - ALRAA
Assembleia Legislativa da Regi o Aut noma dos A ores Di rio da Sess o IX Legislatura N mero 30 I Sess o Legislativa Horta Ter a Feira 7 de Julho de 2009 Presidente Deputado Francisco Coelho Secret rios Deputados Jos vila e Cl udio Lopes SUM RIO Os trabalhos tiveram in cio s 15 horas e 06 minutos No Per odo de Informa o Parlamentar foi apresentada a correspond ncia No Per odo de Tratamento de Assuntos Pol ticos foram apresentados div |
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AENOR Ed Valentine FICHA TECNICA Edici n Abril 2003 Sustituye la 00 140 de fecha Enero 2002 1 Producto VALREX SA TINADO C d DO 140 Empresa con sistemas de gesti n certificada por AENOR Esmalte satinado de primera calidad para proteger y decorar superficies en exteriores e interiores Gran rapidez de secado M xima cubrici n y nivelaci n Alta dureza Flexible Acabado lacado impecable Amplia gama de colores 2 Caract |
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AENOR Ed Valentine FICHA TECNICA Edici n Abril 2003 Sustituye la 00 119 de fecha Enero 2002 1 Producto VALREX METALIZADO C d DO 119 7817 Empresa con sistemas de gesti n certificada por AENOR Esmalte metalizado de calidad para la protecci n de hierro y madera en exteriores e interiores Gran rapidez de secado Alto brillo Excelente nivelaci n Buena resistencia a la intemperie Gran dureza Excelente efecto decorativo Amplia gama de colores |
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Gateway Server ALR 7300 User Guide
Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Gateway ALR 7300 Server Part 8504075 A MAN SYS US 7300 TECH REF R1 12 98 Notices Copyright 1998 Gateway 2000 Inc All Rights Reserved 610 Gateway Drive N Sioux City SD 57049 USA All Rights Reserved This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form without prior consent in writing from Gateway 2000 The information in this |
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74 319 0350 0 de Bedienungsanleitung Universalregler RMU7... en
SIEMENS 74 319 0350 0 B3144x2 74 319 0350 0 Synco 700 ES Bedienungsanleitung Universalregler RMU7 El Operating Instructions Universal Controllers RMU7 EZ Manuel d utilisation R gulateur universel RMU7 EI Gebruiksaanwijzing Universele regelaar RMU7 Nicht ben tigte Sprachen k nnen abgetrennt werden Languages not required can be removed Langues non utilis e peuvent tre d tach es Niet benodigde talen kunnen worden verwijderd SIEMENS EN Bedienungs |
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Package `PivotalR`
Package PivotalR February 19 2015 Type Package Title A Fast Easy to use Tool for Manipulating Tables in Databases and A Wrapper of MADlib Version 0 1 17 45 Date 2014 09 15 Author Predictive Analytics Team at Pivotal Inc lt user madlib net gt with contributions from Data Scientist Team at Pivotal Inc Maintainer Caleb Welton lt cwelton pivotal io gt Contact Predictive Analytics Team at Pivotal Inc lt user madlib net gt Depends R gt 2 14 0 methods |
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL - Calright Instruments
INSTR EC TION MANUAL SCOUT ou penne e ikid kin da bain k m je paka bati aaa yf NL tay ki A bi itl H ey Yota S WANN Fi ne 5 Klay aja Na ajajady af Scout M 3 4 L a INF 215 KI Pi kk kk bk ei n ak a kof ea ao an te a on aR A ay a a My are api ETN F OEE ani RNANA L ya ia an fa renere ne e ne ik Peretak Natana nanan perenne rapt 1 800 547 5740 Fax 503 643 6322 www ueitest com email infoQueitest com INFISS INF2Z1 |
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Cavalry Storage Computer Drive CADT-SA2 User Guide
User s Manual CADT SA2 Series cavaLry Preface Copyright Please respect copyrighted content Duplication or modification of this publication in whole or in part is prohibited without written authorization Usage Strong impacts or dropping the product may cause damage Allow only qualified personnel to repair this product Disassembling or opening this product will void your warranty Disclaimer Cavalry is not liable for compensation for data loss which may result f |
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EasySeat Alpha ManualR1007
FRESH AERO Easy Seat Tool For Grumman AA1 amp AA5 Series Aircraft Alpha Model For Grumman AA 1 amp AA 5 Series Aircraft with Access Holes in Front Seat Buckets fou Where lwagination Mesti Innovation Steelebrook Group Fresh Aero Easy Seat Tool Grumman AA1 amp AA 5 Series Aircraft Thank you for purchasing the Fresh Aero Easy Seat Tool for AA1 amp AA5 series Grumman aircraft We re confident you will be pleased with this innovation in Grumman maintenance to |
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SIVOS ERMENONVILLE MONTAGNY STE FELICITE MAIRIE DE MONTAGNY STE FELICITE 11 RUE PORTE DE BARON 60950 MONTAGNY STE FELICITE TELEPHONE 03 44 21 08 90 TELECOPIE 03 44 60 85 78 Mail sivos ermenonville montagny orange fr MONTAGNY STE FELICITE LE 30 AOUT 2015 Madame Monsieur Vous trouverez ci joint les r glements des services restauration scolaire pr p riscolaire ou Nouvelles Activit s P riscolaires p riscolaire et accueil de loisirs pour l ann e scolaire |
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VirtualRig™ Studio 3.0 User Manual
2 VirtualRig Studio User manual 2 WirtualRig Studio We Come Introduction User interface Vectors vs blurrers VirtualRig Studio is professional software for realistic motion blur simulation in traditional iin GEI HEO photography and CGI This document describes Control panels all the application features and explains the complete workflow using an example project Project settings HDRI images Spherical |
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Texto Audição - 0539 MB - ALRAA
cem mr e ASSEMBLEIA LEGISLATIVA DA RESAD ALTODCMA DOS A ORES ASSEMBLEIA LEGISLATIVA DA REGI O AUT NOMA ADIAITIDC NUIMENT SE E TROS SESS O pot Bala Cori e Cap resim ncis DO CONSELHO DE MINIST Pare pi m Do DE a d 03 Sho oF eS TSE Encarrega me o Senhor Secret rio de Estado da Presid ncia do Conselho de Ministros de junto remeter para a audi o prevista no n 2 do artigo 229 da Constitui o e no n 1 do artigo 116 do Estatu |
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Cavalry Storage Blu-ray Player user manual
DVD Writer Manual cavaLry 1 Mini USB port 2 USB Y cable cable 1 Turn on your computer 2 Connect the drive to the computer using both ends of the USB Y cable Optional If you do not have two free ports and your computer is able to supply enough power try using the drive with only one USB connector Troubleshooting FAQs My computer is not detecting the drive 1 Make sure the cable is firmly connected at all three ends 2 Insert a DVD or CD to allow you |
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Monte Carlo Fan Company 5ALR56 user manual
Owner s Manual Ceiling Fan Installation Instructions Total fan weight with light kit included For 5ALR56 Series Fans READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS MONTE CARLO Quality Ceiling fans LISTED Installation Safety Tips WARNING TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE ELECTRIC SHOCK OR INJURY TO PERSONS OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 1 Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by qualified person s in accordance with appl |
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Cavalry Storage CADA-C32A user manual
User s Manual CADA C32A Series cavaLry Preface Copyright Please respect copyrighted content Duplication or modification of this publication in whole or in part is prohibited without written authorization Usage Strong impacts or dropping the product may cause damage Only allow qualified personnel to repair this product Disassembling or opening this product will void your warranty Disclaimer Cavalry is not liable for compensation for data loss which may result |
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Disc Brake Service ManualREV G04/091.6mb
Refers to Products in the Asia Pacific Region Only HW HENDRICKSON TRAILER AIR SUSPENSIONS H TECHNICAL BULLETIN PNEUMATIC DISC BRAKE No 97117 112 Subject Service Manual Date April 2009 Revision G Axial Disc Brake Index Page 1 Exploded view of Drake eeceeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeenaes 2 2 General information 0 0 eee eeeeeee cece eeeeeeeee sees eeeeeneeeeeeeenees 3 3 Description and function 00 eee eee eeeeeetetetee teat te |
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basketball ring - basketbalring - anneau de basket
Instructions for use 1 Please keep this instruction sheet safely for future reference 2 This product needs to be mounted and checked thoroughly by an adult before use Inappropriate use or faulty application of the product is explicitly forbidden and absolves the manufac turer of all liability 3 The use of the item is allowed only under continuous supervision by an adult The product is not suitable for children un der 3 years because of small parts 4 All elemen |
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WALRUS II Manual B - Hobi Instrument Services
WaLRUS Il Water leaving Radiance Unison Spectrometer User s Manual Revision B HOBI 3s on Hydro Optics Biology amp Instrumentation Laboratories www hobilabs com support hobilabs com HOBI abs HOBI Labs Inc 1420 NW Gilman Blvd 2 2662 Issaquah WA 98027 USA http www hobilabs com support hobilabs com phone 425 484 0111 fax 425 401 5134 li Contents T OWN G WW rare ccs states tees cece A caiece me seeetieueus |
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Digitales 1|v"alruum-f`.r`lessgerät Digital vacuum gauge Uacuomètre
Digitales Vakuum Messger t Digital vacuum gauge Vacuom tre digital VacControl Das Vakuum Messger t VacControl misst den Druckwerlauf direkt in der Vakuumwerpackung w hrend des Ver packungsprozesses Messdaten ber tragung durch Bluetooth vom Innern der Verpackung direkt auf den PC Anwendungsorientiert durch exaktes Messen und Doku mentieren der Unterdr cke in der Verpackung Bei allen Arten von Va kuumverpackungsmaschinen einfach anz wenden ohne den Verpa |
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ABUS Digitalrekorder TVVR35010
eytron Security Tech Germany ABUS Digitalrekorder TVVR35010 Bedienungsanleitung User manual Manuel utilisateur Gebruikershandleiding Brugerh ndbog Version 1 0 ABUS Das gute Gefuhl der Sicherheit www abus sc com Hinweise zur Bedienungsanleitung Deutsch Diese Bedienungsanleitung enthalt wichtige Hinweise zur Inbetriebnahme und Handhabung Achten Sie hierauf auch wenn Sie dieses Produkt an Dritte weitergeben Heben Sie deshalb diese Bedienun |
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