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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
English - Magura
yosineq USI SUF sieduel4 SpuejlspoN OUEI EJ joueds3 WORKSHOP 2011 Our disc brake range recommended use Gustav M Marta SL Magnesium 203 203 Marta SL Magnesium 180 180 Marta SL Magnesium 160 160 Marta SL 203 203 Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 160 160 Marta 203 203 Marta 180 180 Marta 160 160 Louise 203 203 Louise 180 180 Louise 160 160 Julie HP 203 203 Julie HP 180 180 Julie HP 160 160 Ground contact isn t that important to you There is almost |
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2. |
UserManual Odin 2004 v108 qxd 4 20 2004 10 04 AM Page 2 AS a WWW Magura com Deutsch i Inhalt le De sicario RA Bee eee na 4 1 1 Einsatzbereich des Odin Luftfederbeins neen 4 biz MONA era aan eared whe RAKES nada hee Rena kb eee Hh Renk eee A 4 Teo Sol U a aera Ret eee RC NS 5 lt 14 Vor jeder Fans penare RETREAT LESTER Qa BOO Roh die rn 6 2 1 5 W hrend der Fahrt ii 6 1 8 Nach Sturz oder Uni ax samen ace eee eae Rena RO eee ERE RAE era 6 1 7 |
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3. |
English - Magura
worsAashop Tele WwWw magura com Italiano the passion people e ge OL un LLI Www magura com the passion people Summary 1 Introduction 3 2 Safety instructions before the first ride 4 3 Safety instructions before every ride 4 5 4 Transport of the bicycle 5 5 Warranty 5 6 Brake installation 6 9 7 Installation FIRM tech 10 8 Shortening and routing the hose 11 9 maintenance brake pad change 13 10 Filling and bleeding 14 11 Rep |
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4. |
English - Magura
UserManual Odin 2004 FrontAndBack qgxd 3 10 2004 10 20 PM Page 1 THE SUSPENSIONMEISTER MAGURA Bike Parts GmbH amp Co Heinrich Kahn Stra e 24 D 89150 Laichingen info magura bikeparts de Hotline Helpdesk phone 0190 648142 daily 9 12h and 13 16h CET fax 49 0 7125 153 184 service magura de MAGURA Partners and Service Centers Worldwide Andorra Esports Jorma phone 376 844133 fax 376 843022 jorma correu andornet ad Australia TMO Sports phone 02 9695 7744 |
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5. |
Magura HS33 Owner`s manual
OWNER S MANUAL ONTENTS MAGURA 9 DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION Preface Legend TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications Dimensions SAFETY Intended use 14 Basic safety instructions 14 INSTALLATION Fit the brake 16 General aw 16 Installing brake lever 16 Installing brake cylinders 17 Adjusting brake cylinders 17 Adjusting the quick release Installing the brake booster 18 Sho |
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6. |
Magura HS33 User`s manual
WORKSHOP 2003 e Deutsch English v Francais Nederlands z Italiano Espanol M Rotes Garantiekarten Anforderungsblatt beachten E Read red sheet and order warranty card Lisez la feuille rouge et commandez la carte de garantie d printed in germany MAGURA 2002 All rights reserve www magura com serviceQgmagura de Summary 1 Introduction 3 2 Safety instructions before the first ride 4 3 Safety instructions before every ride 4 5 4 |
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7. |
English - Magura
Ulelesizicinio 2007 www magura com LOUISE Italiano the PAssion people i the passion people Our disc brake range recommended use Freeride LLmountain p countru Gustav M Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 160 160 Marta 180 180 Marta 160 160 Louise 203 203 Louise 203 203 Louise 180 180 Louise 180 180 Louise 160 160 Louise 160 160 Julie |
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8. |
Magura TS8 R
OWNER S MANUAL A AT eS CONTENTS MAGURA DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION 12 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications 13 Dimensions 13 SAFETY Intended use Basic safety instructions 14 INSTALLATION Installing the suspension fork Fit the front wheel Fit the remote control lever RCL2 SETUP Air pressure guid |
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9. |
English - Magura
Wor i cooo sinop www magura com the PAssion people Italiano i the passion people Our disc brake range recommended use po nr Our bDc countru LLmountain e t ereeride Gustav M Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 160 160 E w Marta SL 160 160 Marta 180 180 Marta 180 180 Marta 160 160 Marta 160 160 Louise 203 203 Louise 180 180 Lou |
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10. |
English - Magura
y s n q USISU sledues spue i p N OuBlI e jouedsy WORKSHOP 2010 FIRM LL O LLI A Gel Gei lt a LL E Summary zu 1 Introduction 3 2 Safety instructions before the first ride 4 3 Safety instructions before every ride 4 5 4 Transport of the bicycle 5 5 Warranty 5 6 Brake installation 6 9 7 Installation FIRM tech 10 8 Shortening and routing the hose 11 9 maintenance brake pad change 13 10 Filling and bleeding 14 11 |
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11. |
RT8 TT - Magura
OWNER S MANUAL uy RT8 TT RT8C PASSED RT6 TT RT6 C THE PASSION PEOPLE CONTENTS MAGURA DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION Preface Legend 6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications Dimensions SAFETY Intended use 16 Basic safety instructions 16 INSTALLATION Fit the brake General Mounting RT Theirs Mounting the RIC eseni Mounting bra RTC PA Changing bra allocation RT |
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12. |
English - Magura
WORKSHOP 2009 FFA magnesium THE PASSION PEOPLE Our disc brake range recommended use Gustav M Marta SL Magnesium 203 203 Marta SL Magnesium 180 180 Marta SL Magnesium 160 160 Marta SL 203 203 Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 160 160 Marta 203 203 Marta 180 180 Marta 160 160 Louise 203 203 Louise 180 180 Louise 160 160 Julie HP 203 203 Julie HP 180 180 Julie HP 160 160 Ground con |
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13. |
English - Magura
Deutsch WORKSHOP 2011 DISC BRAKES FFA macnesium FED FFD EENarTasl MiMdaPTdsL Marta English Francais Nederlands Italiano MAGURA THE PASSION PEOPLE WWW magura com Espa ol Our disc brake range recommended use Ground contact isn t that important to you There is almost no terrain where a Freerider won t go Tough and stable components are amust have Here they are Or O FREERIDE Gustav M Gustav M Marta |
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14. |
Magura Motorcycle Accessories Sportster 883 1200 1006 user manual
Nur MAGURA Blood verwenden Use only MAGURA Blood Sportster 883 1200 1996 Big Twin 1999 gt Danko class Sie sich fur ein MADURA Produkt entschieden ha bon I Mit diesem Kauf haben Sie eine erstklassige Wahl getroffen Qualitat innovative Technik und jahrzehntelange Rennsporterfahrung zeichnen alle MAGURA Produkte aus I Wir wiinschen Ihnen viel Freude mit diesem Produkt und allzeit gute Fahrt I Lesen Sie bitte aufmerksam die Montage und Sicherheitshinwe |
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15. |
Magura Motorcycle Accessories Hymec 2004 user manual
D anke class Sie si oh fur ein MAE UR A Produkt entschieden ha ben I Mit diesem Kauf haben Sie eine erstklassige Wahl getroffen Qualitat innovative Technik und jahrzehntelange Rennsporterfahrung zeichnen alle MAGURA Produkte aus I Wir wiinschen Ihnen viel Freude mit diesem Produkt und allzeit gute Fahrt I Lesen Sie bitte aufmerksam die Montage und Sicherheitshinweise Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung auf sie ist Bestandteil des Produkts Geben Sie das Produkt niemals ohne |
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16. |
F.T. Rubbol BL Magura
Ficha T cnica Ikk Sl ens Rubbol BL Magura DEFINICI N Esmalte al agua basado en resinas acr licas y de poliuretano de acabado mate resistente al roce PROPIEDADES F cil aplicaci n muy semejante a los esmaltes alqu dicos Alto tiempo abierto Excelente nivelaci n R pido secado Gran opacidad No amarillea Muy buena resistencia a la abrasi n y al roce Bajo olor Gran poder de relleno No inflamable Insaponificable Como capa de acabado en com |
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17. |
English - Magura
brakes Ufelmiti lm elm 2007 www magura com Italiano the PAssion people ereeride Gustav M Our disc brake range recommended use LLmountain the passion people bc countru Marta SL 180 180 Marta SL 160 160 Marta 180 180 Marta 160 160 Louise 203 203 Louise 180 180 Louise 160 160 Julie Ground contact isn t that important to you There is almost no terrain where a Fr |
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