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Tutoriel n°3: - Lexicometrica
Tutoriel n 3 Exploration du corpus Traductions align es du discours d investiture de B Obama Corpus align s m thodes textom triques pour l alignement Obamal Sommaire OO CS a a 0 a 2 1 Le corpus Traductions align es du discours d investiture de B Obama Investiture OO E E E 2 2 Constuction d corps al dN detente eee eine es on 2 2 1 Etape n 1 alignement de 2 volets initiaux 3 2 2 Etape n 2 G n ralisation de l alignement |
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comet -paralleldisplay -be - Alge
COMET PARALLELDISPLAY List of Contents ole MNS els a ais salu udulsudsd isu AE OEEO OOO A 2 1 1 Connection of the Comet with an ALGE timing device s sesssesesessssceeee 2 1 1 1 Power supply fram the Timing davies s fedeseleceecesdassstecesedeagastducecdscatevesteeaiecees 2 11 2 Came With aritermalll E esis sideseseecse e oacocestacseedteseveh A n aaas Taea 2 2 Timing with |
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Elcometer 319
elcomeler equipements d inspection Elcometer 319 Mesureur de point de ros e Conditions climatiques Conditions climatiques Elcometer 319 Mesureur de point de ros e Elcometer 319 Cette jauge robuste mesure et m morise tous les param tres climatiques pertinents n cessaires compatible avec EL ElcoMaster pour d terminer si les conditions conviennent Capteurs de temp rature robustes l application de la peinture Bluetooth |
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ECOMETRO PONTE Modello 6000 Radiodetection
ECOMETRO PONTE Modello 6000 Radiodetection Informazioni dal sottosuolo sce MMI Manuale dell operatore Tavola dei contenuti Sezione 1 Informazioni Generali ss00rrerccreceserececeeeesecezecicneo 1 1 Informazioni di Sicirezza anna 1 2 IMHOdBZIONE unite 1 3 Caratteristiche Generali rice Sezione 2 Procedure Operative 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 21 bio 2 2 Descrizione del Pannello Frontale ZA ESC RR A |
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manual de instalación acometidas esp.
Accesorios de seguridad FRIALEN para conexiones dom sticas y tuber as de distribuci n de hasta 225 mm de di metro Instrucciones de montaje GLYNWED pipesysiems ndice Accesorios de seguridad FRIALEN 1 11 12 DASaR p e N reas de aplicaci n Publicaciones de normas y especificaciones de uso Acoplamientos codos Tes d 20 d 225 Tomas en carga y v lvulas de perforacion Abrazaderas para tomas de v lvulas Abrazaderas de cierre Tomas simp |
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User Guide - Elcometer
User Guide Elcometer 408 Gloss amp DOI Meter CONTENTS 1 Gauge Overview and Box Contents Using the Gauge Getting Started Calibrating the Gauge O A O N Taking a Reading Batching Menu Structure Downloading Data Additional Information ONO 0 Glossary elcometer www elcometer com en x These operating instructions are a short User Guide only For the avoidance of doubt please refer to the original English language version |
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Guide de montage et de service DULCOMETER D1Cb D1Cc ProMinent Veuillez commencer par lire l int gralit du mode d emploi Toujours conserver ce document L exploitant est personnellement responsable en cas de dommages dus des erreurs de com mande ou d installation Sous r serve de modifications techniques R f rence 986312 BA DM 110 11 13 FR Instructions compl mentaires Principe d galit Le pr sent document utilise la forme m |
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User Manual -
Programmable transmitter of temperature relative humidity and other derived humidity values T3319 T3319P T3419 T3419P Programmable transmitter of atmospheric pressure temperature relative humidity and other derived humidity values T7311 17411 with RS232 RS485 serial output and external probe Instruction Manual Instruction Manual Deire Temperature Humidity Pressure Compared Output Version type values T3319 v v E v RS232 probe with |
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How to Use Your Accu-Chek Aviva Glucometer
Chapter 1 Understanding Your New System The ACCU CHEK Aviva Meter Display Infrared 1R Window Shows Transfers data fom Code Key Slot messages and the meter oa Inset code key Teils stored in computer or PDA into this opening Button Tums meter on or off and sets options Battery Door Code Koy Fip open the battery or example oor by pushing the ab nthe direction o he Battery insert wi 4 sym |
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Instruction Manual for S5021 - comet
LOGGER S5021 Dual channel 0 5V logger Instruction manual Instruction manual for use of 0 5 V voltage logger S5021 Logger is designed for measurement and logging of signal from up to two external transducers with output voltage 0 to 5 V dc At the same time logging of the binary signal state from external contact is enabled Transducer and the binary signal are connected via a connector Transducer should be powered from external source Measured values are stored in selectabl |
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OPERATIONAL MANUAL - Comet Breaker:World`s Most Powerful
Breaker COMET a OPERATIONAL MANUAL 8 m N s osz CM10 CM20 CM30 CM40 40BL CM70 CM100 CM150 0 I3WOD2 5 IE S 13W05 ov 13 402 SS E17 09 ME PI CM160 CM170 CM200 CM230 CM250 CM350 CM360 lt 04 I3WOD oSv 1AWOD lt LAaWO gt D 051 LINO lt 04113009 CM400 CM450 CM500 CM550 CM600 Breaker COMET a OPERATIONAL MANUAL |
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Invacare ® Comet SERVICE MANUAL
Invacare Comet SERVICE MANUAL CE Edition 28 03 12 SERVICE MANUAL These instructions contain information about Testing work Repair Instructions This manual is part of the instructions for use Service addresses o AY Invacare Austria GmbH i eae a Herzog Odilostrasse 101 A 5310 Mondsee Austria Invacare n v oN Fy ku E Autobaan 22 _ rm E EE Belgium i 7 e Invacare AG _ BenkenstraBe 260 CH 4108 Wi |
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IMPACT User Manual - EcoMetrix Incorporated
environmental IMPACT User Manual Version 5 4 0 Integrated Model for the Probabiliatic Assessment of Contaminant Transport August 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION rrr 1 1 1 WHAT ISIMPAQGT A eerie Ere st tee eec ecce tete ett ES icem tl berets 1 1 2 IMPACT FOR DERIVED RELEASE LIMITS sccescceesseceeeeecseceeneesaeceeneecsaeceeeeenaeceeneecaaeceneeenaeceneeenaecenees 1 1 2 1 Calculation of Concentrations and Doses esses eene |
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Invacare® Comet, CometHD & CometAlpine
Invacare Comet Comet 8 Comet Scooter User manual CE How can you get in touch with Invacare If you have any questions or need support please contact your authorised Invacare Dealer who has the necessary know how and equipment plus the special knowledge concerning your Invacare product and can offer you all round satisfactory service Should you wish to contact Invacare directly you can reach us in Europe at the following addresses and phone numbers |
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Elcometer 456 User Manual
Elcometer 456 Coating Thickness Gauge Top Models Operating Instructions E These instructions apply to the following Elcometer 456 models Ferrous F Non Ferrous NF Dual Ferrous Non Ferrous FNF Equipment described in these instructions is covered by the following Patents FNF UK Patent No GB2306009B FNF US Patent No 5886522 F1 2 UK Patent No 2367135B F1 2 US Patent No US 6 762 603 F1 2 German Patent Pending This product meets the emc |
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Guia de instalação Manual de instalação Slider Comet GT/GTR 250
Guia de instala o Manual de instala o Slider Comet GT GTR 250 Respons vel Nelson Bertelli Neto E mail nbn007Omsn com Site www 2nb com br motoracing Produto Patenteado 1 Ferramentas necess rias Chave Allen n 6 Chave Allen longa n 8 Chave de boca n 17 Chave Estrela n 17 Chave L n 10 2 Composi o do kit O kit composto por 1 Par de slider 4 Arruelas de press o 2 Parafusos com porca simples de fixa o do slider no suporte 1 |
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Electric Heating Company Fusion Comet Specifications
The COMET Range of Boilers the ultimate solution for central heating INSTALLATION amp TECHNICAL MANUAL Fusion the electric heating company If you require any further assistance Telephone 01698 820533 Fax 01698 825697 E mail info electric heatingcompany co uk or visit our website www electric heatingcompany co uk Comet Come Page Contents INTRODUCTION 2 PREPARATION 3 INSTALLATION 4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND CONTROLS 8 EXTERNAL CONTRO |
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Invacare® Comet & CometHD
D Yes you can Invacare Comet amp Comet Scooter Manuel d utilisation CE Comment joindre Invacare Pour toute question ou si vous avez besoin d aide veuillez tout d abord vous adresser votre distributeur Invacare Il dispose de la qualification et des moyens n cessaires ainsi que des connaissances sp cifiques votre produit Invacare afin de pouvoir vous offrir un service satisfaisant dans son ensemble Si vous d sirez nous contacter directeme |
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Hoja de datos - Elcometer NDT
CG100 Medidores de Corrosi n Caracteristicas l e Rango de pantalla y opciones de medici n Pulso a Eco Eco a Eco A Pulso a Eco Temp Modo Comp PETP Modo Solo Revestimiento CT Modo Pulso a Eco Revestimiento PECT e Ganancia ajustable Rango 30dB a 70dB e Control autom tico de ganancia ACG e Control de portal e Ajuste de umbral e 64 ajustes definidos por el usuario e Pantalla en m ltiples idiomas e Opciones de calibraci n m |
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User Manual -
Programmable transmitter of CO concentration T5340 T5341 T5440 T5441 Programmable transmitter of temperature relative humidity CO and other derived humidity values T6340 T6341 T6440 T6441 with RS232 RS485 serial output Instruction Manual Instruction Manual The transmitters are designed for online measurement of temperature C or F relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration of air without aggressive ingredients Measured temperature and relat |
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