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heidi 4.0 – pre release notes Summary of changes – system
information database for institutions heidi 4 0 release notes This document describes the changes that will be incorporated in heidi 4 0 which is to be released on Monday 7 March 2011 heidi 4 0 represents the biggest review since heidi was launched in April 2007 The focus has been on improving the user experience by redesigning heidi using new technologies as well as the introduction of some new features These changes have resulted from analysing user feedbac |
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Author(s) Gebhardt, Heidi L Title Communication
NPS ARCHIVE 1997 01 GEBHARDT H NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIFORNIA THESIS COMMUNICATION MODULATION SIMULATORS AN ASSESSMENT by Heidi L Gebhardt June 1997 Principal Advisor John Osmundson Associate Advisor Donald van Z Wadsworth Thesis G25733 Approved for public release distribution is unlimited e DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY qe UL RO STGRADUATE SCHOOL Bio Palicy Ch Ey 1 31 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved |
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heidi 3 – Pre release notes
heidi 3 Pre release notes Zid information dodubiake tor baatulons This document describes the changes that will be incorporated in heidi 3 which is to be released on Monday 14 September 2009 The changes in heidi 3 have resulted from analysing user feedback and a process of prioritisation by the heidi User Group The development plan for heidi 4 is now nearing completion and requirements for future releases of heidi are continually being sought To accompany the re |
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Oxford heidi quick start guide - University Offices
UNIVERSITY OF 0 0 710 8 D l a a A higher education information datobase tor institvions Introduction to HEIDI the UK higher education statistics database David Manning Planning and Resource Allocation Section This quick start guide covers the following areas e the function and scope of HEIDI e an introduction to the following HEIDI functions view existing reports export reports to Excel create new custom reports sort data in HEIDI selec |
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