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African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable
African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development ED Eoo T Date 12 04 2012 Issue version 1 0 AMESD SADC THEMA TOOLBOX PLUG IN FOR ILWIS 3 7 2 or higher INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION AND USER GUIDE XML Version 1 1 Name Responsibility Prepared by Farai Marumbwa Thematic Expert AMESD BDMS Department of Water Resources amp Ben Maathuis amp Chris Mannaerts Martin Schouwenburg Bas Retsios and Department of a i Processing |
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Digital Waste Management System - UBC Sustainability
UBC Social Ecological Economic Development Studies SEEDS Student Report Digital Waste Management System Brandon Lowe Brian Yim Kyle Lee Lu Gan University of British Columbia EECE 409 429 419 439 400 469 July 15 2014 Disclaimer UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies as well as their opinions conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project report and i |
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- sustainable upland development model
8 ig Department of Agriculture jj UPLAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN SOUTHERN MINDANAO UDP QUICK REFERENCE MANUAL of GPS 315 Sportrak and Sportak Pro This reference manual is culled out from the guidelines apparently being developed by the GIS specialist in the application of GIS and GPS on LUB BDP Only the relative functionalities that will be used during the perimeter survey were reflected in this manual Irrelevant functionalities which you prefer to learn are found |
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Sustainable Post Occupancy Transition: Herding CATS (Contractors
1 29 2014 A 35 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON r SCHOOL FACILITIES HIGH PERFORMANCE STRAND Sustainable Post Occupancy Transition Herding CATS Contractors Architects Teachers Staff Michal Healy Director of Facilities Marysville Joint Unified School District CHPS Operations and Metrics Committee Julia Kistle Facilities Planner Construction Supervisor Chico Unified School District CHPS projects post occupancy Lessons learned Anna Klovstad |
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Ryder International p Unit 1 Helena Court Hampton Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8JN rm m R 4 lt Tel 01666 504015 p d ecostar Mobile 07831 680206 nternational vid Fax 05603 146907 seme martyn ryderinternational com SUSTAINABLE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS FROM RYDER INTERNATIONAL Ryder International and its group companies are committed to bringing the most sustainable and latest products to the construction industry to help not only with cost reduction |
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sustainable savings
sustainable savings Measurement Metering amp Display via e communicants Measurement Metering amp Display via eecommunicants WEB SERVER 32 Cat No 261 78 User manual for Smartphone version 1 1 Measurement Metering amp Display via eecommunicants CONTENTS 1 License Agreements page 4 2 System requirements page 5 3 Compatible devices page 6 4 Languages available page 10 5 Implementation Settings page 11 6 Use Access page 46 |
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Planning Responsible Retrofit - Sustainable Development Foundation
Responsible Retrofit Series STBA SUSTAINABLE TRADITIONAL BUILDINGS ALLIANCE Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance STBA The STBA is an alliance of not for profit organisations representing the sustainability heritage and professional sectors in the UK The STBA aims to promote and deliver a more sustainable traditional built environment through high quality research education training and policy The Responsible Retrofit Series of booklets provides short and u |
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IVE Model Users Manual - International Sustainable Systems
IVE Model Users Manual Version 2 0 May 2008 IVE Made y pe ee ANA gt pH Disclaimer This Complete User s Guide describes the assumptions options and limitations of the IVE model version 2 0 It is recommended that the user read and understand this manual before using results of the model for any purpose Any questions about the user s guide or model may be directed to ive_feedback Wissre org This document and model may be found online at www issrc org ive |
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ASP X Chiller Modules - The Sustainability Initiative
II MULTISTACK Originators Innovators Never the Imitators ASP X Chiller Modules Operation and Maintenance Manual Table of Contents 1 0 Chiller Identification soci 6666166601616 s0x 15646601600 0161211050400025562461160nx1191502015611 00 3 2 0 Theory of Operation icssicsnscsssccssecdcacrsotscssecsunssnncdsessbaccvssdendvsuesauscscanssuustsdeccontebuctveussvensseuvennciuss 3 3 0 Water Meane Misno rane aeara NaO Eea esi SA EER Ea 3 AO FIOW PrO OCOT oinor E E si 4 |
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CE2 Model User Manual - Sustainability Standards 101
EN 2 PACIFIC rw ZN S I U T E Pacific Institute Heather Cooley and Matthew Heberger April 2012 User Manual for the Pacific Institute Cost Effectiveness of Water Conservation and Efficiency CE Model April 2012 Copyright 2012 Pacific Institute All Rights Reserved Pacific Institute 654 13th Street Preservation Park Oakland California 94612 www pacinst org 510 251 1600 Authors Heather Cooley Matthew Heberger Editor Nancy Ross Designer DENER |
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Sustainable Public Procurement-fiche-basic
Guide sustainable procurement i bn bl 742 Sustainable Public Procurement fiche basic 2010 1 Subject matter Environmental friendly portable computers For lt gt name of the public authority the care for the environment and social aspects is important It is stated in her lt strategic policies gt lt mission gt lt vision gt lt procurement policy gt 2 Exclusion criteria Non compliance with environmental and social legis |
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Monoblocchi Fireboxes - Calore Sustainable Energy
Monoblocchi Fireboxes MA 260 SL MA 262 SL MA 264 SL 2608 SL 263 SL 265 51 261 51 2638 SL 266 SL ISTRUZIONI PER L INSTALLAZIONE L USO ELA MANUTENZIONE INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION USE AND MAINTENANCE Gentile Cliente La ringraziamo per aver preferito uno dei nostri prodotti frutto di lunga esperienza e di una continua ricerca per un prodotto superiore in termini di Sicurezza affidabilit e prestazioni In questo manuale tro |
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GroupNotes on Tablets: Sustaining Diversity in Social Learning
GroupNotes on Tablets Sustaining Diversity in Social Learning through Shared Individual Workspaces Mark Reilly Lawrence Sambrooks Haifeng Shen Brett Wilkinson School of Computer Science Engineering and Mathematics Flinders University GPO Box 2100 Adelaide 5001 South Australia m reilly lawrence sambrooks haifeng shen brett wilkinson flinders edu au ABSTRACT This paper presents the GroupNotes interface for tablets which allow a small group of students to increase th |
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Downloading - Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and
MMroourrsenes TOOLKIT 2 MN ASIA NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND BIORESOURCES ANSAB OTHER ANSAB RURAL DEVELOPMENT TOOLKITS IN THIS SERIES 2010 BUSINESS PLANNING FOR COMMUNITY BASED NATURAL PRODUCT ENTERPRISES This Toolkit offers skills methods and tools with which the field facilitators can support rural people to prepare and implement the business plan for their enterprises The purpose is to build the capacity of facilitators and enterprise |
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DEAP Manual Version 3.2.1 - the Sustainable Energy Authority of
e SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AUTHORITY OF IRELAND Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure DEAP VERSION 3 2 1 Irish official method for calculating and rating the energy performance of dwellings This document describes DEAP 2012 Version 3 2 1 dated June 2012 This version is applicable to new and existing dwellings Building designers energy rating Assessors and other users should ensure that they are using the latest version of this document and accompanying software Update |
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Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate
Ministry for Sustainable Development the Environment and Climate Change Permanent Secretariat Offices 6 Qormi Road St Venera SVR 1301 Malta Telephone 356 22926200 Email contracts msdec gov mt Opening Date 22 AUGUST 2014 Closing Date TUESDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2014 10 00am SUBJECT SUPPLY DELIVERY INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF A MOBILE OFFICE AND FURNITURE PRODUCED WITH ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY MATERIALS AND PROCESSES FOR THE PROJECT ON THE STUDY AN |
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Chapter Two: Water - Sustainable Homes & Communities
Chapter Two Woter RP CR F ul a S NS ANZN u a YY CS f Z s g j ST gt 5 X o fi eat X M I My 4 Pp j Yi 4 My CHAPTER 2 Why save worter housands have lived without love not one without water W H Auden Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth yet we have one of the highest per capita water consumption rates in the world Two thirds of the world s population use less than 60L litres of wate |
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User Manual - Department of Sustainability and Environment
L User Manual Version 2 2 15 August 2003 Statutory Planning Case Management System User Help Manual 1 System Overview Understanding the System cccccccceceesee eee eeee eee eceeeeceeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeaeeeeeseseeeaeeeeaeeeegees 4 1 1 Ys 61 0 146161 810 Pee NR REE ER me ern NCCE TT ere E RCT ON Tune errs nr eae agen on RE REET rarer ee eee ae mrn Cer en tenet re Per ene nea tT 4 1 2 Statutory Planning Case Management SySteM ccccceceececeececeeeeeeee |
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Save water - Communities Living Sustainably in Dorset
Transition Together 3 2 SPEND LESS ON WATER Each person in the UK currently uses about 150 litres of water every day and this average has been rising consistently since the 1930s This consumption level is not sustainable in the long term If we do not take action now climate change population shifts and wasteful behaviour mean the UK will face increased water stress in the future Although it seems to rain a lot here in fact the UK has less available water per person t |
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Xi`an Diesel Study Report - International Sustainable Systems
A Study of the Emissions from Diesel Vehicles Operating in Xi an China June 2008 a 55 gt L Sebastian Tolvett ISSRC Huan Liu Tsinghua University Yingzhi Zhang Tsinghua University James Lents ISSRC Mauricio Osses University of Chile Kebin He Tsinghua University Table of Contents F TINTDIRODUG TION 3 552 R 1 TESTING eE E e E rE a |
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