Biovac 500 User Manual


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1. Biovac 500 User Manual

WAILACH BIOVAC 500 SMOKE EVACUATOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL REF 909105 and 909105 05 Wallach Surgical Devices 95 Corporate Drive Trumbull CT 06611 U S A Phone 203 799 2000 Fax 203 799 2002 IMLPO11 Rev B 2 09 1 INTRODUCTION The Wallach BIOVAC 500 Smoke Evacuator is a simple to operate electrical device designed to remove smoke particulate smoke plume generated as a by product of certain medical procedures such as electrosurgery and electrocaute

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Portugu s Manual do Propriet rio gt y A Aa Rev 01 GNATUSO Manual do Propriet rio APRESENTA O DO MANUAL MANUAL DO EQUIPAMENTO INSTRU ES DE USO Nome T cnico Bomba V cuo a Seco para consult rios ondotol gicos Marca Gnatus Modelo Biovac Sec Nome Comercial Biovac Sec Fornecedor Fabricante j GNATUS EQUIPAMENTOS MEDICO ODONTOLOGICOS LTDA Rod Abr o Assed Km 53 450m Cx Postal 782 CEP 14097 500 Ribeir o Preto S P
2. Biovac 500 User Manual

WAILACH BIOVAC 500 SMOKE EVACUATOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL REF 909105 and 909105 05 Wallach Surgical Devices 95 Corporate Drive Trumbull CT 06611 U S A Phone 203 799 2000 Fax 203 799 2002 IMLPO11 Rev B 2 09 1 INTRODUCTION The Wallach BIOVAC 500 Smoke Evacuator is a simple to operate electrical device designed to remove smoke particulate smoke plume generated as a by product of certain medical procedures such as electrosurgery and electrocaute
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IHOMAS THOMAS BIOVAC 1420 QUAFILTER Modo de empleo Inhalt Ilustraciones del aparato Identificaci n de piezas 6 cence eee nee cee caro 3 5 Ilustraciones de menta Sid Maar RR a 4 Adverienaas desegundad du su UE DE E E E een eee 5 MOMS SAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA 6 ASIAN SCA Mra eee ae eae cee ae aan a TEE a enna Aes we 6 Aspiraeionch umeda a ds eee 6 Ayuda en caso de posibles Fallos zus aa ET TE ENS 7 Servico FOSEN O rasen ss A eae o
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Biovac 15 Operating Instructions Biovac 15 IMPORTANT Remove all stabilizing bolts before use IMPORTANT Remove all stabilizing bolts before use Operating environment of instruments In order to extend the machine service life please pay attention to the following factors which may damage the machine e Environmental Conditions e Effects of environment including natural ultraviolet radiation ie Direct Sunlight e Erosion and abrasion of the pro
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Manual del Propietario So GNATUSO Biovac Sec C d 300053757 Rev 01 Manual del Propiet rio PRESENTACION DEL MANUAL INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Nombre T cnico Bomba Vac o en Seco para consultorios dentales Marca Gnatus Modelo Biovac Sec Nombre Comercial Biovac Sec Fabricante Representante GNATUS EOUIPAMENTOS MEDICO ODONTOLOGICOS LIDA Rod Abr o Assed Km 53 450m Cx Postal 782 CEP 14097 500 Ribeir o Preto S P Brasil Fone 55 1

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