Excerpt from Lumix LX3 Book


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1. Excerpt from Lumix LX3 Book

PHOTOGRAPHER S GUIDE TO THE PANASONIC LUMIX LX 3 Chapter 5 Advanced Topics Other Controls ot all of the settings that affect the recording process are located in the Recording menu Several impor tant functions are controlled by physical buttons and switches on the camera We have already discussed some of these but in order to make sure all of the information about these controls is included in one place we ll go through each physical control some in greater

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1. Excerpt from Lumix LX3 Book

PHOTOGRAPHER S GUIDE TO THE PANASONIC LUMIX LX 3 Chapter 5 Advanced Topics Other Controls ot all of the settings that affect the recording process are located in the Recording menu Several impor tant functions are controlled by physical buttons and switches on the camera We have already discussed some of these but in order to make sure all of the information about these controls is included in one place we ll go through each physical control some in greater

CONTENTS 1 INTRODUC LEON erii ente iibn tudo pi npe Spa pn eo 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION sicseiscssectscsecsessnccnstsscscsccesscecocsossececstesosvecs 3 TECHNICAL BEA TURES usscecasetoscuess 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS eeeeeeeet 5 INSTALLATION AND USE eonun 5 1 FOREWORD TO INSTALLATION eese enne 5 2 SYSTEM CONNECTION 0 709 5 3
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Ao No part of this publication may be excerpted reproduced translated in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and microfilm without the prior written authorization of Ollo Wireless Internet There may be possibility of inconformity between the manual and new publishing documents we promise a timely update No prior notification for the updated materials but transfer into update version www ollo com bd Contents I Generalka
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PHOTOGRAPHER S GUIDE TO THE PANASONIC LUMIX LX5 Manual Exposure Mode The LX5 has a fully manual mode for control of exposure which is one of the great features of this camera Not all com pact cameras have a manual exposure mode which is a boon for serious amateurs who want to exert full creative control over exposure decisions The technique for using this mode is not far removed from what we discussed in connection with the Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority mod
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