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Chimera 1860 user manual
CHIMERA SMALL PANCAKE LANTERN ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Item numbers 1860 and 1864 WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS COULD CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION 1 This product is intended for use with bare bulb instruments pointed straight down Refer to the light manufacturer s recommendations before operating the light in this position 2 Do not leave unattended 3 Use the light s protective screen or shield at all times 4 Use in a moderate temperature enviro |
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Chimera 1864 user manual
CHIMERA SMALL PANCAKE LANTERN ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Item numbers 1860 and 1864 WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS COULD CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION 1 This product is intended for use with bare bulb instruments pointed straight down Refer to the light manufacturer s recommendations before operating the light in this position 2 Do not leave unattended 3 Use the light s protective screen or shield at all times 4 Use in a moderate temperature enviro |
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Chimera 1880 user manual
LANTERN ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Item numbers 1880 and 1885 WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS COULD CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION 1 This Chimera Lantern product is intended for use with shielded bulb instruments pointed straight down Refer to the light manufacturer s recommendations before operating your particular light in this position 2 Do not leave the Lantern unattended when the light is on 3 Use the light s protective screen or shield at all tim |
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Chimera 1885 user manual
LANTERN ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Item numbers 1880 and 1885 WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS COULD CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION 1 This Chimera Lantern product is intended for use with shieided buib instruments pointed straight down Refer to the tight manufacturer s recommendations before operating your particuiar tight in this position 2 Do not ieave the Lantern unattended when the tight is on 3 Use the tight s protective screen or shietd at ait tim |
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Chimera 2785M user manual
INSTRUCTIONS FOR 2785M SPEED RING CHIMERA PERFECT LIGHTING For use with the Canon EZ and EX Series and Nikon SB Series flash units This Speed Ring is used to mount two of the Canon EZ or EX or Nikon SB flash heads for use in a single Lightbank Note You will also need a multi flash cord to connect the flash units together and an off camera TTL cord to connect the flashes to your camera purchase from your flash dealer Instructions 1 Rotate the heads of both flash un |
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Chimera 8000 user manual
8000 8005 24 x 32 LIGHT KITS Instruction Sheet 8000E and 8005E Kits are 220 v PERFECT LIGHTING Thank you for purchasing your new CHIMERA Lightbank Kit We know you will enjoy working with CHIMERA quality lighting on all your projects IMPORTANT Please read the enclosed Lightbank Care and Use Instructions card for information on set up and take down of your Lightbank kit A seperate instruction sheet covers your new Triolet light 8000 500 WATT LIGHTBAN |
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Chimera 8005 user manual
8000 8005 24 X 32 LIGHT KITS Instruction Sheet 8000E and 8005E Kits are 220 v PERFECT LIGHTING Thank you for purchasing your new CHIMERA Lightbank Kit We know you will enjoy working with CHIMERA quality lighting on all your projects IMPORTANT Please read the enclosed Lightbank Care and Use Instructions card for information on set up and take down of your Lightbank kit A separate instruction sheet covers your new TrioletiM light 8000 500 WATT LIGHTBANK |
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Chimera 9500 user manual
INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPEED RING 9500 Fits Lowel DP CAUTION THE DP SAFETY SCREEN MUST BE USED WITH THIS LIGHT FIXTURE SPEED RING COMBINATION Mounting the Speed Ring to the Light 1 Attach the safety screen to the DP light 2 Loosen all brass thumbscrews and remove all four capture plates 3 With the Speed Ring oriented so that the plates will be facing into the lightbank slide the Speed ring past the flange on the front of the light housing 4 Replace the capture plates |
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chimera e-learning platform user`s manual - ADAM
Lifelong Learning Programme This project has been funded with support from the European Commission This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Creative Holism to Improve Management and Entrepreneurial Role models and Approaches C H I M E R A E LEARNING PLATFORM USER S MANUAL by T ki ces UMIVERGITATESA fi Ne eS P Petru Malor SUPERFICI |
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CHIMERA User Manual
Academic Environmental Health and Safety la California State University SS MONTEREY BAY Extraordinary Opportunity The Chemical Inventory Management amp Electronic Reporting Application CHIMERA Manual 4 Chemical Inventory Manual Table of Contents Introduction Getting Started Applying for Access Inventory Management 6 Adding 7 Updating 9 Deleting 11 Transferring 11 Editing CHIMERA Reports NFPA Sign Generator Inventory Search SDS |
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