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1. AMF &quot;Z&quot; Dough Pump Series IV user manual pdf AMF &quot;Z&quot; Dough Pump Series IV user manual

DOUGH PUMP O O Shown with optional temperature probe Simple Efficient Pumping System for All Types of Dough Available for All Sizes and Types of Horizontal Mixers Features amp Benefits y Productivity Speed and Safety Offers better machinabiiity and increased productivity Key refinements iead to greater safety and reduced iabor Unparaiieiied Reiiabiiity The screw on the Series iV Z Dough Pump is designed for easy removai and instai
2. AMF Accupan Bun System user manual pdf AMF Accupan Bun System user manual

ACCUPAN BUN SYSTEM Shown with optional Equipment New automated technology that will reduce production costs and improve product quality Design Flexibility for Optimal Performance on a Variety of Products Features amp A Benefits J Design Innovations Extrusion Dividers offer the most accurate scaling available with superior product quality Hinged Spiral Tunnel Rounder Bars with gas spring assist for improved rounding symmetry and offering easier a
3. AMF Accupan Classic Bun System user manual pdf AMF Accupan Classic Bun System user manual

ACCUPAN CLASSIC BUN SYSTEM Shown with optional equipment Designed to meet the market demand for replacement of aging inefficient bun systems and the requirements of entry level bun and roll producers around the world Boasts the latest electronic and mechanical designs coupled with operating simplicity Features amp _ Benefits y Fewer Parts 50 fewer parts than the Pan O Mat resulting in lower maintenance cost and reduced down time Direct drive g
4. AMF Accupan High Speed Bun System user manual pdf AMF Accupan High Speed Bun System user manual

ACCUPAN HIGH SPEED BUN SYSTEM Shown with optional equipment The Latest Automated Technology for High Speed Bun and Roll Production Design Flexibility for Optimal Performance on a Variety of Products Features amp Benefits J Design Innovations Extrusion Divider offers the most accurate scaling available with superior product quality Hinged Spiral tunnel Rounder Bars with gas spring assist for improved rounding symmetry and offering easier access fo
5. AMF Accupan Mini Bun System user manual pdf AMF Accupan Mini Bun System user manual

W Shown with optional equipment Designed to meet the market demand for the requirements of en level bun and roll producers around the world Boasts the latest electronic and mechanical designs coupled with operating simplicity FEATURES amp BENEFITS Fewer Parts 50 fewer parts than the Old style Pan O Mat design resulting in lower maintenance cost and reduced down time Direct drive gearmotors eliminate sprockets chains and belts for reduced mainten
6. AMF Basket Stacker user manual pdf AMF Basket Stacker user manual

BOTTOM UP BASKET STACKER Optional Operator Interface Shown Stack Automatically at up to 28 Baskets per minute Accurate Consistent Stacking of all Types of Baskets Superior Response to System Demand with Programmable Controller Automatic Positioning Discharging for Optional Stack Handling Features amp Benefits Heavy Duty Construction Quality materials and components assure high performance minimum maintenance and longevity Fact
7. AMF Bread And Bun Products Orientor Loader user manual pdf AMF Bread And Bun Products Orientor Loader user manual

PRODUCT ORIENTOR LOADER The Next Generation of Orientor Loader Handles Higher Rates of Product Quietly and Gently K Features amp A_ Benefits J Ergonomic User Friendly Design Low profile with emphasis on operator convenience Operator control panel can be reached from either side of the infeed conveyor Menu driven touch screen controls for ease of use Product order code or Graphic representations can be used to specify patterns Versatility and
8. AMF Bread Bounder user manual pdf AMF Bread Bounder user manual

BREAD ROUNDER Precision Rounding at High Speeds without Doubles Excellent Rounding Quality for a Wide Range of Dough Piece Sizes and Types K Features amp a B enefits J High Speed Precision Rounding Uses an FDA approved poly slick rounding belt that prevents dough sticking Produces higher quantities of precisely rounded dough pieces while virtually eliminating scraps and doubling AMF Compatibility and Versatility Complements the AMF Advanced
9. AMF Bulk Bun Basket Loader user manual pdf AMF Bulk Bun Basket Loader user manual

Places Your Packaged Bun and Roll Products Automatically in Shipping Trays in Single or Double Layers for Institutional Restaurant and Fast Food Customers BULK BUN BASKET IOABEB MECHANICAL FEATURES Smooth elevator package transfer Single and double stack capabilities Heavy duty laser cut steel frame Belted package conveyors Dual strand rubber top basket conveyor Right and left hand configurations available Lexan guard enclosure Smooth c
10. AMF Controller Be142 User Manual pdf AMF Controller Be142 User Manual

Be142 User s Manual August 2014 page 1 AMF Controller Be142 User Manual Be142 User s Manual The information in this document is subject to change without notice No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or any means without the prior written consent of Bernini Design company Bernini Design assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this instruction manual or in the wiring diagrams Although Bernini Design has taken all possible
11. AMF Cycone Bread Rounder user manual pdf AMF Cycone Bread Rounder user manual

Two stage rounding for precise sphere shaping The cylindrical stage initiates the round shape and the conical stage finishes the dough piece into a precise round shape This rounder is designed to provide precise dough rounding for a wide range of bread doughs including specialty whole wheat rye cinnamon raisin and white 1 3 4 21 4 21 2 CCW turns available FEATURES amp BENEFITS Combined action of cylindrical and conical rounding for perfect dough ball shape
12. AMF Dough Ball Spacer user manual pdf AMF Dough Ball Spacer user manual

DOUGH BALL SPACER Improved design Reliable performance DOUGH BALL SPACER vrv iv auvn 13 V 1 Side plate aluminum construction frame 2 Side covers are 7 wide for easier maintenance 3 Stainless steel tapered dough guide with U H M W comb type guide to fit roller in order to stop the dough from getting behind the dough guide 4 Wider shaft in order to get space in between the side frame and roller 4 Sprockets and chains are 40 re
13. AMF Dough Divider/Rounder KX-T user manual pdf AMF Dough Divider/Rounder KX-T user manual

KX T DOUGH DIVIDiR ROUNDiR Ideal for Tortilla Frozen and Hard Roll Dough Quick and Easy Product Changeover Precision Scaling Accuracy on Entire Range of Products Without Variation from the Beginning to the End of a Dough Small Footprint for Easy Replacement of Old Drum Divider Rounders Single Auger for Gentle Dough Handling at Low Pressure Available Adjustable Rounding System for a Wide Range of Sizes FEATURES amp BENEFITS L Scaling
14. AMF Dough Stretcher user manual pdf AMF Dough Stretcher user manual

DOUGH STRETCHER Stainless steel construction Reliabie performance DOUGH STRETCHER Mechanical S pec ific ations Heavy duty stainless steel construction Sanitary endless cotton top moulder belt 28 wide A C inverters in remote panel Allen Bradley push button station Voltage at customer requirements Motor Doerr 1 1 2 HP Self aligning belt rollers Adjustable stainless steel floating pressure board 28 wide X 17 3 8 long Stainless stee
15. AMF Dough Trough Hoist user manual pdf AMF Dough Trough Hoist user manual

msn Vertical or Slant Legs Ceiling or Free Standing Support Options Variety of Chute and Gate Options Custom Design for Special Applications FEATURES amp BENEFITS The trough hoist is available in either vertical or slant leg type The complete hoist is fabricated from heavy gauge steel plate Lift chains are mounted inside the legs and driven by sprockets welded to the top main shaft and secured to the hoist legs via special heavy duty
16. AMF Dry Trash Removal Systems user manual pdf AMF Dry Trash Removal Systems user manual

DRY TRASH RE MOVAL SYST EMS Available in Flip S Style Horizontal and Vacuum Configurations Standard Features FLIP TYPE DRY TRASH REMOVAL This unit is designed to receive baskets from an Automatic Basket Separating and Reorienting System The basket enters the system on an inclined rough top belt optional Once in the Dry Trash Removal System the basket is flipped 180 for trash removal The trash is transferred down a slide to a customer supplied collection car
17. AMF Flour Application and Recycling System user manual pdf AMF Flour Application and Recycling System user manual

Designed for Uniform Flouring of a Rounded Doughball to Prevent Sticking and Optimize Downstream Operations Provides a Unique Flour Containment and Recycling System to Maintain a Clean Operating Environment and Maximize Flour Usage Efficiency Designed for Use With AMF Extrusion Dividers and Belt Rounders FLOUR APPLICATION AND RECYCLING SYSTEM RECYCLING SYSTEM FEATURES amp BENEFITS Simple open access design for easy operation Sliding Lexan pane
18. AMF Glen 340 user manual pdf AMF Glen 340 user manual

msi I W GLEN 340 QUART MIXER Versatility and Flexibility from the AMF Glen 340 Mixer Features amp Benefits j Total Mixing Solution Planetary style lends itself to use in bakeries institutional kitchens other food preparation centers and pharmaceutical facilities for tablet granulations cosmetics and toiletries and abrasive compounds Superior Safety and Sanitation Stainless steel rotating head assembly beater drive shaft locking ring and
19. AMF High Speed Bun Divider user manual pdf AMF High Speed Bun Divider user manual

Extrusion Divider Designed for High Speed Bun Production Most Accurate Scaling Available Features amp Benefits J Most Accurate Scaling available through advanced extrusion technology Increased product yield Reduced waste Improved product uniformity Consistent scaling accuracy over the life of the divider 15 years or more Reduced Operating Cost No divider oil required with the HBD which reduces operating and sanitation cost E
20. AMF HS 40 user manual pdf AMF HS 40 user manual

FEATURES amp BENEFITS The HS 40 has been designed for efficient high speed bulk bun packaging of up to 40 packages per minute The HS 40 incorporates many new design features that improve package tightness and seal integrity that result in unmatched product freshness and extended shelf life MECHANICAL FEATURES HS 40 BULK BUN PACKEB Freshness Evacuation and Tight Package Aligner side wheel system assures a tightly configured package The HS 40 i
21. AMF KRDIIe Roll Devider user manual pdf AMF KRDIIe Roll Devider user manual

Extrusion Divider Technology with built in developer Direct Replacement for K Head Dividers Features amp Benefits J Superior Scaling Accuracy with Extrusion Technology Significantly more accurate scaling capabilities than a conventional K Head Divider Consistent scaling accuracy over the life of the divider 15 years or more Reduced Operating Cost No divider oil is required with the KRDIIe which reduces operating and sanitation costs Ef
22. AMF KX PLUS user manual pdf AMF KX PLUS user manual

KX PLUS BUN DIVIDER Economical Extrusion Bun Divider Direct replacement for K Head Divider Features amp _ Benefits J Superior Scaling Accuracy and Operating Efficiency With AMF s Extrusion Technology 200 300 more accurate scaling than a conventional K Head divider Elimination of divider oil Scaling remains consistent over the life of the divider 15 years or more with proper maintenance Dough Friendly Design Single screw changin
23. AMF MARK 60 user manual pdf AMF MARK 60 user manual

FEATURES amp BENEFITS The only bread bagger available with patented pendulum scoop drive that provides the smoothest scoop operation at all operating speeds The pendulum drive virtually eliminates costly maintenance of gearboxes due to the low rotary actuation resistance provided by the pendulum drive instead of the high friction slide actuation used by all other major manufacturers Steel it frame finish with aluminum guards Patented flusher discharge conveyor e
24. AMF Mark 75 user manual pdf AMF Mark 75 user manual

Shown with Optional Lexan Scoop Guard tr 11 Multiple Loaf Bread Bagger Available Modular Concept for Reduced Production Downtime and Ease of Maintenance Interchangeable Parts for Left Hand and Right Hand Models Compact Design for Minimized Floor Space Advanced Drive Design to Handle High Speeds Up to 75 Loaves Per Minute MARK 75 BREAD BAGGER FEATURES amp BENEFITS Air operated wicket automatic changer with oversized magnetic cy
25. AMF Millennium Dolly Loader user manual pdf AMF Millennium Dolly Loader user manual

W ivTW I 1 vertical Dolly Storage with Servo Lift and Smooth Pneumatic Transfer ENNIUM LY LOADER MiL The Millennium Dolly Loader is designed to receive a stack of filled bread bun baskets from an AM F Automatic Bottom up Basket Stacker or conveyor gently transfer and place the stack of baskets on the dolly and eject the loaded dolly for distribution FEATURES amp BENEFITS Smooth basket lift and doiiy iift through servo drives air over oii ha
26. AMF Model K user manual pdf AMF Model K user manual

Reliable Bun Dividing Performance Improved Design for Extended Machine Life and More Precise Scaling Features amp Benefits New Design Improvements Solid stainless steel cylinder no welded wrap This design eliminates the potential for vacuum leaks due to weld failures Quick change cut off wire assembly significantly reduces downtime due to cut off wire breakage Pneumatic gauges on both vacuum shoes for easy operator monitoring of vacuum performa
27. AMF None user manual pdf AMF None user manual

The Super Junior Tilt Bowl Mixers are Suitable for Bread Rolls Pizza Flour Tortillas Donuts and Yeast Raised Sweet Goods The Super Junior Tilt Bowl Mixers have the Strength and Reliability of our Industrial Line of Mixers but at a Very Economical Price FEATURES AND BENEFITS The fabrication is in accordance with BISSC s quality and sanitation standards ANSI Z50 requirements USDA accepted Stainless steel frame bowl and agitator MEC
28. AMF Offset Tilt Bowl Mixer (OTBM) user manual pdf AMF Offset Tilt Bowl Mixer (OTBM) user manual

800 lb 363 kg to 3200 lb 1452 kg capacity Heavy duty horizontal tilt bowl dough mixer Offset frame design to aiiow for fuiiy automated dough discharge sequence Designed for mixing breads roiis buns flour tortillas croissants bageis pizza speciaity doughs and Engiish muffins FEATURES AND BENEFITS Most robust frame and bowl design in the industry Offset frame design for automated dough discharge sequence and lateral trough chunker or pump movement
29. AMF RDC-18 -500 user manual pdf AMF RDC-18 -500 user manual

ROTARY ROUGH CHUNKER ION Automatic Dough Distribution System Up to 30 000 lb 13608 kg Per Hour Gentle Rotary Blade Dough Transfer Standard Sizes from 500 lb 227 kg to 3 400 lb 1542 kg MECHANICAL FEATURES Designed for total washdown operation Coated rotary blades with 1 1 2 HP drive Maintenance free design direct drive no belt no chain Removable dough take away conveyor ELECTRICAL FEATURES NEMA 4X enclosure mounted to frame wi
30. AMF RDF - 18 user manual pdf AMF RDF - 18 user manual

ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER Specifications gt Totally designed for washdown operation gt All stainless steel construction Teflon coated rotary blades Maintenance free design direct drive no belt no chain Adjustable dough guide Electrical Specifications Rotary blades are driven by I H P drive motor reducer Remote Nema 4X enclosure with the following Main disconnect Allen Bradley star
31. AMF RDF - 24 user manual pdf AMF RDF - 24 user manual

ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER Specifications gt Totally designed for washdown operation gt All stainless steel construction Teflon coated rotary blades Maintenance free design direct drive no belt no chain Adjustable dough guide Electrical Specifications Rotary blades are driven by I H P drive motor reducer Remote Nema 4X enclosure with the following Main disconnect Allen Bradley star
32. AMF RDF - 36 user manual pdf AMF RDF - 36 user manual

ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER Specifications gt Totally designed for washdown operation gt All stainless steel construction Teflon coated rotary blades gt Maintenance free design direct drive no belt no chain Adjustable dough guide Electrical Specifications t Rotary blades are driven by I H P drive motor reducer Remote Nema 4X enclosure with the following Main disconnect Allen Bradley starte
33. AMF RDF - 48 user manual pdf AMF RDF - 48 user manual

ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER ROTARY DOUGH FEEDER Specifications gt Totally designed for washdown operation gt All stainless steel construction Teflon coated rotary blades gt Maintenance free design direct drive no belt no chain Adjustable dough guide Electrical Specifications t Rotary blades are driven by I H P drive motor reducer Remote Nema 4X enclosure with the following Main disconnect Allen Bradley starte
34. AMF Rotary Pic-N-Pac Depanner user manual pdf AMF Rotary Pic-N-Pac Depanner user manual

ROTARY PIC N PAC DEPANNER Up to 90 packages per minute Breakthrough in Brown N Serve Depanning and Packing Efficiency Features amp Benefits gt Easy Upgrade to Current Plant Operations New triple head brown n serve roll depanner and packer fits in the same footprint as existing depanners for ease of upgrading your operation Engineering and Design Innovations Duai Headed Triple Package pick up unit has redundant vacuum sections to minimiz
35. AMF Saber 60 user manual pdf AMF Saber 60 user manual

SABIR 60 BAND SUCER FEATURES amp BENEFITS Modular design Minimized floor space designed for easy replacement of Micro 75 Band Slicers footprint Corrosion resistant steel it painted steel frame Perforated aluminum paneling provides visual access Increased access for maintenance and sanitation Heavy duty lattice support frame and blade guides provide straight high quality slices Electronic synchronization capable SABER 60 BAND SIIC
36. AMF Servotech user manual pdf AMF Servotech user manual

1 TiSTRV A new concept in dough dividing that combines the gentle dough handling of a ram and knife divider with the precise scaling of the latest servo control technology Unique design for use with a wide range of doughs including specialty whole wheat rye cinnamon raisin and white SERVOTECH BREAD DIVIDER Scaling accuracy of 1 on most doughs Servo drives and recipe control logic allows the most accurate control of pressure inside do
37. AMF Stationary Bowl Mixer (SBM) user manual pdf AMF Stationary Bowl Mixer (SBM) user manual

STATIONARY BOWL MIXER SBM 1600 lb 2000 lb and 2400 lb capacity Reliable performance K Features amp Benefits t Two speed gearmotor specifically designed for mixer use TEFC with thermal overload protection Drive chain and drive sprocket run in an oil bath assuring constant lubrication of the system The mixer frame is entirely fabricated of solid stainless steel Stainless steel wide type bumper Stainless steel end doors and crowns
38. AMF Straight Line Sheeter Moulder Panner user manual pdf AMF Straight Line Sheeter Moulder Panner user manual

For frozen dough and specialty breads 6 oz to 36 oz and 6 to 18 dough piece length All stainless steel construction Equipment meets OSHA requirements Working range 6 oz to 36 oz 6 in to 18 in length SPECIAL DESIGN FEATURES STRAIGHT LINE SHEETER MOULDER FANNER Above shown with motorized dough guide adjustment with digital readout SPECIAL DESIGN FEATURES STRAIGHT LINE SHEETER MOULDER FAN
39. AMF STRING KING user manual pdf AMF STRING KING user manual

STRING KING gt 39191 W AMF Stringline for the production of 3 375 of 19 oz strings of dough up to 26 long Advanced electrical system Compact design Easy to maintain FEATURES amp BENEFITS Electronic Infeed Synchronizing System to eliminate doubles Heavy Duty Flour dusting of empty and or full proofer trays Adjustable dwell of infeed gates Self tilting proofer trays to prevent sticking High velocity exhaust fans to pre
40. AMF Super Cross Grain Sheeter user manual pdf AMF Super Cross Grain Sheeter user manual

SUPER C S CROSS GRAIN SHEETER MOULDER PANNER Shown with optional Dough Spacer Shown with optional Handtwist Table Stainless steel construction 100 pieces per minutes Reliable performance SUPER S CROSS GRAIN SHEETER MOULDER PANNER V Stainless steel construction Slanted infeed conveyor with Teflon coated dough guides Adjustable flattener roll Removable D C variable speed stainless steel flour sifter with automatic c
41. AMF SW-75 user manual pdf AMF SW-75 user manual

The SW 75 is designed to work in conjunction with the AMF Saber 75 Sheer and Mark 75 Bread Bagger to provide an efficient and comprehensive bread packaging system The SW 75 features a durable design focused on long term machine life including the only solid frame design available The SW 75 incorporates the latest automated electronics including servo drives AC drives electronic solenoids PLC and operator interface controls with recipe management and diagnostic cap
42. AMF TILT Bowl Mixer (TBM) user manual pdf AMF TILT Bowl Mixer (TBM) user manual

TILT BOWL MIXER ITBM Heavy Duty Horizontal Tilt Bowl Dough Mixer Designed for Mixing Breads Rolls Buns Flour Tortillas Croissants Bagels Pizza Specialty Doughs and English Muffins FEATURES AND BENEFITS Most robust frame and bowl design in the industry Easy access design and 6 152 mm floor clearance facilitate cleaning and maintenance New bowl design for maximum glycol cooling efficiency and optimal dough temperature control Heavy duty
43. AMF Tortilla Divider And rounder System user manual pdf AMF Tortilla Divider And rounder System user manual

Extrusion Technology Reduces Maintenance and Improves Performance Higher Speeds Allow Full Utilization of Multiple Press or Sheeting Units Features amp Benefits J Low Maintenance Rotary Divider Design Extrusion divider system features rotary designed mechanisms for continuous smooth operation Eliminates stop and go stroke motion wear of conventional piston dividers Highly efficient electric gearmotors eliminate the maintenance and sanitat
44. AMF U2 user manual pdf AMF U2 user manual

MODE 112 DOUGH PUMP Pump Shown With Optional Machine Mounted Electricals Exceptional Dough Transfer Technology Featuring AMF s Patented Dual Auger System Efficient Replacement for Aging High Maintenance Pak it and Langsencamp Pumps Available in Wide Variety of Hopper and Drive Sizes to Fit Any Production Requirement FEATURES amp BENEFITS Direct Flow Design Eliminates constrictions that cause back pressure and increase dough temperature Open aug
45. AMF Ultra S user manual pdf AMF Ultra S user manual

ULTRA S CROSS GRAIN SHEETER MOULDER PANNER Shown with optional Dough Spacer Shown with optional Handtwist Table 110 loaves minute 18 to 24 oz Pan size up to 19 wide Reliable performance ULTRA S CROSS GRAIN New sanitary frame and angle panning section for none twist loaf New hand twisting table optional with magnetic pan indexer H T D belt type Cantilever frame design Motorized pressure board belt with a pne
46. AMF VersaPak Series HV user manual pdf AMF VersaPak Series HV user manual

rizontal Vertical FEATURES AND BENEFITS Load products horizontally or vertically Quick product change over High speed or heavy payload with robotic precision MECHANICAL FEATURES VersaPak Series HV Capable of handling both horizontal and vertical product loading Patented robotic gantry system with fixed motors and no offset forces Stainless steel washdown or painted steel construction Compact modular design allows machine to be configured for a
47. AMF Washing And Drying System user manual pdf AMF Washing And Drying System user manual

Custom designed to meet your specific washing and drying requirements Engineered for outstanding function performance and unsurpassed reliability STANDARD FEATDRES THE ULTIMATE WASHING Stainless steel 304 construction Adjustable to all container sizes Easy access to internal components through removable top panels Automatic water level controls and tank filling valves Stainless steel header assemblies remove easily from tanks Headers are equip
48. Baker Sure Chamfer User Manual pdf Baker Sure Chamfer User Manual

Ellington Industrial Supply Inc P 0 Box 128 Ellington Missouri 63638 USA Web site www baker online com E mail info baker online com Phone 573 663 7711 Fax 573 663 2787 Products TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 7 MACHINE FEATURES 12 1 NE mE uM EN EN 2 WN s 3 4 INSTALLATION rr r NN gt mE un 5 un EN mE NN Unpacking
49. BeamFinder user Manual (Manuscript) pdf BeamFinder user Manual (Manuscript)

The BeamFinder User Manual WETS DWV Ke CAE Copyright C Dr Volker Grassmann 2002 2003 All rights reserved No part of this manual may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews Authorised users of the BeamFinder software may of course store this manual together with the BeamFinder soft w
50. Cooper Lighting Metalux AMF user manual pdf Cooper Lighting Metalux AMF user manual

MCGRAW EDISON IL AS lnternal Louver Kit small 1 IL AM lnternal Louver Kit medium 1 IL AL lnternal Louver Kit large 1 Two Horizontal Louvers Shown IL AS lnternal Louver Kit small 1 IL AM lnternal Louver Kit medium 1 IL AL lnternal Louver Kit large 1 Four Vertical Louvers Shown IL AS lnternal Louver Kit small 1 IL AM lnternal Louver Kit medium 1 IL AL lnternal Louver Kit large 1 Two Vertical Louvers Shown SV AS Side Visor small 2 SV AM Side Visor
51. DreamFect Gold User Manual - Boca Scientific Laboratory Products pdf DreamFect Gold User Manual - Boca Scientific Laboratory Products

O 3 e J y L E o 2 m The art of del y DreamFect Gold Instruction Manual DreamFect Gold The newest generation of outstanding transfection reagent that achieves high transfection efficiency combines with superior transgene expression level List of DreamFect Gold Kits Catalog Description Volume pL Size number of Number transfection pg of DNA DG80500 DreamFect Gold 500 125 to 500 DG81000 DreamFect Gold 1000 250 to 100
52. Jensen Amfm Alarm Clock Radio JCR175 user manual pdf Jensen Amfm Alarm Clock Radio JCR175 user manual

JENSEN JCR 175 AM FM ALARM CLOCK RADIO 0 6 Green LED Display Auxiliary Line in Jack for Connecting Your iPod MP3 or other Digital Audio Players AM FM Receiver Wake to Radio or Alarm Sleep Snooze Power AC 120V 60Hz Battery Back up for Clock 1 x 9V 006P Not included Size 2 3 4 H x 6 l 8 W x 5 D Specifications subject to change without notice JCR 175 PACKAGING MASTER CARTON CONTAINER QTY UPC Giftbox Dim
53. OptiNav BeamformX User Manual pdf OptiNav BeamformX User Manual

OptiNav BeamformX User Manual November 16 2015 Applies to Version 1 75 of BeamformX Contents OVEN VIGW EEE E E A E AN A EA E E E A E EEEE 3 Startup Dilo TEE 3 n dee RTE TEE 5 Spectrogram Window cccsessssccececeesessaesecececesseeaaesecececessesesaeeececsseeseeaeaeceseceseesauaeaeeeessusseseuaeaeeeesssesesenaeees H Spectrum WHA OW EE 9 DISPIAY WINDOW E 10 Settings ET 11 Decay ln ernieren eree e r ae eae e aeaaee ae eE e ae a Ra REEERE 11 Microphone for spectru
54. Oregon Chamfer Chisel 91P F&amp;B A107038 user manual pdf Oregon Chamfer Chisel 91P F&amp;B A107038 user manual

91 P LOW PROFILE 3 8 PITCH CHAMFER CHISEL M CHAIN KICKBACK ANSI CLASSIFICATION A Oregon 91P chain is a blue label chain it meets the low kick back performance requirements of ANSI B175 1 US and CSA Z62 Canada RECOMMENDED TYPES OF USE Occasional Users Homeowners campers and hunters Commercial Users Arborists orchardists farmers landscapers and utility workers RECOMMENDED SAW SIZES 91P is intended for use with electric saws and smaller gas
55. Samsung AMF09C2E user manual pdf Samsung AMF09C2E user manual

OWNER S INSTRUCTIONS Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit AMF09C2E UMF26C2E3 AMF12C2E UMF30C2E4 AMF18C2E FREE JOINT MULTI ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Cool DdB98 09657A 1 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be taken when using your air conditioner 1 Make sure that the indoor unit is correctly ventilated at all times do NOT place clothing or other materiais over it 2 NEVER spin liquid of any kind into the indoor unit Should this happen switch off t
56. Samsung AMF12C2E user manual pdf Samsung AMF12C2E user manual

OWNERS INSTRUCTIONS Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit AMF09C2E UMF26C2E3 AMF12C2E UMF30C2E4 AMF18C2E FREE JOINT MULTI ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Cool D DB98 09657A 1 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be taken when using your air conditioner J Make sure that the indoor unit is correctly ventilated at all times do NOT place clothing or other materials over it 2 NEVER spill liquid of any kind into the indoor unit Should this happen switch o
57. Samsung AMF18C2E user manual pdf Samsung AMF18C2E user manual

OWNER S INSTRUCTIONS Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit AMF09C2E UMF26C2E3 AMF12C2E UMF30C2E4 AMF18C2E FREE JOINT MULTI ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Cool E DB98 09657A 1 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be taken when using your air conditioner 1 Make sure that the indoor unit is correctly ventilated at all times do NOT place clothing or other materials over it 2 NEVER spill liquid of any kind into the indoor unit Should this happen switch off
58. Steamfast CANISTER STEAM CLEANER SF-275 user manual pdf Steamfast CANISTER STEAM CLEANER SF-275 user manual

steamfast powerful natural intelligent Canister Steam Cleaner MODEL SF 275 User s Guide Please read all instructions before use KEEP YOUR RECEIPT FOR WARRANTY PURPOSES IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS A WARNING To reduce risk of fire electrical shock or injury the following basic safety precautions should always be followed when using an electrical appliance WARNING To reduce the risk of electrical shock this appliance uses a grounded t
59. Steamfast PORTABLE POWER STEAM CLEANER SF-246 user manual pdf Steamfast PORTABLE POWER STEAM CLEANER SF-246 user manual

by Top Innovations Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card KEEP YOUR RECEIPT FOR WARRANTY PURPOSES 2 Top Innovations IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING This appliance utilizes a grounded three prong plug This plug will fit in a polarized wall outlet only one way If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet contact a licensed electrician to install a proper outlet DO NOT attempt to modify the plug or defe
60. Steamfast SF-140 user manual pdf Steamfast SF-140 user manual

MODEL SF 140 SteamlMM SteamMot Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card KEEP YOUR RECEIPT FOR WARRANTY PURPOSES SteamlMM Letter from the CEO Dear Valued Customer Congratulations on purchasing your new SF 140 Steam Mop This product is designed to effectively replace the messy old mop and bucket as a simple natural and effective floor cleaning solution Just add water and turn on your Steam Mop in minutes you are re
61. Steamfast SF-407 user manual pdf Steamfast SF-407 user manual

steamfast powerful natural intelligent Everyday Fabric Steamer MODEL SF 407 User s Guide Please read all instructions before use KEEP YOUR RECEIPT FOR WARRANTY PURPOSES IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS A WARNING To reduce risk of fire electrical shock or injury the following basic safety precautions should always be followed when using an electrical appliance WARNING To reduce the risk of electrical shock this appliance uses a grounded
62. Steamfast SF-435B user manual pdf Steamfast SF-435B user manual

MODEL SF 435 Steam Compact Fabric Steamer Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card SteamlMl Letter from the CEO Dear Valued Customer Congratulations on purchasing the SF 435 Compact Fabric Steamer This versatile and convenient product places the power of steam in a compact and lightweight appliance that is easy to take anywhere It s the perfect travel companion for business trips and family vacations It also works
63. Steamfast SF-435P user manual pdf Steamfast SF-435P user manual

MODEL SF 435 Steam Compact Fabric Steamer Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card SteamlMl Letter from the CEO Dear Valued Customer Congratulations on purchasing the SF 435 Compact Fabric Steamer This versatile and convenient product places the power of steam in a compact and lightweight appliance that is easy to take anywhere It s the perfect travel companion for business trips and family vacations It also works
64. Steamfast SF-435S user manual pdf Steamfast SF-435S user manual

MODEL SF 435 Steam Compact Fabric Steamer Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card SteamlMl Letter from the CEO Dear Valued Customer Congratulations on purchasing the SF 435 Compact Fabric Steamer This versatile and convenient product places the power of steam in a compact and lightweight appliance that is easy to take anywhere It s the perfect travel companion for business trips and family vacations It also works
65. Steamfast SF-435W user manual pdf Steamfast SF-435W user manual

MODEL SF 435 Sieam m Compact Fabric Steamer Please read all instructions before use Mail in your warranty registration card Steams Letter from the CEO Dear Valued Customer Congratulations on purchasing the SF 435 Compact Fabric Steamer This versatile and convenient product places the power of steam in a compact and lightweight appliance that is easy to take anywhere It s the perfect travel companion for business trips and family vacations It also work
66. User Manual H&auml;berle FM/1 Chamfering grinder pdf User Manual H&auml;berle FM/1 Chamfering grinder

User Manual Haberle FM 1 Chamfering grinder Firma Haberle Hinter Alenberg 16 D 89150 Laichingen Germany Tel 0049 7333 5077 Fax 0049 7333 5476 E Mail fmi haeberle com Homepage www haeberle com fm 1 Subject to change without notice H berle Maschinenbau HABERLE CHAMFERING GRINDER TYPE FM 1 Contents We SPIOQUELGESCH DUO Bea ee tt te tl Eredar nee 3 2 We MWCO CGI S Otis aclanacta daca RER LINEARE NEN AELERTEEEREENEELEIERURETEREFELENEREEREERE
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