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ENGLISH For appliance description see diagram on page 3 A Spray jet H Flexible cord protector B Water filling inlet with cover I Mains supply cord C Variable steam control J Pilot light D Spray button K Extremely scratch resistant E Shot of steam button soleplate F Automatic switch off indicator light L Transparent water tank depending on model M Maximum water level indicator G Temperature dial SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The appliance complies with EU directive
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Rowenta 2 Slice Toaster Instructions for use Safety instructions IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should always be followed 1 Read all instructions 2 Never leave toaster unattended during use 3 Keep out of reach of children 4 Close supervision is necessary when the toaster is used by or near children 5 Do not touch the metal parts or hot surfaces of the appliance when it is working Use handles or knobs
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EXPERTISE 042449 27 05 Instructions for use 1 UNDERSTANDING YOUR STEAM GENERATOR 1 Precision Steam Jet nozzle depending on the model 2 Precision Steam Jet button depending on the model 3 Humid steam button depending on the model 4 Steam control button 5 Temperature control dial for iron soleplate 6 Iron temperature control light 7 Steam generator boiler in the base unit 8 Cord fastener 9
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Rowenta Acti Press Instructions for use Description A Spray nozzle B Water filling inlet C Variable steam control with self clean system D Spray button E Burst of steam button F Auto off indicator light G Flexible cord protector H Power cord I Pilot light Temperature control dial K Stainless steel soleplate L Transparent water tank M Water level indicator Rowenta Werke GmbH 63016 Offenbach am Main Reference 110 345 8013 IMPORTANT SAFETY IN
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ACCESS 016004 02 04 EP8550 Instruction for use Please read carefully before use 1 DESCRIPTION OF YOUR APPLIANCE f It is normal for the depilator head to vibrate when in operation The vibration helps to accentuate the relaxing effect of the massage l roller beads There is nothing wrong with your appliance 1 Pivoting head 2 Depilator head SOFT PRECISION 3 Tweezers 4 Flair guides 5 Massaging beads 6 Micro peeling
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Rowenta IR 100 IR 150 IR 200 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Istruzioni per I uso Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Rowenta Thank you for purchasing this infrared heater We hope you will be completely satisfied with this product To ensure this please read these instructions carefully before use and keep
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Rowenta IR 100 IR 150 IR 200 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Istruzioni per I uso Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Rowenta Thank you for purchasing this infrared heater We hope you will be completely satisfied with this product To ensure this please read these instructions carefully before use and keep
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Rowenta IR 100 IR 150 IR 200 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Istruzioni per I uso Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Rowenta Thank you for purchasing this infrared heater We hope you will be completely satisfied with this product To ensure this please read these instructions carefully before use and keep
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PRO COMPACT COMPACT GARMENT STEAMER www rowentausa com 1103901405 03 07 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your appliance basic precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before use Use appliance for its intended use only This appliance is not designed to be used by people including children with a physical sensory or mental impairment or people
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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your appliance basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the generator 1 Use appliance only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquids 3 The appliance should always be turned off before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank the cord to disconnect from outlet inste
43. Rowenta DG 580 user manual pdf Rowenta DG 580 user manual

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your appliance basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the generator 1 Use appliance only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquids 3 The appliance should always be turned off before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank the cord to disconnect from outlet inste
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D U A L I a Istruzioni per I uso Modo de empleo Modo de utilizapao Brugsanvisning Kayttoohje Bruksanvisning Bruksanvisning Navod k pouziti Hasznalati utasitas Instrukcja obslugi Navodiloza uporabo klHCTpyKLiMfl no MCn0nb30BaHMK3 OSnyisq xPnoEtac 029659 38 02 FR050 Thermostat C Schutzhaube fur Schalter D Kontrollampe Funktion Strahler F Strahler G Schutzgitter H Infrarot Heizelemente I Geblase L Griffe M Gerate
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1103908769 DW9150 US_110x154 27 Q j j 1 15 41 Pagel Groupe SEB USA 2121 Eden Road Millville NJ 08332 USA Tel 1 800 769 3682 Groupe SEB Canada Inc 345 Passmore Avenue Toronto Ontario M1V 3N8 Tel 1 800 418 3325 Groupe SEB Mexico S A de C V Calle Goldsmith 38 401 Piso 4 Polanco Distrito Federal C P 11560 Mexico RFC GSM8211123P5 www rowenta com J ES 1103908769 DW9150 US_110x154 2 7 07 0 I 15 41 Page2 DESCRIPTION 1 Spray nozzle
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DX9000 USA 13 05 2003 15 04 Uhr Seite 1 Dry Ironing To iron without steam slide the steam control lever to the off position We recommend dry ironing with an empty tank Set the temperature for the type of material to be ironed Anti Calc System Minerals in water can build up in the steam chamber The Anti Calc system contains a special resin that neutralizes the harmful minerals This system is designed to extend and maintain the high steam performance of the iron The
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r www rowenta com TcSI A fig i fig 4 fig 7 fig 10 J V fig 2 fig 5 fig 8 fig 3 fig 6 fig 9 Ml t u f CLEAN l c t amp A i SELF Ml l CLEAN fig ii fig 12 f C fig 19 3 npacKH BMTiKae BOfla 3aHaflT0 sacTe HamcK
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model DZ9030 www rowenta com r fig 10 fig 4 fig 7 fig 5 fig 6 fig 3 fig 16 fig 17 fig 18 DESCRIPTION 1 Spray nozzle 2 Filling inlet with slide button opening 3 Variable steam control a Dry ironing b Smooth steam c High Pressure steam d Self Clean 4 Spray button 5 Shot of steam button 6
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DZ9080 US 1103898398 10 05 11 00 Page 1 Rowenta 196 Boston Avenue Medford MA 02155 Tel 781 396 0600 www rowentausa com OFFICE LOCATION ONLY To service product see service center information below If your appliance needs service ship the product to your nearest regional service center Be sure to put your name on the outside of shipping box no P O boxes please If in warranty Rowenta will repair or replace product at their discretion If the product is out of
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EFFECTIVE 1103898336 46 05 Bitte lesen Sie diese Gebrauchsanweisung und die Sicher heitshinweise aufmerksam durch Beachten Sie dabei die Abbildungen auf der ausklappbaren Bildseite Please read carefully the instructions for use and the Safety Points to Note Pay particular attention to the fold out page with the illustrations Lire attentivement le mode d emploi et le conserver pour pouvoir le consulter Pendant la lecture deplier la page avec les illustration
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EXPERTISE 015998 02 04 EP304 Instruction for use Please read carefully before use 1 DESCRIPTION OF YOUR APPLIANCE 1 Depilator head 2 Hair guides 3 Massaging beads 4 Tweezers 5 2 speed and stop switch 6 Adaptor 7 Cleaning brush Pain free function Your appliance is equipped with a roller beads massaging system integrated into the depilation head The roller beads massage the skin to reduce the sensation of pain linked to depil
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GARMENT STEAMER IS9000 www rowentausa com 1103905164 39 08 5 6 Vuz orr DESCRIPTION i Handle 11 Fabric brush 2 Steam head 12 Upholstery brush 3 Flexible hose 13 Lint pad 4 Hose connector 14 Crease attachment 5 Variable steam control 15 Curtain rod extension 6 Foot operated cord reel 16 On board accessories 7 On off foot operated switch storage 8
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PRO COMPACT COMPACT GARMENT STEAMER www rowentausa com 1103901405 03 07 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your appliance basic precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before use Use appliance for its intended use only This appliance is not designed to be used by people including children with a physical sensory or mental impairment or people
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Rowenta HA 425 HA 435 HA 475 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Manuale d uso Instrucciones de USO Instrug es de utilizag o Betjeningsvejiedning Brugsanvisning Instrukcja obstugi N vod k pouziti Haszn lati utasit s Navodilo za uporabo l lHCTpyKL Mn aa MsnonsBaHe Instructiuni de utilizare N vod na pouzitie Uputa za uporabu MHcrpyKL un fl in nonbsoBaHna Kullanma talimati OSriyiec xpiiaecoq Rowenta 0029640 1 7 01
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Rowenta HA 425 HA 435 HA 475 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Manuale d uso Instrucciones de uso Instrug es de utilizag o Betjeningsvejledning Brugsanvisning Instrukcja obstugi N vod k pouziti Haszn lati utasit s Navodilo za uporabo HHCTpytqufl 3a u3non3BaHe Instructiuni de utilizare N vod na pouzitie Uputa za uporabu MHCTpyKpun fl in nonb30BaHun Kullanma talimati O riyiEq xPhoscoq Rowenta 0029640 1 7 01 G
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Rowenta HA 260 HA 270 HA 280 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Manuale d uso Instrucciones de uso Instrugoes de utilizagao Betjeningsvejledning Brugsanvisning Instrukcja obstugi Navod k pouziti Hasznalati utasftas Navodilo za uporabo l lHCTpyKL Mfl 3a n3non3BaHe Instructiuni de utilizare Navod na pouzitie Uputa za uporabu l lHCTpyKL Mfl fl in nonb30BaHnn it mm Kullanma talimati Obriyisg XPn oswc Rowenta 029637 23 00
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Rowenta HA 325 HA 335 HA 340 HA 350 HA 390 HA 395 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Manuale d uso Betjeningsvejiedning Brugsanvisning Instrukcja obstugi Navod k pouzitf Hasznalati utasitas Navodilo za uporabo llHCTpyKL nn sa MsnonsBaHG Instructiuni de utilizare Navod na pouzitie Uputa za uporabu l lHCTpyKi nn flnn nonbsoaaHun itmmm Kullanma talimati OSriYisg XP osuc Rowenta 087731 23 00 Mod HA 325 HA 335 HA 340
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Rowenta HA 325 HA 335 HA 340 HA 350 HA 390 HA 395 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Manuale d uso Betjeningsvejledning Brugsanvisning Instrukcja obstugi Navod k pouziti Hasznalati utasitas Navodilo za uporabo l lHCTpyKU Hfl 3a n3non3BaHe Instructiuni de utilizare Navod na pouzitie Uputa za uporabu MHCTpyKL nn fl in nonb30BaHnn itrnm Kullanma talimati Obnyiec xpposax Rowenta 087731 23 00 Mod HA 325 HA 335 HA 340
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Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Gebruiksaanwijzing Instruzioni per I uso Modo de empleo Instrugoes de utilizagao Navod k pouziti Navod na pouzitie Instrukcja uzywania Uputstvo za uporabu Yn bTsaHe sa ynorpeba Instructiuni de folosire Uputstva za upotrebu l lHCTpyKLiM i no MCnOnbSOBaHMK 037038 14 04 CF4010 OSriYie Kullanma talimati
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Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Gebruiksaanwijzing Istruzioni per I uso Instrukcja obslugi HHCTpyKL Mfl no 030013 4 03 SH315 345 ucno ib30BaHHK5 Please read carefully before use 1 DESCRIPTION A Protective cover B Removable shaving head b 1 Skin tensor C Micro screen D Floating trimmer E On off switch F Lock system button G Cleaning brush FI Battery compartment cover model SH315 I Power transformer lead model
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Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Gebruiksaanwijzing Istruzioni per I uso Instrukcja obslugi MHCTpyKLinri no 030014 4 03 SH325 335 Mcnonb30BaHHK Please read carefully before use 1 DESCRIPTION A Protective cover B Removable shaving head b 1 Skin tensor C Micro screen c 1 Micro screen Sensitive D Floating trimmer E On off switch F Lock system button G Cleaning brush FI Power lead and power supply unit I Batte
69. Rowenta LISSEA 037116 - 20/04 RF3210/9210 user manual pdf Rowenta LISSEA 037116 - 20/04 RF3210/9210 user manual

L I 5 5 E A 037116 20 04 RF3210 9210 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Gebruiksaanwijzing Instruzioni per I uso Instrukcja uzywania Navod na pouzitie Uputstvo za uporabu Instructiuni de folosire yntTBane aa ynorpeba Please read carefully before use 1 DESCRIPTION A Removable shaving head B Skin tensor C Micro screen D Floating trimmer E Fold away comb F On off switch G Lock system button FI Cleaning brush I Batt
70. Rowenta LISSIMA 011425 - 49/04 CV9020 user manual pdf Rowenta LISSIMA 011425 - 49/04 CV9020 user manual

L I B B I M A Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Kayttoohje OSnYiE XpgoEcoq 011425 49 04 CV9020 Kullanma talimati f M A 1 ALLGEMEINE BESCHREIBUNG 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A Zubehorzum Glatten A Straightener attachment B Kamme B Combs C Glattplatten mit Keramikuberzug C Ceramic straightening plates D Taste zum Entfernen des
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L I 5 5 I M A Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Istruzioni per Tuso Modo de empleo Modo de utilizagao AHCTJpyKuy 9 no MCnOJlbSOBaHMKD Kullanma talinnati OSriYisq 030140 26 03 PH570 A 1 ALLGEMEINE BESCHREIBUNG A Zubehor zum Glatten B Kamme C Scheiben zum Glatten Ultra liss system D Taste zum Entfernen des Zubehors E Steuertaste F Fixierknopf G Haltering H Konzentrator I Tasche zu
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73. Rowenta P2 Professional user manual pdf Rowenta P2 Professional user manual

Rowenta P2 Professional Instructions for Use IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to M inimum Min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank
74. Rowenta PERFECT 1103897124 user manual pdf Rowenta PERFECT 1103897124 user manual

Rowenta Werke GmbH 63016 Offenbach am Main Please read carefully the instructions for use and the Safety Points to Note Pay particular attenti on to the fold out page with the illustrations Bitte lesen Sie diese Gebrauchsanweisung und die Sicherheitshinweise aufmerksam durch Beachten Sie dabei die Abbildungen auf der ausklappbaren Bildseite Lire attentivement le mode d emploi et le con server pour pouvoir le consulter Pendant la lecture depiller la page avec les
75. Rowenta POWER DUO 1103465594 user manual pdf Rowenta POWER DUO 1103465594 user manual

POWER DUO Rowenta Werke GmbH 63016 Offenbach am Main Please read carefully the instructions for use and the Safety Points to Note Pay particular attention to the fold out page with the illustrations Bitte lesen Sie diese Gebrauchsanweisung und die Sicherheitshinweise aufmerksam durch Beachten Sie dabei die Abbildungen auf der ausklappbaren Bildseite Lire attentivement le mode d emploi et le con server pour pouvoir le consulter Pendant la lecture depiller la pa
76. Rowenta Power Press user manual pdf Rowenta Power Press user manual

Rowenta Power Press Instructions for Use Description A Spray nozzle B Water filling inlet C Variable steam control with self clean system D Spray button E Burst of steam button F Auto off indicator light G Flexible cord protector H Power cord I Pilot light J Temperature control dial K Stainless steel soleplate L Transparent water tank M Water level indicator Rowenta Werke GmbH 63016 Offenbach am Main Reference 110 345 8295 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCT
77. Rowenta Powerglide 2 user manual pdf Rowenta Powerglide 2 user manual

Rowenta Powerglide 2 Instructions for use IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to minimum min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank cord to disconnec
78. Rowenta Powerglide Steam DX1900 user manual pdf Rowenta Powerglide Steam DX1900 user manual

00 0 00 EFFECTIVE 1 Appliance description i Spray button 7 Water filling inlet 2 Burst of steam and 8 Spray nozzle vertical steam button 9 Release button 3 Variable steam control with 10 Cord reel Self Clean Function 11 Water tank with maximum 4 Auto off light water level indicator 5 Thermostat light 12 Soleplate 6 V Temperature control dial J IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When u
79. Rowenta Powerglide Steam Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Powerglide Steam Iron user manual

Rowenta Powerglide Instructions for use Description A Spray nozzle B Water filling inlet C Variable steam control with Self clean Depending on model D Spray button E Burst of steam button F Auto off indicator light Depending on model G Temperature control dial H Flexible cord protector I Power cord j Pilot light K Stainless steel soleplate L Transparent water tank 3 way Auto off Auto off is not an on off switch Unplug the iron when it is not in use
80. Rowenta Precision Steam Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Precision Steam Iron user manual

Rowenta Precision Instructions for Use IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to M inimum Min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank cord t
81. Rowenta Pressure iron &amp; steamer user manual pdf Rowenta Pressure iron &amp; steamer user manual

Notice Pressure iron amp steamer 24 08 06 Y14 Page 1 PRESSURE IRON S STEAMER www rowentausa com Notice Pressure iron amp steamer 24 08 06 14 Page 2 DESCRIPTION 1 Steam button 7 Connection cord 2 Temperature control dial 8 Temperature indicator light 3 Boiler cap 9 Soleplate 4 Boiler unit water tank 10 Iron rest 5 On Off switch iron 11 Power cord 6 Steam output control dial Filling
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PRO FRESH 016784 DG7160 24 05 Instructions for use 1 UNDERSTANDING YOUR STEAM GENERATOR 1 Dual function button burst of freshness or precision steam jet 2 Function selection slide burst of freshness or precision steam jet 3 Diffusion nozzle burst of freshness or precision steam jet 4 Flousing drawer for the removable burst of freshness capsule 5 Steam control button 6 Temperature control dial for iron soleplat
83. Rowenta PROACTIVE 032621 - IC7100 - 50/03 user manual pdf Rowenta PROACTIVE 032621 - IC7100 - 50/03 user manual

PRO ACTIVE 032621 IC7100 50 03 instructions for use 1 UNDERSTANDING YOUR IRONING CENTRE 1 Iron 2 Electric power cord iron board 3 Steam cord 4 Steam cord support 5 Iron rest plate 6 Removable water tank 7 Iron power cord and steam cord storage space 8 Control panel 9 Steam generator screw clamps 10 Wheels rubber coated to protect delicate floors 11 Feet 12 Semi automatic opening lever use only to ope
84. Rowenta Professional DE 873 user manual pdf Rowenta Professional DE 873 user manual

Rowenta Professional Instructions for use Rowenta IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to Minimum Min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Neve
85. Rowenta Professional Luxe Luxe Steam Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Professional Luxe Luxe Steam Iron user manual

Rowenta Professional Luxe Instructions for Use IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to M inimum Min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank
86. Rowenta PROVITAL CV8010 user manual pdf Rowenta PROVITAL CV8010 user manual

P R O V I T A L 030180 52 03 1 Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator F Position indicator B Cold air shot G Removable grid C Vital switch H Hanging loop D Temperature control E Fan po
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P R CD V I T A L 030180 52 03 r i Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator F Position indicator B Cold air shot G Removable grid C Vital switch H Hanging loop D Temperature control E
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P R CD V I T A L 030180 52 03 r i Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator F Position indicator B Cold air shot G Removable grid C Vital switch H Hanging loop D Temperature control E
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CV8040 030206 22 04 Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator B Cold air shot C Vital switch D Temperature control E Fan power control F Position indicator G Ionic Button H
90. Rowenta PROVITAL CV8050 user manual pdf Rowenta PROVITAL CV8050 user manual

CV8040 030206 22 04 Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator B Cold air shot C Vital switch D Temperature control E Fan power control F Position indicator G Ionic Button H
91. Rowenta PROVITAL CV8060 user manual pdf Rowenta PROVITAL CV8060 user manual

CV8040 030206 22 04 Please read the safety instructions before use 1 DESCRIPTION drawing n 1 A Concentrator B Cold air shot C Vital switch D Temperature control E Fan power control F Position indicator G Ionic Button H
92. Rowenta REF. 3460984 user manual pdf Rowenta REF. 3460984 user manual

Rowenta Steam n Press Instructions for Use REF 3460984 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your Rowenta Steam n Press basic precau tions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the appliance 1 Use appliance only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquids Do not use the appliance in a wet environment on a wet floor near
93. Rowenta SELECTIUM HC 190 user manual pdf Rowenta SELECTIUM HC 190 user manual

5ELECTIUM 036996 07 04 HC190 200 201 Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Notice d emploi Instruzioni per I uso Modo de empleo Instrugoes de utilizagao Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Kayttoohje JLulIxuVI J J j
94. Rowenta Sew &#39;n&#39; Press Steam Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Sew &#39;n&#39; Press Steam Iron user manual

Rowenta Sew n Press Instructions for use IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to M inimum M in before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yank cord to disc
95. Rowenta Steam &#39;n Press user manual pdf Rowenta Steam &#39;n Press user manual

RowGnra Steam n Press Instructions for Use REF 3460984 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your Rowenta Steam n Press basic precau tions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the appliance 1 Use appliance only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquids Do not use the appliance in a wet environment on a wet floor near a
96. Rowenta TO 90 user manual pdf Rowenta TO 90 user manual

xxxxxx ME Venus 4T USA 24 05 02 14 41 Rowenta 4 Slice Toaster TO 90 TO 91 Instructions for use xxxxxx ME Venus 4T USA 24 05 02 14 41 Safety instructions IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should always be followed 1 Read all instructions 2 Never leave toaster unattended during use 3 Keep out of reach of children 4 Close supervision is necessary when the toaster is used by or near child
97. Rowenta TO 91 user manual pdf Rowenta TO 91 user manual

xxxxxx ME Venus 4T USA 24 05 02 14 41 Rowenta 4 Slice Toaster TO 90 TO 91 Instructions for use xxxxxx ME Venus 4T USA 24 05 02 14 41 Safety instructions IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should always be followed 1 Read all instructions 2 Never leave toaster unattended during use 3 Keep out of reach of children 4 Close supervision is necessary when the toaster is used by or near child
98. Rowenta Toaster user manual pdf Rowenta Toaster user manual

A 2 DESCRIPTION A Warming top B Toasting slot Browning selection indicator light Warming top indicator light Browning control button Start stop Cord storage underneath Crumb tray SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR EUROPE 1 To prevent any accidents This toaster complies with the safety rules and conditions in effect and with the following directives Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89 336 CEE modified by Directives 92 31 CEE and 93
99. Rowenta Travel Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Travel Iron user manual

Rowenta Latitude Travel Iron Instructions for Use IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids Do not use the appliance in a wet environment on wet floor near a sink 3 The iron should always be tur
100. Rowenta Ultra Professional Professional Steam Iron user manual pdf Rowenta Ultra Professional Professional Steam Iron user manual

Rowenta Ultra Professional Instructions for Use IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using your iron basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following Read all instructions before using the iron 1 Use iron only for its intended use 2 To protect against a risk of electric shock do not immerse the iron in water or other liquids 3 The iron should always be turned to M inimum Min before plugging or unplugging from outlet Never yan
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