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Soar-mode v5.0 User`s Manual for Soar release 5.2 and 6.0
Soar mode v5 0 User s Manual for Soar release 5 2 and 6 0 Frank E Ritter Michael Hucka Thomas F McGinnis 10 December 1992 CMU CS 92 205 School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA 15213 3891 Abstract Soar mode is a major mode within the GNU Emacs editor It provides an integrated structured editor for editing running and debugging Soar models on the production level Productions are treated as first class objects With keyst |
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SoarDoc User`s Manual Introduction Getting Started
SoarDoc User s Manual Dave Ray ray soartech com October 16 2003 Introduction SoarDoc is an embedded metadata documentation format and tool for Soar This format facilitates the automatic generation of flexible project documentation in the spirit of Doxygen Javadoc and other documentation generation tools The SoarDoc tool takes as input a set of Soar source files and produces as output a set of HTML documentation for the files The output provides several distinct |
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The Soar User`s Manual Version 8.2
The Soar User s Manual Version 8 2 Edition 1 John E Laird Clare Bates Congdon and Karen J Coulter Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department University of Michigan Draft of June 23 1999 Draft Do not quote or distribute Errors may be reported to John E Laird laird umich edu Copyright 1998 J E Laird C B Congdon and K J Coulter Development of earlier versions of this manual were supported under contract N00014 92 K 2015 from the Advance |
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The Soar User`s Manual Version 8.6.3
The Soar User s Manual Version 8 6 3 John E Laird and Clare Bates Congdon User interface sections by Karen J Coulter Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department University of Michigan Draft of October 31 2006 Errors may be reported to John E Laird laird umich edu Copyright 1998 2006 The Regents of the University of Michigan Development of earlier versions of this manual were supported under contract N00014 92 K 2015 from the Advanced Systems Tec |
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The Soar User`s Manual Version 9.5.0
The Soar User s Manual Version 9 5 0 John E Laird and Clare Bates Congdon User interface sections by Karen J Coulter Soar 9 Modules by Nate Derbinsky and Joseph Xu Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Michigan Draft of July 1 2015 Errors may be reported to John E Laird laird umich edu Copyright 1998 2015 The Regents of the University of Michigan Development of earlier versions of this manual were supported under contract N00014 92 K 201 |
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User manual - Puget Sound Soaring Association
Filser Electronic GmbH ATR 600 OMMUNICATION TRANSCEIVER ATR 600 COM VHF Transceiver Flag for SEL Transmitt A Receive FE Area for MEM VEA VOL Volume Squelche Activ area 1 22 VOL 35 Mode F N S F frequency select Stand by normal mode area U user memory D data base of memory User manual Ver 1 4 Date August 01 Page 1 Filser Electronic GmbH N ATR 600 F VHF OMMUNICAT |
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