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E:ProdottiPulsePenLabUser Manual Eng V1_1.wpd
User Manual Pulse Pen Lal device is manufactured by DiaTecne s r l with Headquarters in Milan Italy AN This manual is an integral part of the product and must be kept together with it The Pulse PesnLal is a non invasive device for the Pulse Wave Velocity assessment in small laboratory animals It provides an enhanced sensitivity a reduced plunger size and a higher sample rate than the standard PulsePen device The Pulse PenLatb allows longitudinal studies with repeat |
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ODOT PMIS USER S MANUAL Version 1 2 2 February 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Il INTRODUCITIO Noia tdci 1 1 1 SY TEMU NSTALLE TO E l O 1 1 2 REINS TALLA TON b b n 2 1 3 UNNS TALLA NON ene mene mm mn b o A AN 2 1 4 SYSTEM RE QUIREME E ici 2 1 5 COMPACT DATABASE 35s pata LL er NC hae D ni 2 1 6 A sb ab 3 SECTION 2 BASIC USER INTERFACE ELEMENTS |
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User Manual ODE7050 Manuale prodotto Cod: 21005207
THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY fuba y ODE70S50 RICEVITORE DIGITALE SATELLITARE FREE TO AIR Manuale d utilizzo GH ID lt DS TIMESHIFT Gentile Cliente Vi ringraziamo per aver preferito il ricevitore digitale satellitare Fuba ODE7050 In questa guida sono fornite informazioni sulle connessioni sui comandi e sulla cura dell apparecchio con le quali potrete approfondire la conoscenza del vostro nuovo ricevitore Per rendere la consultazione pi semplice il |
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