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Marcum Technologies Digital Sonar LX-i user manual
Congratulations on purchasing the most advanced hand held digital sonar ever made The MarCum LX i can be used to shoot through ice single layer aluminum boat hulls fiberglass hulls or can be used from inflatable watercraft To Get started Remove the battery door located on the lower backside of the unit Insert a coin into the coin slot and turn counter clockwise Place the coin under one of the slotted corners and apply gentle upward pressure until battery door opens Place lit |
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Marcum Technologies MARCUM LX-3 user manual
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction General Description Ice System Set Up Open Water Set Up Operation Display Diagram Deluxe Ice System Only Product Performance Specifications Signal Interpretation User Tips Service 1 1 2 3 5 8 10 11 12 13 15 Warranty 16 Introduction Thank you for purchasing the LX 3 multicolor sonar unit The LX 3 incorporates the latest in sonar technology featuring a flexible z |
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Marcum Technologies Underwater Viewing System VS 400 user manual
FIN amp WEIGHT A Fin has been included with your system for use in open water When using the system from a boat or in water with current it is recommended that the Fin be attached to help stabilize and steer the camera in the correct direction The camera should be used at slow speeds while drifting or while under propulsion from a trolling motor or outboard motor The Fin is designed to be reversible and can be mounted behind the camera housing with the Fin pointing upward fo |
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Marcum Technologies UNDERWATER VIEWING SYSTEM VS250 user manual
MarCum Technologies OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Introduction Thank you for purchasing the VS250 underwater viewing system from MarCum Technologies Welcome to the world of underwater viewing MarCum Technologies has maintained its objective of incorporating quality performance and reliability while pursuing a value enhanced system The VS250 is absolutely the finest viewing system for the money Whether you re trying to locate the spot on the spot for great fishing study |
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Marcum Technologies Underwater Viewing System VS380 user manual
UNDERWATER VIEWING SYSTEM Nature Vision Inc MA 033 MK Rev A Date 8 20 08 MarCum technologies www marcu mtech com Marcum VS380 Underwater Viewing System Introduction Welcome to the world of underwater viewing MarCum Technologies has maintained its objective of incorporating quality performance and reliability while pursuing a value enhanced system The VS380 is absolutely the finest viewing system for the money Whether you re trying to locate a spot |
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Marcum Technologies Underwater Viewing System VS560 user manual
MarCum Technologies TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 Features 2 Getting Started 4 On Screen Displays 5 Ice Fishing Application 7 Open Water Applications 7 Battery Charging 8 Directional Viewing Indicator 9 Product Performance Specifications 10 Warranty 11 Service Information 12 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the VS560 underwater viewing system from MarCum Technologies Welcome to the world of underwater viewing MarCum |
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Marcum Technologies Underwater Viewing System VS820 user manual
UNDERWATER VIEWING SYSTEM 1 USER MANUAL MarCum TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 Features 3 5 Getting Started 5 6 Adjusting The Monitor Settings 6 7 Lighting 7 8 Ice Fishing Application 8 Open Water Application 9 Battery Charging 9 10 Product Performance Specifications 10 Warranty 11 Service Information 12 INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the VS820 underwater viewing system from MarCum Technologies Inc the most technol |
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Marcum Technologies VX-1P user manual
MaiCum Technologies USER MANUAL 3 COLOR SONAR ICE SYSTEM VX 1P t Nature Vision Inc MA 034 MK Rev A Date 9 2 08 MarCum Technologies www marcu mtech com Table of Contents Introduction 3 General Description 3 Ice System Set Up 3 Open Water Set Up 3 High Speed Transducer Installation 3 Puck Transducer Installation 4 Operation 4 Ice System Only 5 Signal Interpretation 5 Charging the Battery 5 User Tips 6 Product Performa |
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User Manual - Marcum Technologies
VE Olle Showdown 5 6 TECHNOLOGIES Digital Fish Finder www marcumtech com TECHNOLOGIES Versa Electronics www marcumtech com About Your New Showdown Digital Fish Finder Congratulations Your new ShowDown 5 6 Digital Fish Finder delivers unmatched system performance and offers the most intuitive and easy to use system on the market the future of ice fishing electronics is here As a result of your purchase you will catch more fish and have more fun When you c |
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User Manual - Marcum Technologies
Else LX6 TECHNOLOGIES Digital Sonar Unit www marcumtech com TECHNOLOGIES MarCum Versa Electronics www marcumtech com TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction icr ee RR e er Fk Ra eR 3 Features oi sende Scierie e Seege EE 3 Getting Started EE 3 ce System SOUP EE 3 personn cae Ree a kk eic e dune ge Rec Rc EE ae d EE 4 Control Panel 1 ies rr pnr Rer ERREUR EE EE EE mes 4 ZOOM ns ce Senge oem ae NEE ELE EELER AEE AE REES ee ae KR ee 10 Corie Angle Info 23 1 sale ge |
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User Manual - Marcum Technologies
WETT VS485C En Underwater Viewing System www marcumtech com MarCum Versa Electronics www marcumtech com TECHNOLOGIES Table of Contents MO QUCHON sss seis erzenevensesenenvarensnensnaenrenrenneeneen E 3 U S ansien indisse eisien aletstesiause sted ccstsasuetdvarsdeds CEE SEEE ESE 3 Getting Stanted an ran nE ET AE 5 Adjusting the Monitor Settings sesssesesssssesierissrssresrssrinrenrenienresnennnnrnrenne 6 Keln A O AAEE eeen eeb ree E A EE EET 7 Ieskis |
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User Manual - Marcum Technologies
El Ti VS620 TECHNOLOGIES Underwater Vie wing Syst em www marcumtech com MarCu Versa Electronics www marcumtech com TECHNOLOGIES Table of Contents aigos ede oct see EE OT EE EE OIE EE 3 gol PETERET 3 Geng gt dio IRE 4 Adjusting the Monitor Settings cee eee eee eee eens 5 Monitor Screen Adjustments oee eee aes 5 Willizing tie HOA JACK on vene ae EE DEE anne isn aod 6 Ice Fishing Application sn sa eg Ee 0 CR CS od ran 6 |
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