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ASCOM 21 User manual
TD 92582EN User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset 21 June 2012 Ver G User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset TD 92582EN Content T Introductions Enr me dns Lu ES 1 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary ssssssssssssee eene 1 1 2 Functions and Accessories ee 1 2 Safety Instructions iecur canet ined eres et tue tae Naeraa a eiaa esia adea runs 3 2 1 Regulatory Compliance Statements ss |
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ASCOM D62 - User manual
ascom QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE GB DECT HANDSET INCLUDING SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Multifunction Alarm button LED gt Headset connector Earpiece p Status bar Volume buttons Header bar System A Colour display Mute button 112233 Shows the soft key function Soft keys Five way Navigation key On off On hook key Confirmation key Off hook key Voice mail Tactile k o Alphanumeric keys Key lock and upper lower case Sound off key |
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ASCOM D81 - User manual
TD 92481GB Installation and Operation Manual DC4 Advanced Desktop Charger for d81 d62 and d41 17 December 2010 Ver D Installation and Operation Manual DC4 Desktop Charger for d81 d62 and d41 TD 92481GB Contents 1 INtrOCUCTION c sccsesssscessccscrssscesessessessessssssecsesesssssssessescessssessssescessesessesessessssessessssesses T 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary Lite ieje tre tete atua fa sauna a dee e 2 1 52 SATE |
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ASCOM D81 - User manual
TD 92644EN User Manual Ascom d81 DECT Handset 31 October 2013 Ver G User Manual Ascom d81 DECT Handset TD 92644EN Contents T INtrOCUCTION sssscsccssscssesssscsscscesstssssessesssssscessssessssesssssssessssessessessesesecsssesssssneseseenee 1 T L Target GrOUD sirsiran i iee EREE AR EE EEEE R 1 L2 Ee 210 6 1h E grene N A E E a EE 1 1 3 How to Use THiS DOCUMENT irisi aa aeara eraann teris 1 1 3 1 System AGMINIStAOR ccscscvcescscccsecrertnr eect R |
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ASCOM Eurit 33 Plus User manual
ascom Theworld in your hands Ascom Eurit 25 ISDN Tdephone User manual Bild folgt m 20323163en_ba_a0 Dear Customer Many thanks for purchasing this ASCOM product This user manual will help you take full advantage of the features of your Ascom Eurit 25 phone You will find the following features particularly useful Up to 3 users on the same set with individual settings Because the Ascom Eurit 25 can handle up to 3 numbers it is an ideal phone for house |
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ASCOM TD 92417GB User manual
TD 92417GB User Manual Ascom a71 Alarm Transceiver and Ascom p71 Transceiver 2009 03 1 1 Ver C User Manual Ascom a71 Alarm Tranceiver and Ascom p71 Transceiver TD 92417GB Contents Usi m 1 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary ssssssssssssseseeee eene 1 1 2 Ascom a71 and p71 Versions iere ertet tenere cisci indue 1 PADI oao e PAE 2 2 1 General D slgri 1 er eanne aa eet iR ROEE |
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ASCOM TD 92582GB User manual
TD 92582GB User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset 2009 03 19 Ver B User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset TD 92582GB Contents 1 Introduction m 1 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary 22222scnesnnesennnennnnnnnnennnnnenenenennnenen nennen 1 1 2 Functions and Accessories 0 nneennsnssnnnnnnnsnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnennnn 1 2 Safety Instructions d e |
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ASCOM TD 92582GB User manual
TD 92641GB Configuration Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset 21 December 2010 Ver E Configuration Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset TD 92641GB Contents Ai ipiam m L N 1 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary I Re pde phe Iur eene 1 1 2 Functionality MATIX ses see es see EE tat teet etg ra eee se Mig e Rte tnde 2 2 Getting started with Configuration of the d41 Handset 3 2 1 PDM Windows Version na ss d ect ibn |
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ASCOM TD 92582GB User manual
TD 92480EN Installation and Operation Manual CR3 Charging Rack 25 May 2011 Ver E Installation and Operation Manual CR3 Charging Rack TD 92480EN Contents aM IAEKOCGUGCEION g EEE A ESA A E AE T E EEEE E PAT ET E E E 1 ELADO viaton and GOSS ay ae T PA 3 BASIE ea E AENT EE ANEI 3 1 3 Compliance Regulatory Compliance Statements EU EFTA only ss sssssssssssessssssssssessssses 4 LA TecAnical SON UON areena A A E 4 REES g 2 el S SEAE EE E E E TA E E A A Ser AT E ee 5 |
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TASCOM USER MANUAL Version 3 15 for Linux BW1 BW2 W1 Jorgen Bundgaard and Per Skaarup Rise National Laboratory Roskilde Denmark June 2004 TASCOM MANUAL VERSION 3 15 BW1 2 W1 INDEX AND QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 1 Introduction 2 Starting and exiting SFIL CONTROL C DIALOG EXIT _SAVE S SUPPORT GDEV sim_tascom 3 TASCOM syntax SIN X COS X ASI X or ASIN X ACO X or ACOS X ATA X or ATAN X ATAN2 Y X ABS X EXP X LOG10 X |
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User manual Ascom SE550 Transceiver
User manual Ascom SE550 Transceiver E 7 8 fo SINE Jo Be M Mero Ms Er ioe x do Hr fo Document Revision history Revision Date Changes 1 5 2 August 2004 Initial release 1 6 6 August 2004 Typographical changes and better description of operation Keypad selection icons amended 1 7 14 August 2004 Changes to Transceiver operation text addition of tone squelch and tone burst information 1 8 18 August 2004 Better info |
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User Manual, Ascom d41 DECT Handset, TD 92582GB
TD 92582EN User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset 26 September 2011 Ver F User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset TD 92582EN Content UN rre m 1 1 T Abbreviatioris and Glossaty ure hd ac t ave is 1 1 2 F nctions and ACCeSSOFIGS oooh oes dete at ee eden Ree tret duda 1 2 Safety Iristructions 2 uci etri aaae a aaan aa nanain ia rain Poe vae ER ane ama ades 3 2 1 Regulatory Compliance Statements sssssssssssssseeee 3 2 2 Regulatory Compliance |
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User Manual, Ascom d41 DECT Handset, TD 92582GB
TD 92582GB User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset 2009 12 15 Ver C User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset TD 92582GB Contents T WACO CUI ON iii ii 1 1 1 Abbrevi tions and Glossary amaia aes Aaa eisen 1 R FUNCTIONS and ACCeSSOFIGS cte eene xa pe ee reete debant 1 2 Safety Instructions 1 ciet reete tcn Add 3 21 Precautloris een era e a a e er excede a n RN 3 2 11 A A era PPS HERES RUN Re ER Dee en 4 2 1 2 Warranty Notifica s carr nette ir annahm 4 |
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User Manual, Ascom d62 DECT Handset, TD 92477EN
TD 92477EN User Manual Ascom d62 DECT Handset 22 September 2011 Ver E User Manual Ascom d62 DECT Handset TD 92477EN Contents Tintroductio 1 1 1 Abbreviations and Glossary u 1 12 Functions ANd Accessories coc eie e eie o e NO te Reed 1 2 Safety Instr ctions o eroe ei ttn tinet nto ht nsa roe io vana vea a PY e nene o eo Ua Rae na ea ova eu eo Pann 4 2 1 Regulatory Compliance Statements |
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User Manual, Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
TD 92599EN User Manual Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset 1 September 2011 Ver B User Manual Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset TD 92599EN Contents gerne 5 1 1 Target Group toe 5 1 7 Preregulsite tT DR 5 1 3 HOW TO E IER ef e EE 5 1 321 System Ee un et ge 5 1 32 End A 6 1 4 Abbreviations ana Ee E Le 6 1 5 Functions and ACCaSSONIBS siiri passe een 7 2 Safety and Regulatory Instructions eves eggeshtee gege 8 |
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User_Manual, 4, en_US - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
February 2013 Heidelberg Engineering GmbH Art Nr 97326 005 US AE13 _HEIDELBENG SEE SSC Corporate Headquarters Heidelberg Engineering GmbH Tiergartenstr 15 69121 Heidelberg Germany Telephone 49 6221 6463 0 Fax 49 6221 6463 62 USA Heidelberg Engineering Inc 1808 Aston Avenue Suite 130 Carlsbad CA 92008 Telephone 1 760 536 3770 Fax 1 760 536 7100 US Service Center Heidelberg Engineering Inc 10 Reservoir Road Smithfield RI 002917 |
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