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ASPL-v1: User manual and guide
knowledgeweb realizing the semantic web D3 3 3 Prototype of advanced learning platform ASPL v1 Authors Martin Dzbor OU and Arthur Stutt OU Abstract EU IST Network of Excellence NoE IST 2004 507482 KWEB Deliverable D3 3 3 WP3 3 The intention of this deliverable is to describe the first prototype version of the advanced semantic platform for learning ASPL v1 While we expect future versions of ASPL to have increased functionality ASPL v1 1s confined to t |
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DataSplice® Mobile Computing Remote Client User Manual
DataSplice Mobile Computing Remote Client User Manual Date 10 20 2010 Odatasplice MOBILE COMPUTING DataSplice LLC 414 E Oak Street Fort Collins CO 80524 Web http www datasplice com Email datasplice datasplice com Phone 800 377 1974 Fax 970 484 0965 Table of Contents Table Comente ida laa lan 2 COPY avan Tin lon TT O esa a a pp xg 4 NL NT 4 A iene O E 4 Version atom OM sais RA 4 U Se ACC n ete wade ee 4 TOODA a ROA 5 r Wc TOODI Ka ne |
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TASPLAQ module B. User Manual
TASPLAQ v2 x TERRASOL User Manual TASPLAQ module B User Manual 1 SIGN NOTATIONS AND CONVENTIONS u uu u u u 3 1 1 SIGN NOTATIONS AND CONVENTIONS nnne nnn 3 3 GLOBAL PRESENTATION OF THE USER 2 20222222 4 DATA u aaaea aaar aaaea a a aeaa ea aA da aa a aaa aaa aeaa aaia aaa aa e |
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