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Neumann.Berlin Microphone KM 66 User Guide
NEUMANN BERLIN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY KfA 66 The Figure 8 for an Even Sound Field Occasionally by combining elements of existing products previously unknown possibilities are discovered One ex ample of this in Neumann s product history is the KM 66 a switchable pattern miniature microphone first produced in 1966 In developing this micro phone Neumann com bined two cardioid cap sules from the KM 64 in a special way the dia phragms face away fro |
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Neumann.Berlin Microphone KMR 82 i User Guide
NEUMANN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Bedienungsanleitung Operating Instructions KMR 82 i GEORG NEUMANN GMBH OLLENHAUERSTR 98 13403 BERLIN GERMANY FON 49 0 30 41 77 24 0 FAX 50 HEADOFFICE NEUMANN COM WWW NEUMANN COM KMR 82 i NEUMANN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Das Kondensator Richtrohrmikrophon KMR 82 i 1 1 Ausfuhrungsformen und Beschaltung des Mikrophonausganges 1 2 Mikrophonkabel 2 Strom |
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Neumann.Berlin Microphone KM 83 i User Guide
10000 80203 Operating Instructions for N E U MANN Condenser Microphones of the f e t 80 series KM 83 i KM 84 i KM 85 i KM86i KM 88 i KMS 84 i Page 1 General 2 2 Overload Protection Switch 4 3 Electrical Source Impedance 6 4 Disassembling of the Microphones and Test Input 6 3 Microphone Versions and Output wiring 6 Microphone Cables 10 7 Power Supply 10 8 Battery Operation 11 9 Operation with Unbalanced and Center Tap Grounded Inputs 13 |
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Neumann.Berlin USM 69 i user manual
Product Information _ Georg Neumann GmbH Berlin Ollenhauerstn 98 13403 Berlin Germany Tel 49 30 411124 0 Fax 49 30 411124 50 E Mail sales neumann com engineering neumann com catalog info neumann com Website www neumann com Gnri NeiHi Mil Mi T JL he SM 69 fet and USM 69 stereo micro phones each have two separate dual dia phragm capsules These are mounted verti cally and rotate against each other The di rectional polar patt |
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Neumann.Berlin U 87 i user manual
10241 80401 Betriebsanweisung fiir das Konden satormikrophon U 87 i Operating Instructions for the U 87 i Condenser Microphone 1 Das Kondensatormtkrophon U 87 i 2 Ausfuhaingsformen und Beschaltung des Mikro phonausgangs 3 Elektrischer Innenwiderstand 4 Mikrophonkabel 5 Stromversorgung Seite Page 1 The U 87 i Condenser Microphone WBf 2 Microphone Versidns i d Output Wiring 3 Electrical Source Imped ce 4 Microphone Cable tp 5 Power Supp |
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Neumann.Berlin KM 74 user manual
CONDENSER MICROPHONE KM 74 KM 74 910 02 02 The condenser microphone KM 74 has the same characteristics as the NEUMANN miniature microphones KM 64 and U 64 Like with these miniature microphones the directional char acteristics are virtually independent of frequency The am plifier which is built into the microphone uses instead of a valve semi conductors giving particular advantages such as simplified connections reduced power consumption absence of warm up period and v |
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Neumann.Berlin EA 2124 A mt user manual
Information Bedienungsanweisung EA 2124 A mt Operating Instructions EA 2124 A mt Best Nr ICat No 08433 Georg Neumann GmbH Berlin Ollenhauerstr 98 13403 Berlin Germany Tel 49 30 417724 0 Fax 49 30 417724 50 E Mail sales neumann com engineering neumann com catalog info neumann com Website www neumann com Errors excepted subject to changes Printed in Germany Publ 10 00 74936 A03 74936_A03_EA2124A p65 1 17 10 00 14 26 |
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Neumann.Berlin KM 53c user manual
CONDENSER MICROPHONES KM 53c and KM 54c KM 53c KM 54 c 910 02 01 APPLICATION The condenser microphones KM 53c and KM 5 c helong to a family of high quality miniature micropho nes which were developed to meet the special requirements of mo dern recording techniques Their main features are their small di mensions and exceptional quality Both microphones are suitable for a vast number of applications in broadcasting television films and disc recording |
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Neumann.Berlin Microphone PS 15 User Guide
Bei Nahbesprechung von Mikrophonen ist haufig eine unangenehme Ubersteuerung zu horen das sogenannte Popgerausch Dies wird vor allem durch Plosivlaute wie p t und k hervor gerufen Bei diesen konnen muhelos Spitzen pegel von 135 dB SPL bei normaler Stimmlage erzeugt werden Moderne Mikrophone konnen diese Pegel ohne Ubersteuerung tibertragen jedoch kann durch die kurzzeitige groBe Membranauslenkung ein Blubbern horbar oder der folgende Mikro phonv |
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IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II user manual
IfS iikV Networks iMcV Ciga FiberLinX ll Operation Manual FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installe |
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11. |!
From uwm edu spool mu edu sol ctr columbia edu xlink net math fu berlin de irz401 aw4 Fri Oct 15 12 33 08 CDT 1993 Article 10094 of comp sys palmtops Path uwm edu spool mu edu sol ctr columbia edu xlink net math fu berlin de irz401 aw4 From aw4 irz inf tu dresden de Andreas Westfeld Newsgroups comp sys palmtops Subject Quaderno FAQ Date 15 Oct 1993 11 35 31 0100 Organization Dept of Computer Science TU Dresden Germany Lines 149 Distribution world Mes |
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Sonic Farm Berliner USER MANUAL
d Sonic Farm Sonic Farm Pro Audio Vancouver BC Canada Tel 310 402 2390 778 863 1613 www sonicfarm com for email please use contact box on our website Sonic Farm Berliner Pentode Microphone Instrument Line Preamplifier USER MANUAL FAT AIR IMPEDANCE GAIN 0 FAT AIR IMPEDANCE GAIN gt D ore p t eD D de eoo 00 00 PAD LINE INST 48V PAD LINE INST Dear Audio Professional Thank you for purchasing the Berliner We hope it will del |
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Neumann.Berlin PS 10 user manual
Neumann lnformation 89 055 Aug 1989 PS 10 and PS 20 Pop Screens When microphones are used for close speech an unpleasant form of overloading is frequently heard the so called pop noise This is caused especially by plosives such as p and k which can quite easily generate peak levels of 135 dB SPL at normal voice pitch Even though modern microphones can handle such levels without electrical overloading the momentary large excursion of the membrane may result |
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Cyberlink Webcam 04_1214Rev1.01 User Guide
CyberUnk U PowerEncoder User sGuide MPEG4 AVC Edition PowerEncoder 04_1214Revl 01 C S CDa l tRl3s 5 CD End User License Agreement EULA Sge Tl RE tlittiCDTr r mtt g 5EIR nru SgR lt Us t lt f5 lLM AcLS r End User License Agreement EULA ci T r v hOxTj U4T t r s yy Ox70 f mz rzz gt Z t t i L v yy 0ji7 yyh l i jO 7vy 5 0 gt K 7C7 1Z7 V StlJ fflrscil ctoTs tlfctiOi V7 h Ox7 zMLTJ5 i A tlJ A L t tlT 5D |
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Neumann.Berlin Series 180 user manual
NEUMANN BERLIN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Bedienungsanleitung Operating Instructions SERIES 180 GEORG NEUMANN GMBH OLLENHAUERSTR 98 13403 BERLIN GERMANY FON 49 o 30 41 77 24 0 FAX 50 HEADOFFICE NEUMANN COM WWW NEUMANN COM Series 180 NEUMANN BERLIj THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Kurzbeschreibung 2 Stromversorgung und Kabel 2 1 Phantomspeisung 2 2 Betrieb mit Netzgeraten 2 3 Batteriespeisung 2 |
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Neumann.Berlin KK 145 user manual
NEUMANN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Kurzanleitung Kapselkopfe KK I 3 l l 43 l 45 l 83 l 84 l 85 1 Beschreibung Die Kapselkopfe KK 131 143 145 183 184 185 sind fur den Betrieb an der Ausgangsstufe KM D des digitalen Neumann Solution D Kleinmikrophon systems gedacht Alle weitergehenden Informationen zum Umgang mit den Kapseln und deren technischen Eigenschaften finden Sie in der Bedie nungsanleitung KM D die Sie zusammen mit der Ausgangsstufe erhalten haben Si |
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Neumann.Berlin Microphone EA 2124 A mt User Guide
Information Bedienungsanweisung EA 2124 A mt Operating Instructions EA 2124 A mt Best Nr ICat No 08433 Georg Neumann GmbH Berlin Ollenhauerstr 98 13403 Berlin Germany Tel 49 30 417724 0 Fax 49 30 417724 50 E Mail sales neumann com engineering neumann com catalog info neumann com Website www neumann com Errors excepted subject to changes Printed in Germany Publ 10 00 74936 A03 74936_A03_EA2124A p65 1 17 10 00 14 26 |
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Neumann.Berlin KK 184 user manual
NEUMANN BERLIN THE MICROPHONE COMPANY Kurzanleitung Kapselkopfe KK131 143 145 I83 I84 I85 1 Beschreibung Die Kapselkopfe KK 131 143 145 183 184 185 sind fur den Betrieb an der Ausgangsstufe KM D des digitalen Neumann Solution D Kleinmikrophon systems gedacht Alle weitergehenden Informationen zum Umgang mit den Kapsein und deren technischen Eigenschaften finden Sie in der Bedie nungsanleitung KM D die Sie zusammen mit der Ausgangsstufe erhalten haben Siefinden |
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Communications Specialties Fiberlink 7500 User`s manual
DVI Computer Video to HD SD SDI Scan Converter with Genlock Input and Fiber Optic Output Class 1 Laser Product If you haven t used Pure Digital Fiberlink lately you should review our comprehensive line of fiber based solutions today Designed exclusively for the A V Professional each Pure Digital Fiberlink is designed and built with decades of Pro A V experience Call your Sales Representative or visit us online at commspecial com World Headquarters 55 C |
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Neumann.Berlin Microphone Pressure Microphone With Sperical Acoustic Surface User Guide
12230 80601 A Pressure Microphone with Spherical Acoustic Surface Dipl Ing Stephan Peus Paper read at the 16th Tonmeistertagung Karlsruhe 1990 In studio practice there are practically only two forms of the modern single diaphragm pressure microphone the cylindrical rod type and the flat boundary layer or pressure zone type Generally speaking studio microphones are faced with two diametrically opposed re quirements On the one hand the diaphragm surfa |
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