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AlpicAir AWO-65HPR1 Delta Installation manual
Alpichir Installation manual For air conditioners AWI AWO 53HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 65HPR 1 Delta Thank you for choosing our air conditioner please read this owner s manual carefully before operating the unit and keep it carefully for consultation Installation service Notices for installation C Important Notices 1 The unit installation work must be done by qualified personnel according to the local rules and this manual 2 Before installating please contac |
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AlpicAir AR-24TR1 Owner`s manual
Please read this manual c a operating the unit Alpichir Seet Ge pera Owner s Manual Model AR 24TR1 DEHUMIDIFIER CONTENTS Safety INStrochoODs 3cnsccianser ie scpdceGhanghswean see eors anes 2 Operating Instructions About the controls on the dehumidifier 3 How the Dehumidifier Operates 5 Automatic Defrost ebe Ee 5 Choosing a EE 5 Removing Collected Watef |
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AlpicAir AFI-140HPS3 Owner`s manual
OWNER S MANUAL AIR CONDITIONER ACI AQU 35HPR1 ACI AQU 53HPR1 ACI AOQU 71HPR1 ACI AQU 105HPS3 ACI AQU 140HPS3 Aipichir com AFI AQU 53HPR1 AFI AQU 105HPS3 AFI AQU 140HPS3 AFI AQU 180HPS3 ATI AQU 53HPR1 ATI AQU 105HPS3 ATI AQU 140HPS3 Thank you very much for purchasing our air conditioner please read this owner s manual carefully before using your air conditioner IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ACAUTION Do not attempt to install this unit by yourself |
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NUNCA lt 4 P ga aS gt s a Gesti n Emprosa am y D Ambiental Registrada 17 S N IIL F Net LA N UNEEN 150 14001 ER 0082 1908 Ty gt PINTURAS L E O in JUNIOR ANTISALPICADO DESCRIPCION DEL PRODUCTO Pintura pl stica mate de buena calidad para interiores formulada con la m s avanzada tecnolog a en copol meros estireno acr licos en emulsi n y con pigmentos y cargas de m xima calidad PROPIEDADES Excelente adh |
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AlpicAir ACI-105HPS3 Owner`s manual
INSTALLATION MANUAL Four way Cassette Type For air conditioners ACI AOU 35HPR1 ACI AOU 53HPR1 ACI AOQU 71HPR1 ACI AOU 105HPS3 ACI AOU 140HPS 3 iig nk you m uch for purchasing o idis Before using your air conditioner please read this ma Ud cer efu ulya a keep i ifo des reference CONTENTS PAGE INSTALLATION 1 2 ATTACHED FITTINGS INSPECTING AND HANDLING THE UNIT I |
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limpiador y protector de salpicaderos mate
MWE 05 13 O W rth Espa a Prohibida su reproducci n Impreso en Espa a LIMPIADOR Y PROTECTOR DE SALPICADEROS SATINADO a mne UMPIADOR Y PROTECTOR DE SALPICADEROS 500 0893 473 1 1 12 X Modo de empleo Agitar el envase antes de usar Aplicar el producto preferiblemente sobre el trapo y realizar la limpieza Nota No aplicar en cristales ni en superficies calientes LIMPIADOR Y PROTECTOR DE SALPICADEROS MATE saBesto E COCKPIT SPRAY a Contenido m |
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Alpic Air AWI-71HPR1 Gamma Service manual
Cover 4 chir SERVICE MANUAL AWI AWO 20HPRI Gamma AWI AWO 26HPRI Gamma AWI AWO 35HPRI Gamma AWI AWO 54HPRI Gamma AWI AWO 71HPRI Gamma Content Content SERVICE MANUAL rnt Ere EE 1 EE V LUGDDLEEM M 2 12 ires iad temas tan 2 1 2 Wamihg 2 P Eunction eser hA Ideni 3 MB PIPER 5 3 1 ako Kele Ln |
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ls-1 limpia salpicaderos
Savelo QUIMICA INDUSTRIAL po a c p K LIMPIA SALPICADEROS AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA LS 1 es un producto id neo para la limpieza y reavive de los colores de los salpicaderos de autom viles y otras superficies de vinilo acero inoxidable aluminio etc PROPIEDADES Producto de elevado poder abrillantador que le confiere un gran rendimiento Gracias a su especial emulsi n de siliconas y a su formidable poder de penetraci n atraviesa la capa de sucieda |
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AlpicAir AWI-25HPR1 Delta Operating instructions
Before using your air conditioner please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference SPLIT TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER OS ae AWI AWO 20HPR1 Gamma AWI AWO 26HPR1 Gamma AWI AWO 35HPR1 Gamma AWI AWO 54HPR1 Gamma AWI AWO 71HPR1 Gamma Alpich iV com AWI AWO 21HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 25HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 32HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 53HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 65HPRY1 Delta Read This Manual Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and maintain you |
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AlpicAir AWI-25HPR1 Delta User`s manual
Alpichir User s manual For air conditioners AWI AWO 21HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 25HPR 1 Delta AWI AWO 32HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 53HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 65HPR 1 Delta Thank you for choosing our air conditioner Par read this owner s manual carefully before operating the unit and keep it carefully for consultation Notices for operation Please read the following carefully before operating K When the voltage Oo is very high the components would be easily damaged whe |
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weber salpicrete
salpicroto weber rev salpicrete revestimiento cementicio coloreado salpicado weber row Presentaci n Color Bolsas de papel de 30 kg Gama de 24 colores O Excelente Ed gt trabajabilidad Rendimiento aprox Conservaci n Sobre revoque fratazado 12 meses a partir de la fecha de fabrica 1 kg m lt ci n en envase original cerrado y al abri a Sobre revoque grueso rayado go de la humedad O F cil de usar 4 5 kg m N O Excelente Aplicaciones resistencia e Re |
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ficha datos técnicos limpia salpicadero sin siliconas
Revisi n 3 Agosto 13 E DESCRIPCI N PRODUCTO Producto especialmente formulado para la limpieza de los salpicaderos de los veh culos autom viles CARACTER STICAS DEL PRODUCTO No contiene siliconas Especialmente indicado para las superficies de vinilo pl stico skay y productos similares Empleado regularmente conserva como nuevas las superficies indicadas anteriormente Mod DATOS T CNICOS Descripci n Preparado para la limpieza de salpicaderos Aspe |
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AlpicAir AWI-32HPR1 Delta Installation manual
Alpichir Installation manual For air conditioners AWI AWO 21HPR1 Delta AWI AWO 25HPR 1 Delta AWI AWO 32HPR1 Delta Thank you for choosing our air conditioner please read this owner s manual carefully before operating the unit and keep it carefully for consultation Installation service Notices for installation N important Notices s 1 The unit installation work must be done by qualified personnel according to the local rules and this manual 2 If the air |
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AlpicAir Split Air Conditioner User`s manual
la Lpi chir Inverter Split type Room Air Conditioner User s manual For air conditioners AWI AWO 26HPDC1 AWI AWO 35HPDC1 Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions carefully and thoroughly before installing and operating your room air conditioner CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAU IONS siete ccan ane scansnerioaseccenssncanassniacstnannesoanimunkeadapausbaceasiamteonsnceans 1 PPE NAMES crci ae E 4 OPERATING TEMPERAT URE naassaaasnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
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AlpicAir AM-26CPR1 Operating instructions
Alpichir BVT Partners OU V geva tee 7 Peetri k la Rae vald 75312 Harjumaa Estonia www alpicair com The design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement Consult with the sales agency or manufacturer for details Product manufactured by Midea MOBILE TYPE AIR CONDITIONERS LOCAL AIR CONDITIONERS Alpich ir AM 26CPR1 Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and |
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Revestimiento cementicio coloreado salpicado O Excelente trabajabilidad O F cil de usar O Excelente resistencia APLICACIONES Revestimiento cementicio coloreado que permite lograr texturas r sticas a partir del salpicado o salpicado planchado en muros y fachadas interiores y exteriores Soportes Revoque grueso fratazado o rayado Revoque fino Revoques monocapa fratazados o rayados RECOMENDACIONES DE USO Se recomienda usar 2 lts de tacur por bolsa de 3 |
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stop salpicaduras mate
Descripci n Propiedades Usos Modo de empleo FICHA TECNICA STOP SALPICADURAS MATE C digo 310 Pintura pl stica mate basada en emulsi n de vinilo y etileno F rmula especial LIBRE DE OLOR 0 disolventes No salpica al aplicar Lavable Secado r pido Blanco Luminoso Interior Para el pintado y decoraci n de paredes y techos en interior Esta pintura es totalmente inocua por tanto est indicada para el pintado de superficies que |
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ficha técnica de salpicon de marisco tg 3x1 kg
FICHA T CNICA aa DE TOPGEL 2104 SALPICON DE MARISCO ro TG 3X1 KG Fecha 15 09 14 DOMICILIO SOCIAL DE LA EMPRESA iGrupo Topgel GRUPO TOPGEL S L C LF B 83491761 Avda de Europa 34 D 1 planta Oficina B 28023 Madrid DENOMINACI N PRODUCTO Salpic n de Marisco 3 x 1Kg C digo EAN 13 8436024103403 C digo EAN 128 01 18436024103400 15 fc 10 lote DESCRIPCI N DEL PRODUCTO CARACTER STICAS Foto DESCSRIPCI N Salpic n de marisco ultracon |
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AlpicAir Split Air Conditioner Owner`s manual
OWNER S MANUAL ALPICAIR AIR CONDITIONERS Thank you for choosing AlpicAir air conditioner for correct operatio it carefully for consultation CONTENTS Operation and maintenance Notices for operation Notices for use Names and functions of each part Operation of wireless remote control Emergency operation Clean and care Troubleshooting Installation service E Notices for installation W Installation dimension diagram E Install indoor unit E Test op |
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