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o - Tokens Only
BC 150 Bill Changer Field Service Manual and Parts Catalog PART NO 25238806 SECOND EDITION WARNING This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and If not installed and used in accordance with the Instructions manual may cause interference to radio communications has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules which are designed to provide reason |
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Manual de Instalação Software do USB eSeal Token V3
gt SUPORTE Manual de Instala o Software do USB eSeal Token V3 e Para o funcionamento do USB eSeal Token V3 deve ser instalado o gerenciador do token dispon vel na rea de download no seguinte endere o http www locasuporte com br tokenusb aspx ap s o download do arquivo de instala o siga as orienta es abaixo Sistemas Operacionais e Microsoft Windows 2000 e Microsoft Windows XP e Microsoft Windows Vista e Microsoft Windows 7 www locasuporte com |
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Manual de Instalação: Token GD.
Manual de Instala o Token GD Usamos como base para essa Instala o o Internet Explorer 8 0 Feche todos os programas que estiverem abertos antes de iniciar o procedimento abaixo Desconecte o Token do seu computador caso esteja conectado Coloque o CD de instala o no Computador gt gt Ir abrir uma janela solicitando que voc escolha o DRIVE e GERENCIADOR referente ao seu sistema operacional Windows 32 bits ou Windows 64bits IMPORTANTE Instale 1 o DRIVE e |
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Manual de Instalação Software do TOKEN
PORTAL Automa o Manual de Instala o Software do TOKEN Aladdin pro 72k SafeNet Authentication Client 8 0 SP2 Para o funcionamento do Token Aladdin pro 72k deve ser instalado O Software do Token Aladdin pro 72k dispon vel para download no seguinte endere o http www portalautomacao com br ap s fazer o download do arquivo de instala o siga as orienta es abaixo Sistemas Operacionais Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vis |
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IBM 16/4 Token Ring PCI Special Adapter 133749-B21 user manual
QuickS pecs IBM 16 4 Token Ring PCI Special NIC Models IBM 16 4 Token Ring PCI Special Adapter 133749 B21 The IBM 16 4 Token Ring PCI Special Adapter provides a Wake on LAN WOL feature that enables PCs to be powered up remotely for after hours and remote site maintenance Token Ring Adapter Family NC4621 Token Ring NIC PCI 4 16 WOL 379956 B21 Single 379956 B22 10 Pack 379956 B23 30 Pack Overview The IBM 16 4 Token Ring PCI Special Adapter is built on IBM s f |
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User Manual – DS3 OathToken J2ME Midlet
www dsssasia com User Manual DS3 OathToken J2ME Midlet OathToken User Manual V1 0 Page l of 25 DS3 Authentication Server www dsssasia com Revision History Date version Description rumor 10 02 2006 Preliminary Version The information contained in this document is the property of DSSS The contents must not be reproduced wholly or in part for purposes other than for which it has been supplied without the prior permission of DSSS or if it has been fur |
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Manual de Instalação Token GD StarSign
CAC NOTARIAL Manual de Instala o Token GD Starsign Chip SmartCafe 6 0 NOTARIAL Introdu o A partir do dia 25 10 2011 o PSS passou a distribuir os tokens GD StarSign para a utiliza o do certificado A3 Este token funciona apenas com a vers o 3 0 45 do Safesign vers o j homologada e dispon vel em nosso site Este manual mostrar como realizar a instala o de seus drivers para o devido reconhecimento na m quina A instala o d |
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Ethernet - Token Ring
Ethernet Token Ring Network Router User Manual AD2004112001 Eh Ta _Rout Manas 1 Version 1 6 November 2004 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002 Ringdale UK Lid All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced transmitted transcribed stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or any computer language in any form or by any third party without prior permission of Ringdale UK Limited DISCLAIMER Ringdale UK Lid reserves the |
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Manual de Instalação Software do eToken Aladdin
gt SUPORTE Manual de Instala o Software do eToken Aladdin pro 32k SafeNet Authentication Client 8 0 e Para o funcionamento do eToken Aladdin pro 32k deve ser instalado o gerenciador do token dispon vel na rea de download no seguinte endere o http www Jocasuporte com br tokenusb aspx ap s fazer o download do arquivo de instala o siga as orienta es abaixo Sistemas Operacionais e Microsoft Windows 2000 e Microsoft Windows XP e Microsoft Windows |
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Manual de Instalação - eToken SafeNet - DOCCLOUD
Manual do Usuario gm Solid Internet Meus documentos y ni E 2 Documentos recentes fe E amp xecutar Minhas imagens f BrOffice org Writer _ Minhas m sicas Meu computador Adobe Reader 9 NL A W Meus locais de rede va reds E a si bre unidades de disco cameras scanners dos ao computador Y Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 Es Painel de controle a Mozilla Thunderbird Dy Definir a |
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Madge Networks Switch Token Ring Switch User Guide
mnoGE Smart DeskStream Token Ring Switch 1 Smart DeskStream Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to Describe the Smart DeskStream features Demonstrate its connectivity options including Ports and LEDs Stacking module TR fiber module HSTR modules Explain the DeskStream s management options using TrueView 32 amp DeskStream Manager Command Line Interface Power on self test dia |
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Smokin` Token Xtreme Service Manual
To Purchase This Item Visit BMI Gaming www bmigaming com 800 746 2255 1 561 391 7200 ABOUT SMOKIN TOKEN EXTREME Service Manual Bay Tek Games Page 5 To Purchase This Item Visit BMI Gaming www bmigaming com 800 746 2255 1 561 391 7200 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DANGER DO NOT perform repairs or maintenance on this game with the power ON Unplug the unit from the wall outlet or shut off the power at the power strip located inside the game cabinet Use |
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Cisco Systems Half-Duplex Token Ring Port Adapter PA-4R user manual
PA 4R Half Duplex Token Ring Port Adapter Installation and Configuration Product Numbers PA 4R and PA 4R This configuration note describes the installation and configuration of the half duplex PA 4R Token Ring port adapter which can be used in the following supported platforms Cisco 7200 series routers which consists of the 2 slot Cisco 7202 4 slot Cisco 7204 and the 6 slot Cisco 7206 Second generation Versatile Interface Processor VIP2 in all Cisco 7500 se |
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English - Token Timer
IN THE BOX 2 SETUP il al aN USE Aa 2 TIPS P ES TOKEN TIMER Token Timer Token Timer Unit 20 Tokens 2 keys Lock Tape ips Wall Outlet ML efw N Lock Tape on Power Connection Controlled Device Plug the power cord of the Token Timer into a wall outlet Plug the power cord of the device you would like to control into the female power cord of the Token Timer Wrap the connection between the Token Timer and the device secur |
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End User Manual - Install and use the Smartphone Token
FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 1 of 6 April 23 2015 DSM BRIGHT SCIENCE BRIGHTER LIVING End User Manual Install and i use the Smartphone Token MP 1 6135 5 ak This procedure is being divided into the following parts A Configure Token and PIN code First time B Login to DSM Strong Authentication Service A Configure MP 1 Token and PIN code First time For the access to DSM with a token you will Important Action Required to Activate Your Token |
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Manual de Instalação: DRIVE - Token ALADDIN 72K. Desconecte o
Manual de Instala o DRIVE Token ALADDIN 72K Feche todos os programas que estiverem abertos antes de iniciar o procedimento abaixo Desconecte o Token do seu computador caso esteja conectado Coloque o CD de instala o no Computador Ir abrir uma janela solicitando que voc escolha o DRIVE GERENCIADOR referente ao seu TOKEN e seu sistema operacional Windows 32 bits ou Windows 64 bits Windows Vista 32 S 32 bits Zp 2000 e P gt 64 bits Windows Vista XP e |
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PROTOKEN MANUAL DO USU RIO P PRONOVA SOLU ES INTELIGENTES O PRONOVA PROTOKEN MANUAL DO USU RIO As informa es contidas neste manual est o sujeitas a altera es sem aviso pr vio e n o representam um compromisso por parte de PRONOVA CONSULTORIA EM TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMA O LTDA Nenhuma parte deste manual poder ser reproduzida de qualquer forma ou meio eletr nico ou mec nico incluindo fotoc pia grava o ou sistemas de armazenamento e |
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QGIS 0.9.1@let@token User Guide
Quantum GIS User and Installation Guide Version 0 9 1 Ganymede Preamble This document is the original user and installation guide of the described software Quantum GIS The software and hardware descriptions named in this document are in most cases registered trademarks and are therefore subject to the legal requirements Quantum GIS is subject to the GNU General Public License Find more information on the Quantum GIS Homepage http www qgis org The |
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manual de instalação e inicialização do token starsign g&d
O GertiNFO MANUAL DE INSTALA O E INICIALIZA O DO TOKEN STARSIGN G amp D TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADO A CERTINFO INSTALA O DO DRIVE SAFESIGN 1 Passo Baixe os arquivos de instala o do drive Acesse nosso site http www certificainfo com br pagina drives html Clique no link referente ao seu Sistema Operacional e aguarde baixar o arquivo 2 Passo Instalando o drive Abra o arquivo baixado selecione a vers o do seu Windows 32 ou 64 bits |
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instrução token alladin 2010
Serasa 2 Experian Manual de instala o eToken PRO 72K Aladdin Sistemas operacionais Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Vista 32 64 bits Microsoft Windows 7 32 64bits Navegadores Internet Explorer 6 Portugu s Internet Explorer 7 Portugu s Internet Explorer 8 Portugu s Proibida a reprodu o total ou parcial Todos os direitos reservados 1 Serasa Experian Para a confec o desta instru o foi utilizado o Sistema Operacio |
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