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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Pompa a siringa Alaris® PK
Pompa a siringa Alaris PK DRS IT Pagina Jude E a a 2 Informazioni sl Mail ergeet ge s rek ged NN AE ERENNERT i 2 Descrizione del modello TC 3 Creazione diun Dat Set iii 6 Caratteristiche della pompa a siringa Alaris PK 7 Comandi eindicatori ia ca aan 8 Definizione dei simboli engste Zeie Sr ani S 9 Funzioni principali del display 000000 crrrrr rece re cre ceri c eee resero rece rererene 10 Prec |
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Alaris System cleaning best practices
Administration set loading IUI inspection and Alaris System cleaning instructions Administration set loading instructions When loading the administration set 1 Hold upper fitment above fitment recess and lower into recess 2 Press safety clamp fitment into recess in the Alarise Pump module 3 Firmly press tubing into the air in line sensor 4 Verify that the administration set is free from kinks twists and correctly installed Alaris System cleaning in |
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Alaris Medley PCA Module 8120
Directions for Use Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA Module 8120 Series ALARIS Medical Systems Inc Medley Medication Safety System 0218 1SGON J INGOIW vod THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE SYSTEM tne een eee Cee te eee eee een ul ee ee eee eae eee ene Sen ey e ee de loo oia 1 gt FEATURES ANDIDEFINITIONS 00 A A Sa eec Lo LE tM ales 3 IB OS c 6 3 GETTING STARTED E WARNING |
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Alaris-Signature-Ver.. - Integrated Medical Systems, Inc.
Signature Edition VOLUMETRIC INFUSION PUMPS Model 7100 and 7200 Adjustable Pressure capability Models 7130 and 7230 Models 7132 and 7232 MIB capability ofoflo n T DIRECTIONS FOR USE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ABOBT THE INSTRUMENTS is insetti rte EEE 1 FEATURES suus 4 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS eR ns 8 e DISPLAYS e a a bene tte 10 a AROUND THE I |
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Alaris® GH Syringe Pump
Alaris GH Syringe Pump Directions For Use EN Page age Let E sra att Stine wits att eaten ante a Re eu ats ane ou is neta see nas di 2 About TMS Manual vrai bs wl MIE gman alee wa Mende da 2 QuickStart Guides dares ara di ii id 2 Features of the Alaris GH Syringe PUMP 20 eee cece cece eee eee ren rc rr e nen eee e eee R ETENEE 3 Controls and Indicators Age Se SEELEN SEELEN ee ad 4 Keele lee 5 Main Display Features viii EEN A AAA AAA apgew eee en a ngewe A 6 O |
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6. |
Technical Service Manual Alaris EtCO Module 8300 Series Supports Guardrails Suite v7 or later January 2006 EtCO mm Hg RR breaths min CardinalHealth Alaris Products General Contact Information Cardinal Health Alaris Products 10221 Wateridge Circle San Diego California 92121 http www cardinal com alaris Customer Advocacy North America Clinical and technical feedback |
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Alaris Medley POC Model 8000 Version 7
Directions for Use Point of Care Unit 8000 Series ALARIS Medical Systems Inc Medley Medication Safety System 591095 0008 LINN 34HV273O LNIOd SPECIAL PRODUCT NOTE This document and some display screens make reference to a module that is not currently available the Medley EtCO Module At the time of this publication the Medley EtCO Module has not been released for commercial sale and ALARIS Medical Systems Inc may never m |
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8. |
Alaris Medley SPO2 Module 8220 Masimo
MEDLEY MEDICATION SAFETY SYSTEM SpO MODULE Model 8220 DIRECTIONS FOR USE 0028 13G0 N a1naow ods TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DEN coal 1 3 DEFINITIONS 2 22 2 2 722 2 2 22 2 2 0202222 2 222 2 2020000025032 822002220020 4 SYMBOLS 2 oT 5 GETTING STARTED WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS 4 55 2 2 2 2 022 2 2 2 2 1 2 |
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9. |
Alaris® DS Docking Station - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
c 98 4 2 ne CardinalHealth This manual has been prepared for use by qualified service personnel only Cardinal Health cannot accept any liability for any breakdown or deterioration in performance of parts or equipment resulting from unauthorised repair or modification Cardinal Health 1180 Rolle Switzerland Alaris Guardrails and Asena are registered trademarks of Cardinal Health Inc or one of its subsidiaries All other trademark |
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10. |
Alaris®GP Volumetric Pump - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
CardinalHealth This manual has been prepared for use by qualified service personnel only Cardinal Health cannot accept any liability for any breakdown or deterioration in performance of parts or equipment resulting from unauthorised repair or modification ed Cardinal Health 1180 Rolle Switzerland M Alaris IVAC Guardrails and Asena are registered trademarks of Cardinal Health Inc or one of its subsidiaries All other trademarks belong to their respective owners |
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Alaris Signature Gold Infusion Pump User Manual - Med-E
Signature Edition GOLD INFUSION PUMP Models 7130 7131 and 7230 7231 Guardrails Safety Software Compatible DIRECTIONS FOR USE NOTE to Guardrails Safety Software Users This instrument is compatible with the Guardrails Safety Software for Signature Edition GOLD Infusion Pumps If the Profiles Feature is not enabled Off this Directions for Use applies I |
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12. |
Views of the Alaris® GW Volumetric Pump
Alaris GW Volumetric Pump Technical Service Manual CC CareFusion Alaris GW Volumetric Pump Contents General D ugeet ties 5 Product Familiarity Re hee Mo Ee e EE 5 Purpose of this Manual 5 Conventions Used in this Manual 5 Operating Precautions eror p rtr gamers ERG ARR ERR NEE 6 Views of the Alaris GW Volumetric PUMP e e msan 7 PRONE VIEWS |
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Alaris® GP Guardrails® Pompa volumetrica
Alaris GP Gua rd rails Istruzioni per l uso Pompa volumetrica IT Pagina Introduzione ERE SSL E EES 2 Informazioni sulimanuale irarnrr nr aereo 2 Creazione di un dataset iii EE Eeer Gg 3 Caratteristiche della pompa volumetrica Alaris GP Guardrails 00000 rece resero rerererosee 4 Comandi e indicatoriluminosi 3srresiieinianis casier anandia 5 Definizione deisimboli siria pe E IE 6 Funzioni principali del displaY scsreriseniinin |
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Alaris®GW Volumetric Pump
Alaris GW Volumetric Pump Directions For Use English CardinalHealth Page e luippeifqgmee 2 e About This Manual ee 2 o Quick Start G lde oeroecer recs co e a ev eov CR eu Co vae ae ao Ue uae Ue vua eV UR Cae ve sena ere eo REPE CeO age E NE EEKE E VEL TES P DES 2 e Features of the Alaris GW Volumetric Pump eee eee eere eene nostros enses senos ease sn setas etna soo 3 e Cont |
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Alaris® Gateway Workstation
Ala ris Gateway Workstation Istruzioni per l uso IT Sommario Pagina Ntrod zioN En eenen EE EE ie ART E 2 Comandi e indicator nette feet gege d d dr e a E T a a a rei 3 Definizione gdetetmbelt Age NEEN iii re 3 Caratteristiche della Workstationi NEEN d dE ERNEIEREN ii 4 Precauzioni di esercizio laine deg RRE EE EEA 10 Interfacce di comunicazione E EE 11 Le ET E EE 12 Servizio Web israel RR O EE EEEE T 12 Funzionamento della Worketratien ieii KEEN KEE RENE |
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Alaris® Syringe Pump (with Plus Software) MK4
Alaris Syringe Pump Directions For Use with Plus Software MK4 en Models 8002MEDO1 8002MEDO1 G 8003MEDOI 8003MEDO01 G 8002TIGO1 8002TIG01 G Alaris Syringe Pumps Contents Page INTRODUCTION ENEE 2 About This Manual eoe secs ENEE E ERENNERT eoe e o e p a eo e ele cad 3 Creating a Data Set o ies ve p IRE EE E URN RARE EE ODER ERAN CORE e EE 4 Feat res of the PUMP sc 20 sce p Re Ee e E da pues ere be peer pr peuPerad ee d era ees das 5 Controls and |
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Alaris® VP Plus Guardrails® Volumetric Pump
Alaris VP Plus Guardrails Directions For Use Volumetric Pump en Alaris VP Plus Guardrails Volumetric Pump Contents Page ipei de PD nana 4 Intended Purpose 5 sina y erre ERE RE e d EPOR ACE NY ado Ae vu ev Ceebte v E aga y or XT Ra 4 Weeer A le ee EE EE A GREEN D ee E ee A About This Manual eg gvEeNdNNRRNREEN NEEN EEN l ke le ka e k n EEO k h kk EEE n k k hd 4 C |
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Alaris® DS Docking Station
Alaris DS Docking Station Directions For Use Directions For Use EngliSh ssssssssssssssscssssssssssscssssssoessosssssosscssosssrcssssssssssssssosssscssssss 2 Mode d emploi Francais ansia a 15 Gebrauchsanweisung Deutsch 22 22000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 28 Gebruiksaanwijzing Nederlands 42 Instrucciones de uso EspanhOl ses ssessssssssssssssssssso0s0sss000ss08500008508500805050005005006050605 55 Bruksanvisning Svenska |
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Alaris® PK Syringe Pump
Alaris PK Syringe Pump Directions For Use EN Page green te EE 2 AboutThis Mana lui ad A A aiu ea una a ed RR no EE 2 Deu EET 3 Creating a Data Sets LH M da 6 Features of the Alaris PK Syringe Bump 7 Controls Indicators ndo re NE 8 Symbol Definitions ox SERA Ree E deeded IER dE EE AE eee aod onder Ier UFU DUKE EE DIE 9 Main Display Features ege Rr PRI RR E EE dE EE EEN Menden CO PR IUE 10 Operating Precautions reser re ERENNERT ORE ERENNERT QURE DURER OU |
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Alaris® Syringe Pump - Frank`s Hospital Workshop
Alaris Syringe Pump Technical Service Manual CE CareFusion Alaris Syringe Pump Contents General Information D Introduction NEE 5 Product Familiarity orcas ia 5 Purpose of this manual viscosa dad dr da 5 Conventions Used in this Manual 5 General precautlOhs eege dE m NEE e d EEN i eR eveniet eee eo d ee eet dd eee ean 6 Front panel and main display 7 Configuration and Calibration i445 seue eh oboecossssksnsossaesasebeeteeseveessst Access C |
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