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notification for prior checking information to be given(2)
To be filled out in the EDPS office REGISTER NUMBER 162 NOTIFICATION FOR PRIOR CHECKING Date of submission 21 02 2007 Case number 2004 232 Institution Commission europ enne Legal basis article 27 5 of the regulation CE 45 2001 1 1 OJ L 8 12 01 2001 INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN 2 Please attach all necessary backup documents 1 Name and adress of the controller 2 Name and First Name of the Controller DE SOLA DOMINGO Mercedes 3 Title Director 4 |
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TUBA v1.9.5 Guidance for Checking Outputs
aes Department for Transport ATKINS TUBA Guidance for Checking Outputs Version 1 9 5 November 2014 Department for Transport Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR JOB NUMBER 5132564 DOCUMENT REF TUBA v1 9 5 Guidance for Checking Outputs doc Z 5 TUBA v1 9 5 Release V IW 4 TUBA v1 9 4 Release ZH 3 TUBA v1 9 3 Release EN 1 TUBA v1 9 1 Release EN vt Purpose Revision Description ATKI N S TUBA GUIDANCE FOR CHECKING OUTPUTS |
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Compliance Checking for OVM Interface OVCs
Compliance Checking for OVM Interface OVCs Sharon Rosenberg Cadence Design Systems September 2009 Introduction As many companies standardize on the Open Verification Methodology OVM they want to answer the question how do we ensure all of our projects are consistently applying the methodology and adhering to it s key guidelines Following standard methodology guidelines results in higher coding efficiency and a consistent user experience for both creating and usi |
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Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data
Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data Structures Ahmed Bouajjani Peter Habermehl Adam Rogalewicz and Tom Vojnar J LIAFA University of Paris 7 Case 7014 2 place Jussieu F 75251 Paris 5 France e mail Ahmed Bouajjani Peter Habermehl liafa jussieu fr 2 FIT Brno University of Technology Bo et chova 2 CZ 61266 Brno Czech Republic e mail rogalew vojnar fit vutbr cz Abstract We consider the verification of non recursive C pr |
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Automated Refinement Checking of Concurrent Systems
Automated Refinement Checking of Concurrent Systems Sudipta Kundu Sorin Lerner and Rajesh Gupta University of California San Diego La Jolla CA 92093 0404 Email skundu lerner rgupta cs ucsd edu Abstract Stepwise refinement is at the core of many approaches to synthesis and optimization of hardware and software systems For instance it can be used to build a synthesis approach for digital circuits from high level specifications It can also be used for post synthes |
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Formal Specification and Static Checking of Gemplus` Electronic
Formal Specification and Static Checking of Gemplus Electronic Purse Using ESC Java N stor Catano and Marieke Huisman INRIA Sophia Antipolis France Nestor Catano Marieke Huisman sophia inria fr Abstract This paper presents a case study in formal specification of smart card programs using ESC Java It discusses an electronic purse application provided by Gemplus that we have annotated with functional specifications i e and postconditions modifies clauses |
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Checking before use
Features of your new air conditioner Contents Cool Summer Offer Safety Precautions saakin 3 On those hot sweltering summer days and long restless Checking before use nights there is no better escape from the heat than the Viewing the parts cool comforts of home Your new air conditioner brings an Cleaning and maintaining the air conditioner end to exhausting hot summer days and lets you rest Beat Troubleshooting the heat with your own air conditioner this su |
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Contactless tool checking system for numeric control
USER MANUAL Manual Code D31029CG00 Contactless tool checking system for numeric control machines VARPOSS MARPOSS CE This product conforms to the requirements of the European Directive 2004 108 CE EMC The following standards have been applied e EN 61326 1 This product is intended for operation in industrial environments it is not intended to be connected to a public mains electricity supply but to a power supply betwork derived from a high or medium volta |
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EM-13, "Checking Drive Belts"
ENGINE SECTION E M ENGINE MECHANICAL CONTENTS VQ40DE AIR CLEANER FILTER c c sssesseeesseeeees 15 Exploded VieW 0 eeeeececeeeenceeeeeeeeneeeeseenaeeeeeeeaaaes 15 PRECAUTION c ccssesesesseseseeeseeseeeneneees 4 Removal and Installation cccccccccsseecssecseeneees 15 PRECAUTIONS cccccceeceeeeeeeceseeeeeenseeneeensenennnas 4 SPARK PLUG ccccccceeecsssseesseeeeeeeeeeeseeeenens 16 Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System |
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Opinion on a Notification for Prior Checking received from
LE CONTR LEUR EUROP EN DE LA PROTECTION DES DONNEES 7 LE TL Avis sur une notification en vue d un contr le pr alable adress e par le D l gu la protection des donn es de l Autorit europ enne de s curit des aliments concernant la gestion des cong s au sein de l EFSA Bruxelles le 1 d cembre 2009 dossier 2009 0455 1 Proc dure Par courrier lectronique re u le 9 juillet 2009 le Contr leur europ en de la protection des donn es a re u |
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AMC - Tool support for automating Model Checking Lifecycle
UNIVERSITAT etsinf POLITECNICA q cola T cnica DE VALENCIA Superior d Enginyeria Inform tica Escola T cnica Superior d Enginyeria Inform tica Universitat Polit cnica de Valencia AMC Tool support for automating Model Checking Lifecycle Proyecto Final de Carrera Ingenier a Superior Inform tica Autor Luis Enrique L pez Pons Director Santiago Escobar Abril 2013 Tool support for automating Model Checking Lifecycle |
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Local Module Checking for CTL Specifications
FESCA 2006 Local Module Checking for CTL Specifications Samik Basu Department of Computer Science Iowa State University Ames USA Partha S Roop Department of Electical and Computer Engineering University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand Roopak Sinha Department of Electical and Computer Engineering University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand Abstract Model checking is a well known technique for the verification of finite state models using temporal |
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A Model Checking Approach to Protocol Conversion
A Model Checking Approach to Protocol Conversion Technical Report No 0000482 Roopak Sinha Partha Roop Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Auckland and Samik Basu Department of Computer Science Iowa State University Iowa STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Computer Science November 2006 2006 All rights reserved Abstract Protocol conversion for mismatched protocols has been addressed in a number of formal and informal settings However |
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procedure for checking fluids (mills)
5 5 5 5 5 50 |
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Master Thesis semanticSBML a Tool for Creating, Checking
Master Thesis semanticSBML a Tool for Creating Checking Annotating and Merging of SBML Documents Falko Krause krause_fQmolgen mpg de February 7 2008 Free University of Berlin Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Bioinformatics Dr Wolfram Liebermeister Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Computational Systems Biology Group Prof Dr Ulf Leser Humboldt University Berlin Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics Abstract The System Biology Ma |
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Checking the Carousel Drive Belt Tension
TL820 Automated Tape Library for DLT Cartridges Field Service Manual EK TL820 SV Revision 02 EK TL820 SV Revision 02 1 1995 Made USA Copyright 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Digital Equipment Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law Digital Equipment Cor |
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Automated Refinement Checking of Concurrent Systems
Automated Refinement Checking of Concurrent Systems Sudipta Kundu Sorin Lerner Rajesh Gupta University of California San Diego La Jolla CA 92093 0404 Email skundu lerner rgupta cs ucsd edu August 2007 Abstract Stepwise refinement is at the core of many approaches to synthesis and optimization of hardware and software systems For instance it can be used to build a synthesis approach for digital circuits from high level specifications It can also be used for |
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A Method of Bounded Model Checking for a Temporal Epistemic
MENG INpI1vipuaL Project REPORT A Method of Bounded Model Checking for a Temporal Epistemic Logic Based on Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams Andrew JoNES avjos doc ic ac uk Department of Computing Imperial College London Supervisor Dr Alessio R Lomuscto alessio doc ic ac uk Second Marker Prof Marek Sercot mjs doc ic ac uk Project ARCHIVE http www doc ic ac uk avjos memas tgz June 16 2009 Abstract Symbolic model checking is a powerful |
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TECH TIP CHECKING VALVE CLEARANCE With 4 Stroke Motocross bikes becoming ever so popular and more common among consumers and as manufactures keep striving to build lighter and faster bikes periodic maintenance becomes more important than ever 4 Stroke motors definitely have a lot more going on and with a ton more moving parts than that of a 2 Stroke Each of those parts can affect the bikes performance in different ways One crucial maintenance item to keep up on one that ma |
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Sixth American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation Control and Human Machine Interface Technologies NPIC amp HMIT 2009 Knoxville Tennessee April 5 9 2009 on CD ROM American Nuclear Society LaGrange Park IL 2009 VERIFICATION OF SAFETY LOGIC DESIGNS BY MODEL CHECKING Kim Bj rkman Juho Frits Janne Valkonen Jussi Lahtinen Keijo Heljanko Ilkka Niemel and Jari J H m l inen Technical Research Cent |
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