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LECTURES ESTIVALES Les biblioth caires vous proposent bibliographie juillet 2015 Biblioth que entr e libre renseignements au 04 78 62 18 00 municipale de Lyon bmabm yon fr Je suis un dragon Pit Agarmen alias Martin Page R Laffont 2014 Martin Page Depuis l enfance Margot per oit en elle quelque chose Pit Agarmen 7 z d inqui tant qui la diff rencie des autres et qu elle ne parvient pas Je suis un dragon Saisir jusqu au jou |
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Remote Lectures - Final Report
Remote Lectures Final Report Marc Mentior June 18 2004 Supervisor Ian Harries Second Marker Iain Phillips Abstract The plan was to produce a system which would allow the remote viewing of lectures and provide facilities to interact with the lecturer Cameras microphones and speaker systems were already in place in several of the lecture theatres and would be used Some systems which implement aspects of the functionality mentioned and a few closed source systems fea |
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maximising dialogue in lectures using group response systems
Accepted for 7 IASTED Internat Conf on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education Hawaii 16 18 August 2004 Also available at www dcs gla ac uk quintin papers cate2004 pdf MAXIMISING DIALOGUE IN LECTURES USING GROUP RESPONSE SYSTEMS Quintin Cutts Gregor Kennedy Dept of Computing Science Biomedical Multimedia Unit University of Melbourne University of Glasgow Scotland Australia quintin dcs gla ac uk gek unimelb edu au Abstract Laurillard sees dialogu |
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Lectures 10 Laptops and Portable Devices
Lectures 10 Laptops and Portable Devices Computer Systems Administration 1E2003 Lecture overview e At the end of lecture 10 students can identify describe and discuss e Laptops and portable devices e Components of a laptop e Laptop components vs Desktop components e Wireless communication for laptops and portable devices e Component selection e Preventive maintenance of laptops e Troubleshooting laptops A ol en Pe Fundamental Laptops and Portable Dev |
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Lectures 9 & 10
CprE 288 Introduction to Embedded Systems Instructors Dr Phillip Jones http class ece iastate edu cpre288 1 Announcement e HW4 due on Tuesday 9 29 e Exam 1 In class Thursday 10 8 e Lab 4 Clock Interrupts Debugging http class ece iastate edu cpre288 3 Interrupt Service Routine Interrupt Hardware may raise interrupt to inform the CPU of exceptional events Timer expires ADC gets new data Anetwork packet arrives Conceptually it |
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