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Muon Decay - Brown University Wiki
BROWN BE PHYSICS Muon Decay Edited 10 2 13 by DGH amp Stephen Albright Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to determine the mean lifetime of the muon A muon is a weakly interacting particle similar to an electron but differing in lepton number and mass roughly 207 times as massive Note This experiment requires long data collection times so start early Also this manual is not intended to be all inclusive You are expected to reference the equipment manuals |
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User Manual for OPENGENIE muon data analysis suite
User Manual for OPENGENIE muon data analysis suite Contents TAT OCU eio NODE 3 boh a AN dg adv adt f tu de 3 Data Q ss Al PIN A oen le nr a 3 Setting the data directory dii ta ei Li 3 Getting the Run information seas 3 3 Converting NeXus files to ascii entender dads 4 a NTN 4 ie 4 Viewing multiple runs gt 4 Viewing data a |
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Boca Research Muon Liquid Handling System None user manual
Muon Liquid Handling System User Guide C Johnson S P Cottrell et al Version 0 2 Contents 1 Getting Started 3 1 1 Layout of the liquid handling system 3 1 2 Layout of the in situ sample stick 4 1 3 Layout of the pump 4 2 General procedures 6 2 1 Sample loading 6 2 1 1 Loading Vessel 1 6 2 1 2 Loading Vessel 2 6 2 2 Evacuation of the system 6 2 2 1 Removing air from Vessel 1 7 2 2 2 Removing air from Vessel 2 7 2 2 |
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User Manual for OPENGENIE muon data analysis suite
User Manual for OPENGENIE muon data analysis suite Contents TAT OCU eio NODE 3 boh a AN dg adv adt f tu de 3 Data Q ss Al PIN A oen le nr a 3 Setting the data directory dii ta ei Li 3 Getting the Run information seas 3 3 Converting NeXus files to ascii entender dads 4 a NTN 4 ie 4 Viewing multiple runs gt 4 Viewing data a |
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QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Muon Detector Assembly Instructions for
QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Muon Detector Assembly Instructions for Series 6000 DAQ Version 2 8 Date 7 May 2009 Please send comments to rspete fnal gov Read Me First Document Purpose How to build a cosmic ray muon detector CRMD from components and enable raw data flowing into a capture file Not Covered Configuring CRMD data rate plateauing individual counters details of serial communication application hyperterm or Zterm These details are covered in the |
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Extending Forth in a Camac Controlled Muon Channel
Extending Forth in a Camac Controlled Muon Channel Robbie Spruit TRIUMF Vancouver B C Canada V6T 2A3 Abstract Contro and diagnostic software was developed for a recently commissioned muon channel at TRIUMF Logistics gave rise to separate efforts in several programming languages This paper describes the Forth diagnostic package The choice of programming language is discussed briefly Several extensions to Forth and their usage are shown in the framework of a detaile |
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TeachSpin Muon Physics Manual
Instruments Designed for Teaching MUON PHYSICS MP1 A USER S MANUAL 4 A Product of TeachSpin Inc Written by Thomas Coan amp Jingbo Ye Southern Methodist University TeachSpin Inc 2495 Main Street Suite 409 Buffalo NY 14214 2153 716 885 4701 or www teachspin com Muon Physics T E Coan and J Ye v090505 0 Contents INTRODUCTION ze ine namen iii c 3 OUR MUON SOURCE aca AA er 3 MUON DECAY TIME DIST |
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Muon HV Recipe Creator User`s Manual V1.0 May 12, 2011
Muon HV Recipe Creator User s Manual ee 1 0 D le May 12 2011 G Passaleva Table of contents 1 2 3 4 D 6 T 8 Introduction Recipe Creator panel overview Accessing the Recipe Creator module Create or modify the global settings Load recipe values from existing sources Show loaded recipe values Compare two recipes Modify single channel settings Create a new recipe Show the new recipe Check the changes applied to the new recipe Compa |
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