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HSPA+: Evolução do Release 7 Para Banda Larga Móvel
Teleco FiTec Intelig ncia em Telecomunica es Inova es Tecnol g icas HSPA Evolu o do Release 7 Para Banda Larga M vel As operadoras UMTS est o lan ando rapidamente o High Speed Packet Access HSPA para capitalizar a capacidade de banda larga m vel e a alta capacidade de dados do HSPA Como uma evolu o natural o HSPA aumenta ainda mais o desempenho e as funcionalidades do HSPA O HSPA tinha com objetivo estar dispon vel comercialmente em 2008 atrav s |
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Tel 1 717 767 6511 Fax 1 717 764 0839 www redlion net Bulletin No XCHSPA B Drawing No LP0966 Released 04 15 MODEL XCHSPA HSPA CELLULAR MODEM OPTION CARD FOR DATA STATION PLUS MODULAR CONTROLLER AND PTV GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XCHSPA option card allows the user to add HSPA cellular modem capability to their Data Station Plus Modular Controller Master or PTV The cellular standard adopted in this option card is HSPA with fallback capability to 3G and 2 |
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Mobile Voice HSPA+ Broadband 11n Wireless Router
NETGEAR Mobile Voice HSPA Broadband 11n Wireless Router MVBR1210C User Manual ENGLISH Routeur sans fil 11n HSPA et a haut d bit vocales mobile MVBR1210C Guide de l utilisateur FRANCAIS Sa USA December 2011 Routeur sans fil 11n HSPA et haut d bit vocales mobile MVBR1210C 2011 NETGEAR Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced transmitted transcribed stored in a retrieval system or translated into an |
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K83 3GPP FDD, HSPA/HSPA+, Enhanced BS
R amp S SMW K42 K83 3GPP FDD incl enhanced MS BS tests HSPA HSPA User Manual Id 1175 6690 02 07 E o e E 5 2 e bg eG bz 2 2 o Ee N o EE This document describes the following software options R amp S SMW K42 K83 1413 3784 xx 1413 4580 xx This manual describes firmware version FW 3 20 324 xx and later of the R amp S SMW200A 2015 Rohde amp Schwarz GmbH amp Co KG M hldorfstr 15 81671 M nchen Germany Phone |
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OnCell G3111/G3151-HSPA Series Quick Installation Guide
MOXA OnCell G3111 G3151 HSPA Series Quick Installation Guide First Edition September 2013 1 Overview The OnCell G3111 G3151 HSPA are cellular IP gateways that can conveniently and transparently connect your devices to a 3G cellular network allowing you to connect to your existing Ethernet and serial devices with only basic configuration With the integrated GuaranLink feature you can be confident that your device will always stay connected and recover from any unexp |
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Owner`s Manual FSW-20/FreshSpa Warm
Worondell a better bathroom exp FreshSpa A dual temperature bidet bid con temperatura doble bidet double temp rature Owner s Manual FSW 20 FreshSpa Warm MANUAL DEL PROPIETARIO GUIDE D UTILISATION FreshSr PR dual temperature bidet Table of Contents Product Features Parts List Configuration Installation Operation Maintenance Warranty Contact Wborondell a better bathroom experience FreshS dual are bidet FreshSpa Warm Featur |
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ZTE K3570-Z HSPA USB Modem
ZTE CORPORATION NO 55 Hi tech Road South ShenZhen P R China Postcode 518057 Tel 86 755 26779999 URL http www zte com cn E mail mobile zte com cn ZTE K3570 Z HSPA USB Modem Quick Guide LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright 2011 ZTE CORPORATION All rights reserved No part of this publication may be excerpted reproduced translated or utilized in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and microfilm without the prior |
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Sierra Wireless Airlink Raven XE HSPA User guide
Quick Start 20080617 Rev 1 0D qay _a SIERRA WIRELESS HEART OF THE WIRELESS MAC HIN E Activating your Raven XE e Installing the SIM e Configuring the APN e Hardware Installation e Indicator Lights Rev 1 0D Jul 09 This Quick Start guide provides step by step directions for activating your Raven XE on your cellular providers network Tip For additional configuration options refer to the User Guide for your Raven XE Installing the SIM The Sub |
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MODEM USB LTE LU11 Manual do Usu rio Tabela de Conte do Manual do Usu rio ser rerereeseneesensesensesensesencesensesensesensesensesensa 1 V INtrOdU O ssssssssssssscssssosssssssssscsssssssssossssassssassssassssssssssssssssssssssssssssisssssssssisi 3 2 Instala o SEPETE EEE 5 3 Descri o da interface do cliente ssesessesessescosescesereessrcessrcessreersseese 6 4 Conex o Bs SIMIS POE ERUREEEEE REU EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEUE con ar an |
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Techspan Extruder Welder model "micro" Operating Instructions
TECHSPAN Operating Instructions MICRO Techspan Extruder Welder model micro rating Instruction 28 TECHSPAN Operating Instructions MICRO Article No Machine DX283 Micro Machine No Required mains power 230 V 50 60 Hz Overall power consumption 1500 W These operating instructions including all texts drawings and appendices contained herein are copyrighted by DOHLE Extrusionstechnik GmbH Any reproduc |
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HSPA910CF User Manual - Janus Remote Communications
HSPA910CF Terminus Plug In Products User Manual JANUS REMOTE C MMUNICATI NS au Date 28 Aug 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS and DISCLAIMER i rurisusera sen stuciscecnasnswicn iden saben ccadtasadvacnd edesmncnuread tines nd ns atuns demie cette dene in cents 2 I APPLICABILITN TABLES Sn ccs A e EAE sagan EAE ss suutedat tcavaudestysdestidest sss chapteviatunvensastarvietager des 3 2 REFERENCES s 22 teen aa A sets aesnn rE ennemies lala hiner em |
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LS300G-EU GSM/GPRS/EDGE/HSPA+ sierra Wireless Cellular
IVANVIA JASA f CAMPBELL LT SCIENTIFIC WHEN MEASUREMENTS MATTER LS300G EU GSM GPRS EDGE HSPA Sierra Wireless Cellular Modem Issued 23 11 15 Copyright 2014 2015 Campbell Scientific Inc Printed under licence by Campbell Scientific Ltd CSL 1082 Guarantee This equipment is guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship We will repair or replace products which prove to be defective during the guarantee period as detailed on your invoice provided |
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HSPA910CF v2.0 User Manual - Janus Remote Communications
HSPA910CF v2 0 Terminus Plug In Products User Manual JANUS REMOTE C MMUNICATI NS Bulletin JA03 UM HSPA v2 0 Revision POO Date 30 Sept 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS and DISCLAIMER i isecacnaccsdssvcdsvestocs stuciacecnssnswicn ives cubes ecadtasadvacnd edesmncauread tines aE Sanaa NEETA EK ENESE 2 DAP RUNG ABI TY TABUE esiseina A e EAEE staan A Ea aA e e a TA ae TE des 3 2 REFERENCES ravarai A A O A rE ala hie aera emis 3 2 1 Telit Doc me |
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EP RACOM RADIO DATA NETWORKS Operating manual GPRS UMTS HSPA LTE router 1 8 12 7 2015 RACOM s r o Mirova 1283 59231 Nove Mesto na Morave Czech Republic Tel 420 565 659 511 Fax 420 565 659 512 E mail racom racom eu Table of Contents IMPOrANUINOUCE4 3A AR eA AA Ae A Nee Ae A he a ieee inde ee Non Loa Getting started ssoi sedan vy case LG a Sek cea ac eee ed cand cele ees Las as eed cada cena vd dea KA cece ee eee TMI DGE AO E is A A A |
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3GPP FDD incl. enh. MS/BS tests, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA+
3GPP FDD incl enh MS BS tests HSDPA HSUPA HSPA Digital Standard for R amp S Signal Generators Operating Manual 1171 5219 12 16 CE e T 2 D 3 LO D qv Cc ab 3 og Q O ab E This document describes the following software options e R amp S AMU K42 K43 K45 K59 1402 6206 02 1402 6306 02 1402 8909 02 1403 0053 02 e R amp S SMATE K42 K43 K45 K59 1404 5207 02 1404 5307 02 1404 7300 02 1415 1320 02 e R amp SYSMBV K42 K |
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Dell Wireless 5540 HSPA Mobile Broadband Mini
Dell Wireless 5540 HSPA Mobile Broadband Mini Card User s Guide Introduction Technical Specifications Regulatory Notes Notices and Cautions K NOTE A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer NOTICE A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem A CAUTION A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage personal injury or death Export Regulations |
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HSPA WIFI ROUTER NETCOMM LIBERTY SERIES NEILL NEICOMM Preface The purpose of this manual is to provide you with detailed information on the installation operation and application of your HSPA WiFi Router Important Notice and Safety Precaution Before servicing or disassembling this equipment always disconnect all power or telephone lines from the device e Use an appropriate power supply preferably the supplied power adapter with an output of DC 12V 1 5A |
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MODEM USB 3G WM31 Manual do Usu rio Tabela de Conte do TINIFOdU O sapiens das DG RESTA 3 2 INStAlA O preside nda CR ga 5 3 Descri o da interface do cliente seem 6 A CONCXAO sina ai di DS Deda D sab nao 10 DL OMS staind DOER ESSO DO q 11 D COMATOS ssa ao A O Land 14 PEStAUSLICA asas sara as RO O Rad E 18 8 Configura esS sais ata odio a Ganda a SDS edad 19 9 SIM TOOL IE prai did a O Ra dd 23 1 Introdu o O produto projetado p |
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OnCell G3111/G3151-HSPA Series User`s Manual
OnCell G3111 G3151 HSPA Series User s Manual First Edition September 2013 www moxa com product 2013 Moxa Inc All rights reserved OnCell G3111 G3151 HSPA Series User s Manual The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agreement Copyright Notice Trademarks 2013 Moxa Inc All rights reserved The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc All other tradem |
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HSPA WIFI ROUTEUR NETCOMM LIBERTY SERIES MEM MEM Pr face L objectif de ce manuel est de vous fournir des informations d taill es sur l installation le fonctionnement et l application de votre HSPA WIFI Routeur Avis important et pr caution de s curit e Avant l entretien ou le d montage de cet appareil faudra toujours d brancher toutes les sources d alimentation ou lignes t l phoniques du dispositif e Utiliser une alimentation lectrique appr |
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