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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp information science MSc in ELECTRONICS DIGITAL SYSTEMS Project Report A FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM FOR INTERACTIVE ROBOTS Gulwinder Singh April 2003 I certify that the work submitted is my own and that any material derived or quoted from the published or unpublished work of other persons has been duly acknowledged ref UPR 17 1 section on cheating and plagiarism KEE E EE 5 ABSTRACT This |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY Project Report INTERACTIVE DJ TUTOR David Robinson Abstract This report is written to cover the various stages throughout the creation of the interactive DJ tutor software tool It is written to encompass everything from problem analysis through design implementation testing and conclusion It will include a definition of the |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Science BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DEGREE DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY Project Report COMPREHENSIVE TELXON TRAINING GUIDE Prakash Anda May 2003 Comprehensive Telxon Training Guide ABSTRACT Comprehensive Telxon Training Guide has been developed for ASDA Stores The report documents the development stages to create the successful project At present Asda currently u |
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CONTENTS - Introduction - University of Hertfordshire
CONTENTS CONTENT Ss EE E ES 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sivad di UN 3 ABS LRA CT nta Ra ARA E Yo 4 LE INTRO KICHE Eeer 5 1 1 Chapter REN E E in E 5 1 2 Profeco IN E 5 1 3 Project Aims Tee Deele 5 1 4 o AAA O Ee 6 20 BASICTHEORY OF ECHO cursis Arda 7 2l Chapter Overview cyt ola di e GE 7 22 Whats Echo sai at 7 2 2 1 Acoustic Echo EE o a 7 2 2 2 MI A ae at aoe E 8 23 Echo Cancellation sorset N A aan ia a a a s 8 2 3 1 Echo Stppressets bcn 9 232 Adaptive Filter Echo Camco nl |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Science MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN EMBEDED INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM Project Report INVERTED PENDULUM WITH ANFIS CONTROLLER Ye Zhang August 2005 DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that the work submitted is my own and that any material derived or q oted from the published on unpublished work of other person has been duly acknowledged ref UPR AS C 6 1 Appendix I Section 2 Sec |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Science BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY Project Report Big Dave s Little Trains A Virtual Control System for a Model Railway David Herridge April 2004 Abstract Currently the Model Railway industry is arather backward type of cottage industry that needs bringing up to date This project outlines a new method of controlling a model railway that will bring this outdated ind |
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University of Hertfordshire
MC68000 To Bluetooth Abstract This report investigates on the functionality of MC68000 microprocessor flight board as a medium of system control The system will able to generate a wireless connection environment for data transferring with the use of BluewavesRS232 PCB DCE Terminal evaluation kit with Bluetooth utility and thus to interface with a host computer for communication purpose In general this report discusses the following areas L 2 3 4 |
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UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Science BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING DEGREE DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Project Report SPEAKER RECOGNITION FOR ACCESS CONTROL George Koutsis April 2002 ABSTRACT A User Interface Program was created to join the Smart Card Verification program with the Speaker Recognition Details on what 1s a smartcard and how 1t works can be found in the report as well as how the interface program |
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StudyNET: Student Tutorial - University of Hertfordshire
Uh de UI StudyNet User Manual V2 Learning Technology Development Unit LTDU Learning and Information Services University of Hertfordshire StudyNET Student Tutorial h de 11 About This Manual The aim of this manual is to introduce staff and students to StudyNet the University of Hertfordshire s Managed Learning Environment MLE If you re new to StudyNet you should work through the exercises in the order given If you need help with any aspec |
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InvertFlex User Manual ver 2.0
FLEXSTON SIMPLICITY IS THE ULTIMATE SOPHISTICATION InvertFlex 1K 2K 3K 5K Table of Contents ABOUT THIS MANUAL crisissen aaa aaia aaia 1 o A AS 1 Ag ecient ut casi ene ee enema E cee tee 1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS iaa 1 INTRODUCTION ui ao 2 CIOS ias a sola ciaci n 2 BASE SV SECM eI Ce UU ota 2 PROGUCE OVEIVICW ti 3 INSTALLATION Ga 4 URDaCKNG and IMSPecuO Msi a nee meas 4 Preparation A ida 4 Ms Me Cae Ig cetera cetera ES EDR Oe ee Ree ee on ener 4 Banen CONNECCION |
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ERTF - Losail International Circuit
MEMO GPS UNIK II RALLY RAID VERSION 2014 GPS activation O The bell satellites non reception indicator Appears during a few minutes at the power on If it still appears check if the antenna and its cable are connected and not damaged On Off Put on the light by SET then LIGHT Day code 4 digit code given during the briefing and displayed every evening at the bivouac Load the wpt for the next leg To enter the code push on the COD key from INI NAV |
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University of Hertfordshire
Microcontroller based directional transducer for child location UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Sciences BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING PR Project Report MICROCONTROLLER BASED DIRECTIONAL TRANSDUCER FOR CHILD LOCATION Clement Yuk Leen Pang April 2003 Microcontroller based directional transducer for child location Microc |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering amp Information Science BATCHELOR OF ENGINEERING DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Project Report Dual processor shared memory 68000 system Darren Lee Witts April 2003 Darren Witts BEng hons Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2003 1 Abstract This report is a detailed description of the work carried out in order to develop a prototype of a shared memory module that is compatible |
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University of Hertfordshire
UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Faculty of Engineering and Information Science BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE DEGREE DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY amp DIGITAL BROADCASTING Project Report INTERACTIVE OSCILLOSCOPE TRAINING PACKAGE Saijal Patel April 2004 Abstract The report discusses and provides in depth detailed documentation of the work catried out to create a suitable visual training package to introduce an oscilloscope The purpose of creating thi |
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