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IEA-DHC, Annex X Summary Final Report Universal Calculation
w IEADHC CHP IEA DHC Annex X Summary Final Report Universal Calculation Model Tool Date 2014 09 10 Authors Maria Justo Alonso Frode Frydenlund and Jacob Stang w IEA DHC Annex X User Manual UMC Tool IEADHC CHP This page is empty on purpose w IEA DHC Annex X User Manual UMC Tool Pe OSIENE Contents O16 q 219 ee eee eee ene eee ee ae ee ee eee 3 SUTIN SS ORR A a cas estes qe EE A E cx poedec se EE E E E 4 Universal Calculation Model Too |
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Annexxus 516 Encoder User Manual
INTERNATIONAL AN N EX X US ANNEXXUS Ax516 USER GUIDE Rev 1 01 Rev 150705 2013 i3 International Inc The contents of this user manual are protected under copyright and computer program laws Annexxus 516 Encoder User Manual Table of Contents NOOO sia as a ii ca dd 4 A oar re oo Po A EA OT Oc IO OOP IO A ETE AT EET E S ETS D A a a a R D EOE eS A EN D Installation Requirements and RECOMMENCATIONS ccccecccesccesecesecesceeseceseseseseseeseses |
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Contrat registraire Annexe 1 Contrat d`interface
ANNEXE 1 Contrat d interface pour l enregistrement et la gestion des noms de domaine qui d pendent du domaine ch et li conclu entre SWITCH Werdstrasse 2 8021 Zurich Suisse ci apr s registre et Partie2 Personne de contact Rue NPA Lieu Pays ci apr s partenaire contractuel Pr ambule Le registre a t mandat par l Office f d ral de la communication pour agir en tant que registre pour les noms de domaine qui d pendent du domaine ch et par |
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Annex C Official Observer & Pilot Guide - GFAC HOME
F d ration A ronautique Internationale Maison du Sport International Av de Rhodanie 54 CH 1007 Lausanne Switzerland T l 41 0 21 345 10 70 Fax 41 0 21 345 10 77 E mail info fai org Web www fai org Section 3 Gliding Annex C Official Observer amp Pilot Guide 2015 Edition valid from 1 October 2015 FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE MSI Avenue de Rhodanie 54 CH 1007 Lausanne Switzerland Copyright 2015 All rights r |
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Annexure-I (A Government of India Enterprise
Annexure l OIL INDIA LIMITED A Government of India Enterprise P O Duliajan 786602 Assam India FAX 91 0374 2800533 E mail material oilindia in OIL INDIA LIMITED invites Indigenous Competitive Bid e tenders through its e Procurement portal for following e tender E Tender No B C Date Material Description amp Quantity SDI3784P15 Dated 03 06 2014 03 07 2014 CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR OIL SINGLE STAGE TWO BID SYSTEM INDIA LTD DULIAJAN |
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Annexe au manuel d`utilisation Vidéo écho
HOYA CORPORATION DE NTAX PENTAX Life Care Division Medical Instrument SBU Quality Assurance Department Mesure corrective Annexe au manuel d utilisation pour un usage appropri des accessoires endoscopiques avec Le vid o cho endoscope PENTAX EG 3870UTK 27 avril 2012 Adresse du client l attention du Responsable Qualit des dispositifs M dicaux Urgent Mesure corrective pour dispositif m dical Cher client PENTAX met en uvre une mesure corrective |
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INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION S s XN SL IMO SUB COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF STW 36 3 1 TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING 12 August 2004 36th session Original ENGLISH Agenda item 3 VALIDATION OF MODEL TRAINING COURSES Model course Operational use of IBS Note by the Secretariat SUMMARY Executive summary This document provides a draft model course on training in Integrated Bridge Systems IBS Action to be taken Paragraph 6 Related documents MSC 50 27 S |
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Annexure-A Specification.xlsx
SITC of equipment part A Medical equipments and Part B Medical furnitures at emergency medical services casuality department in JIPMER Puducherry PART A MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS DepartmentsiNo EmipmetSNo a O O Biomedical Asset Nor LL quantity Smieiems OOOO SL NO SPECIFICATION Ere m 1 Hrechnical Specifications 1 Defibrilator shouid be Bi Phasic ight weight and atest model 2 heudmonterv |
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Manuel d utilisateur POD 010 040 POD 010 070 oBicie t l ec ar Vor ser n it Dage 2 AY inter P Fermer f Cin tique incluses Spectrophotom tre didactique sup rieur j y fi j f d H f d j d k i 4 E f A i y d Y 7 D o de dd 0 p t r o n i q u e SPID POD 010 040 POD 010 070 Spectrophotom tre didactique Pour trouver toutes les informations des exemp |
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Annexure-I - Oil India Limited
Annexure I OIL INDIA LIMITED Oo A Government of India Enterprise P O Duliajan 786602 Assam India FAX 91 0374 2800533 E mail material oilindia in OIL INDIA LIMITED invites Indigenous Competitive Bid e tenders through its e Procurement portal https etender srm oilindia in sap bc gui sap its bbpstart for following e tender E Tender No B C Date Material Description amp Quantity SDI2089P 14 Dtd 20 12 2013 SINGLE STAGE TWO BID SYSTEM 27 0 |
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Gal o 9050 Au france telecom Tr s cher client Nous vous remercions d avoir choisi un t l copieur France Telecom Nous vous souhaitons un bon travail avec votre nouveau t l copieur laser Votre appareil vous permet de faxer de t l phoner d envoyer et de recevoir des messages SMS ainsi que de photocopier Cet appareil imprime sur du papier copieur et du papier normal Votre appareil utilise une technologie laser ultramoder ne La cartouche de d marrage l |
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Maxi-Cosi FERO - ANNEXE 7 Technical data
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Annex 09 - Medical Equipment for Health Infrastructure repairs
Annex 09 Medical Equipment for Health Infrastructure repairs Code No Total PCI Motherboard Pentium II 400 Mhz Intel 64 Mbytes RAM Over 4 Gbytes HD 3 5 drive 36X CD drive Multimedia SVGA 4 Mbytes video RAM card and Monitor Acer 15 MS Mouse standard 104Key 02 09 00001 Lu L A Keyboard and minitower case corrected description Computer and should be supplied with mouse pad screen filter 10X10 Box of floppy disks SONY and Windows98 Office97 last v |
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Annex I to contract - Technical Specifications
EUROPEAN CONMNISSION E Ref Ares 2014 3134831 24 09 2014 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE fea Institute for Energy and Transport Energy Security Unit ANNEX I NL Petten Supply installation and maintenance of a 75kKW 150kWh battery storage system for grid connected and island operation at the JRC IET JRC PTT 2014 F 3 0088 OC OJ 2014 S 183 322139 of 12 09 2014 Technical Specifications 1 INTRODUCTION The Institute for Energy and Transport IET is one of th |
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GRILLE DE QUESTIONNEMENT ET D INDICATEURS Octobre DE L OUTIL GES SCOT 2012 Evaluation des Emissions de Gaz Effet de Serre des SCoT L outil GES SCoT d velopp par le CERTU et l ADEME la demande de la DGALN est un outil de comparaison de diff rents sc narios d am nagement du territoire qui se base sur l valuation des missions de GES dans les secteurs sur lesquels le SCoT dispose de leviers d action en mati re d att nuation Bien que cet outil soit des |
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ANNEXURE B TECHNICALS SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENTS amp ITEMS FOR DISTRICT HOSPITAL I IMAGING EQUIPMENT S District Headquarters Hospital No Name of the Equipment 201 300 bedded 1 500 M A X ray machine 1 Dental X ray machine 1 Ultra Sonogram Obs amp Gyne department should be having a separate ultra 3 sound machine ofits own 2 1 4 Echocardiogram 1 I IMAGING EQUIPMENT 1 Required Specification 500 M A X ra |
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Annexe 1
PLAN D APPUI SCIENTIFIQUE A UNE POLITIQUE DE D VELOPPEMENT DURABLE PADD Il Partie 1 Modes de production et de consommation durables Annexe 1 Focus Group RE D TERMINATION DE PROFILS DE M NAGES POUR UNE UTILISATION PLUS RATIONNELLE DE L NERGIE Gr goire Wallenborn CEDD IGEAT ULB Catherine Rousseau H l ne Aupaix CRIOC Karine Thollier Pascal Simus ICEDD Ao t 2006 CRIOC Centre de Recherche et d Information des Organisations de C |
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2. Annexure-B - Specifications
Tender No 29 MPPHSCL 15 16 MCH Equip RC LIST1 Contents Tender No 29 MPPHSCL 15 16 MCH Equip RC LIST1 Contents A List 1 MCH 15 16 Annexure B Sr No Equipment description for Maternal Health amp Child Health Tentative Estimated Page Cost Value Pediatric Maternity annexure Annexure PICU SNCU Ward Wing 2 3 Total in Rs 1 15 15 0 8 53 0 91 20000 2 Bed Side Locker SS with keys 20 20 0 300 1424 0 1764 |
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ANNEXE 1 : Manuel d`utilisation
ANNEXE 2 Questionnaire original MILD Moniteur de politique int gr e locale en mati re de drogue Questionnaire personnes cl s DONN ES D IDENTIFICATION DU R PONDANT POURQUOI CE QUESTIONNAIRE Le questionnaire que vous allez remplir fait partie int grante de la recherche MILD Moniteur de politique int gr e et locale en mati re de drogue financ e par la Politique Scientifique F d rale Cette recherche est coordonn e par le Prof Dr B DE RUYVER et e |
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Annex 4-12 for units without controllers-version 2 01 04
I systema August 2014 Annex 4 12 for the User Manual ts ing uni Air handl Danvent DV without control system Version 2 01 04 Master |
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